Chapter 36: Preparations in the City

At the entrance of the majestic City of Tiandou, a long line of carriages patiently waited for their turn to enter. Among them, the group of Xue Sha stood out, whose carriages, though modest compared to those of the nobles, maintained a discreet elegance.

The driver of the first carriage, a middle-aged man with an upright and confident posture, descended and approached the guards guarding the entrance. "I serve a Duke of the Kingdom of Silver," he announced firmly. "How much will it cost us to enter?"

One of the guards, a young man with a serious expression, was about to respond when his superior, a higher-ranking man with more elaborate armor, patted him on the shoulder, interrupting him. "The entrance fee, due to the auction that will be held in a few days, is just one gold coin," the captain said with a cunning smile.

The driver, looking satisfied, took a gold coin from his pocket and handed it to the captain. Then, he returned to the carriage and, with a gesture of his hand, signaled the horses to move forward. The carriage entered the city with the other carriages following without further delay.

Once the carriages had passed, the lower-ranking guard turned to his superior with a confused expression. "But Captain, why did you charge him so little? Isn't the entrance fee supposed to be based on the goods they carry and the quantity?"

The captain, with an exasperated expression, gave him a slap on the back of the head so hard that the young guard almost lost his balance. "Idiot! If you want to die, don't take me with you," he snapped. "How dare you ask anything from a Duke? Moreover, if you had paid attention to the crest, you would have seen that it was from Duke Xue, a Level 89 Contra. How dare you want to charge him anything?"

The lower-ranking guard, with a look of hatred and resentment, opened his mouth to retort, but seeing another carriage approaching, decided to remain silent.

Meanwhile, Xue Sha and the others stopped the carriages in front of an inn. Xue Sha, the butler, and Bao Qing descended from the carriages and headed towards the entrance. The inn, with its wooden facade and warm lights, promised a cozy refuge after the long journey.

Upon entering, they approached the counter where a middle-aged man, with a professional smile, greeted them. "Welcome, how can I assist you?" he asked kindly.

The butler, with his elegant demeanor, responded, "We need thirty rooms. Do you have them available?"

The man at the counter frowned slightly as he opened a large registry book. "Let me check," he said, flipping through the pages and reviewing the entries. After a few moments, he looked up with a smile. "You're in luck; we have exactly thirty rooms available."

"Perfect," said the butler. "For three days, how much will it cost?"

The man at the counter made some quick calculations in his mind. "It will be three thousand gold coins per day, which makes a total of nine thousand gold coins for the three days. If you need us to take care of the horses and carriages, it will be an additional thousand gold coins. In total, it will be ten thousand gold coins."

The butler nodded, taking several bags of gold coins from his storage ring. "That's fine. Make sure the horses receive the best care."

"Of course, sir," the man at the counter replied, taking the bag of coins with a bow. "I will assign the best caretakers available. Enjoy your stay!"

With everything arranged, Xue Sha, the butler, and Bao Qing headed towards the stairs, ready to enjoy a well-deserved rest.

The next morning, everyone woke up early and went down to the hotel dining room for breakfast. Xue Sha, Bao Qing, and the butler sat together at a table near a window that let in sunlight, illuminating the room with a warm and welcoming glow. The dining room was decorated with dark wooden furniture and pristine white tablecloths, creating an elegant and tranquil atmosphere.

The three ordered a simple but hearty breakfast: toast, two eggs, and bacon. As they ate with knife and fork, the aroma of freshly brewed tea and the soft conversation of other guests filled the air.

The butler, always impeccably poised, broke the silence. "Young Master," he said, addressing Xue Sha, "after breakfast, we will go to buy supplies. Would you like to come with us?"

Xue Sha wiped his mouth with a linen napkin, swallowed what he had in his mouth, and replied calmly. "I will stay at the hotel meditating. If I get bored, I might go for a walk, but I planned to stay here."

The butler nodded, understanding his young master's need to maintain his meditation routine. Meanwhile, Bao Qing observed the conversation in silence, enjoying his breakfast.

Xue Sha continued speaking, his tone becoming more serious. "By the way, see if you can find out what will be auctioned."

The butler frowned slightly, aware of the difficulty of the task. "I will try, Young Master, but it is almost impossible to find information. After all, this auction is the annual one, not like the monthly or weekly ones where you can always get information about what is being auctioned."

Xue Sha sighed, showing slight frustration. "Well, do your best," he said, his voice reflecting a mix of hope and resignation.

The butler nodded with determination. "I will do my best, Young Master."

As they continued eating, the atmosphere in the hotel dining room remained calm and welcoming. Xue Sha, Bao Qing, and the butler enjoyed their breakfast, occasionally conversing about trivial matters.

Finally, they finished eating. Xue Sha wiped his mouth with a linen napkin and stood up from the table, followed by Bao Qing and the butler. The three headed towards the dining room exit, thanking the hotel staff for the excellent service.

"Young Master, we will see you later," said the butler with a slight bow of his head. "We will go to buy the necessary supplies."

Xue Sha nodded, showing a serene expression. "Alright. I will return to my room to meditate. If you need anything, don't hesitate to find me."

With those words, Xue Sha headed towards the stairs leading to the rooms. He climbed with a calm step, enjoying the silence and peace the hotel offered. Upon reaching his room, he opened the door and entered, closing it softly behind him.

The room was tastefully decorated, with dark wooden furniture and a large, comfortable bed. Xue Sha sat on the floor, crossing his legs in a lotus position. He closed his eyes and began to meditate, letting his mind clear and focus on his breathing.

Meanwhile, the butler and Bao Qing left the hotel and headed towards the bustling city market. The streets of Tiandou were full of activity, with vendors offering their goods and buyers haggling for the best prices. The butler and Bao Qing moved efficiently, buying everything they needed for the group.

The sun shone high, illuminating the city with its warm light. As they moved through the market, the butler couldn't help but think about the task Xue Sha had given him: to find out what would be auctioned at the upcoming annual auction. He knew it would be difficult, but he was determined to do his best.