Chapter 37: The Auction: Part 1

The next day, Xue Sha descended the stairs with a firm step and headed to the hotel lobby. Bao Qing and the butler were sitting on an elegant single-seat sofa, conversing in low voices. Noticing Xue Sha's presence, they quickly stood up and greeted him with a slight bow.

"I see the Young Master," they said in unison, their voices filled with respect.

Xue Sha, with a serene and calculating expression, looked at the butler and asked, "Have you obtained any information about what will be auctioned?"

The butler, with a helpless smile and a slight shrug, shook his head. "I'm sorry, but we haven't managed to get much. The only thing we are sure of is that a soul bone will be auctioned, as they do every year. Other than that, it's a mystery."

Xue Sha nodded slowly, showing understanding. "Alright, it's fine. I've heard that a mask is required to enter, is that true?"

The butler nodded as he took out three masks from his storage ring, his fingers moving deftly. "Actually, it's not mandatory. They are more for when you bid and win something, so that others won't recognize you when you leave."

With an elegant gesture, the butler handed a mask to Xue Sha and another to Bao Qing. The three of them put on their masks, adjusting them carefully to ensure they were well-fitted.

"Let's go," said Xue Sha with determination, his voice firm and resolute.

And so, they left the hotel, ready to face whatever the auction had in store for them, their hearts beating with anticipation.

As they walked towards a building in the distance with a hammer on top, the symbol of the auction house, the city began to awaken with the first rays of the sun. The dawn bathed the streets of Tiandou in a golden light, creating a magical and serene atmosphere.

The morning bustle filled the air. Bakers were already busy, pulling freshly baked bread from the ovens, the aroma mingling with the fresh morning air. Street vendors began setting up their stalls, offering everything from fresh fruits to local crafts.

In one corner, a group of people was barbecuing, the smoke and smell of grilled meat filling the air. Further ahead, another group was cooking octopus in large cauldrons, the salty, marine aroma wafting through the street. As they passed by, Xue Sha covered his nose with a grimace of disgust; clearly, he didn't like the smell.

"I've always found the smell of octopus unbearable," commented Xue Sha, trying not to breathe deeply.

Bao Qing smiled slightly. "It's an acquired taste, Young Master. Not everyone enjoys it."

The butler, always attentive, added, "Fortunately, we won't have to endure it for long. The auction house is near."

As they advanced, the urban landscape became more lively. Children ran through the streets, playing and laughing, while adults hurried to start their workday. Merchants shouted their offers, trying to attract the first customers of the day.

Finally, they arrived and crossed the entrance, feeling a light breeze carrying the scent of nearby flowers. As they crossed the threshold, they found themselves on a path that branched in three directions: one straight ahead leading directly to the auction house, and two more that made a semicircle, one to the right and one to the left, surrounded by lush vegetation.

The path was flanked by tall trees whose leaves whispered in the wind, creating an atmosphere of mystery and anticipation. As they advanced, the sound of their steps on the gravel mixed with the singing of birds hidden among the branches.

The auction house stood majestically at the end of the path, its unusual structure capturing everyone's attention. It looked like an upside-down bowl, with a golden hammer on top that gleamed in the sunlight. The facade was adorned with intricate architectural details that reflected the importance and prestige of the place.

There was a steady flow of people entering, all showing their cards to a woman dressed in an elegant black and silver dress. Her large black glasses gave her an air of mystery and authority. She examined each card carefully before allowing entry.

When it was Xue Sha's turn, he took out his red card with a confident movement. The woman, seeing the card, looked up and her eyes briefly lit up behind her glasses. With a respectful bow, she made an elegant gesture with her hand, inviting them to enter.

Upon entering, they headed towards a man in a pristine uniform. As they approached, Xue Sha showed his red card and said firmly, "This is my first time at an auction."

The man, with a professional gesture, put on his glasses and responded, "Please wait a moment, guest." He then signaled to a girl nearby. She wore high heels, elegant stockings, a short black dress that highlighted her figure, and glasses that gave her a sophisticated air.

The man whispered something in the girl's ear, who nodded with a professional smile and approached Xue Sha. She bowed slightly and said in a soft voice, "Please follow me, honored guests." Xue Sha, Bao Qing, and the butler followed her, their steps echoing on the marble floor.

The girl led them through a wide corridor decorated with artworks and exotic plants, until they reached the auction hall. This place was impressive, with two floors full of luxurious details. On the first floor, the seats were arranged in a semicircle, from the farthest to the closest to the stage. There were white chairs, yellow armchairs, purple armchairs, and in the front row, black leather sofas.

The woman led them to the second floor, where there were private rooms with red doors. Upon entering one of them, they found an opulent space that offered a perfect view of the auction stage. The rooms were very luxurious, equipped with several sofas, marble tables, canopy beds, and other amenities. There were also several additional rooms for more privacy.

Xue Sha sat on a velvet sofa, while Bao Qing and the butler stood behind him, attentive to any need. The girl bowed slightly and asked politely, "Do you need anything, sir?"

Xue Sha responded calmly, "For now, there's no need for anything. You can stay outside. By the way, how long until the auction starts?"

The girl checked a small wristwatch and replied, "Fifteen minutes. If you need anything, I'll be outside or you can ring the bell and I'll come in." She bowed again and left the room, closing the door softly.