Chapter 47: The Assault on the Bandits' Cave: Part 2

Just then, from a nearby cave, an angry shout rang out: "Who dares to challenge me in my own territory?!"

From the shadows emerged an old bandit, whose presence commanded respect and fear. His figure was tall and hunched, but his posture still showed latent strength. His face, weathered by years and battles, was marked by deep scars, and a gray, unkempt beard framed his jaw. His eyes, a steely gray, shone with contained fury and unbreakable determination.

The bandit wore a tattered and patched leather tunic, with multiple layers of dark fabric that allowed him to move with agility and stealth. A wide leather belt, adorned with buckles and pouches, encircled his waist, and from it hung several weapons: sharp daggers, a short sword, and a leather pouch that seemed to contain some kind of powder or poison. His boots, also made of leather, were worn from use but still robust and functional.

As he emerged from the cave, the old bandit cast a furious glance directly at Bao Qing. His eyes narrowed, and his lips curled into a sneer of contempt.

"You! How dare you invade my domain and challenge my authority?!"

The tension in the air was palpable as the old bandit took a few steps forward, his movements slow but laden with latent threat. Eight spirit rings appeared at his feet; although they were not the best configuration, their presence commanded respect. Bao Qing watched him vigilantly, aware of the threat he posed. Behind the bandit leader, a dark-furred wolf with gleaming eyes emerged, reflecting unparalleled ferocity.

The bandit leader approached the edge of the cliff overlooking the valley, right in front of his cave. With a decisive movement, he activated his seventh ring, which emitted a black and ominous glow, like the shadow of death itself. As he reached the edge, his body began to transform, growing and changing shape until he became a gigantic wolf, 50 meters long and 20 meters tall.

The giant wolf, with fur as black as night and eyes as red as fire, was a terrifying sight. His sharp fangs gleamed under the sunlight, and his claws, as large as swords, dug into the ground with immense force. Each step he took made the ground tremble, and his presence seemed to absorb the light, plunging the surroundings into an unsettling gloom.

The bandit leader, now in his colossal wolf form, lifted his head to the sky and howled with a power that resonated throughout the valley. The sound was so deafening that the rocks trembled and the nearby trees bent, as if nature itself submitted to his will.

When the giant wolf stopped, his red eyes fixed on Bao Qing with deadly intensity. Without warning, the wolf began to fly towards Bao Qing, his enormous front paws extended and his fangs gleaming under the sunlight.

The fight between the wolf and the eagle was an impressive spectacle. The wolf launched swipes and bites with immense force, while the eagle dodged with agility, diving and attacking with its sharp claws. Every time the wolf tried to catch the eagle, it quickly soared, leaving the wolf growling in frustration. The eagle, for its part, took every opportunity to attack the wolf's vulnerable points, seeking to weaken him little by little.

"You won't escape me, intruder!" roared the wolf, his voice thundering.

"We'll see if you can catch me, old dog!" replied Bao Qing, his voice cutting through the air like a knife.

As the aerial battle continued, about 15 people began to emerge from the other caves, each with an imposing presence. Behind each of them, another 10 or so emerged, forming a considerable army. The mountain filled with movement and noise as the bandits ran down towards Xue Sha and his followers.

It was a spectacle of colors, with each person displaying several spirit rings at their feet. The first 15 leading the charge had between 5 and 6 rings, and of those 15, 4 stood out with 7 rings, emitting a glow that reflected their power and experience. The rings shone in a variety of colors, from white and yellow to purple and black, creating a rainbow of spiritual energy that illuminated the descent.

"Prepare for battle!" shouted Xue Sha, his voice firm and determined. "We won't let these bandits intimidate us!"

Xue Sha and his followers prepared for the imminent confrontation, aware that they were about to face a formidable force. The tension in the air was palpable, and the sound of footsteps resonated like a war drum, marking the rhythm of the battle that was about to begin.

"For glory and honor!" shouted one of Xue Sha's followers, raising his martial spirit, a spear, to the sky.

"For the Young Master!" responded another, his eyes filled with determination.

At that moment, Xue Sha's followers who had not yet summoned their martial spirit did so. It was an even more impressive spectacle of colors, with each of them displaying a minimum of five spirit rings. Half of them had six rings, and the butler, although only a six-ring Spirit Emperor, emanated a pressure comparable to Bao Qing's.

Among the most notable Martial Spirits were three imposing figures. The first was a robust man with a boar as his martial spirit. The boar had sharp tusks and thick, dark skin, reflecting brute strength and unbreakable resilience. His eyes shone with fierce intelligence, and every movement of his legs seemed to shake the ground.

The second was an elegant man with a scepter as his martial spirit. The scepter was adorned with bright gems and emitted a golden glow. At its upper end, a crystal sphere contained pulsating energy that seemed to resonate with the power of the earth itself.

The third was a young man with an unusual martial spirit: a baozi, a Chinese food item quick to eat with hands. This baozi was not a simple snack; it was wrapped in spiritual energy that made it float and spin in the air. Its white, soft surface emitted a delicious aroma, and its interior seemed to glow with a warm and comforting light. Despite its harmless appearance, the baozi had, among other things, the ability to regenerate energy and heal wounds, making it an invaluable ally in battle.

Xue Sha gave his orders with clarity and determination, like an experienced commander. "Team 1 and 2, prepare for combat. Team 3, stay in reserve and protect our rear."

Then, he turned to his butler and asked seriously, "Can you contain the four Saints?"

The butler, with unshakable confidence, replied, "Young Master, as long as they are not Contras, they are all trash."

The certainty in his voice and the firmness in his gaze instilled courage in the hearts of Xue Sha's followers. The upcoming battle would be fierce, but with such powerful and determined leaders, they had hope of emerging victorious.