Chapter 48: War Against the Bandits

The sun began to descend on the horizon, bathing the valley in a golden light that contrasted with the ominous shadow of the giant wolf. The armies approached slowly, their steps resonating like war drums. The tension in the air was palpable, and each side prepared for the imminent confrontation.

Xue Sha's butler, known for his cunning and tactical skills, positioned himself at the front of the army. His mission was clear: to attract the attention of the four Saints and keep them occupied so they couldn't interfere with the rest of the battle.

With a confident smile, he activated his sixth ring while keeping his sword pointed upwards, holding the hilt with both hands and the blade at the height of his face. Above him appeared thousands of swords, all in the same pose as the sword in his hand.

He pointed his sword at the enemy army, and the swords did the same. With a powerful shout, he exclaimed, "Ten Thousand Swords, Return to the Sect!" The swords launched towards the enemy army like a storm of steel, momentarily darkening the sky with the sheer number of weapons descending.

Although most of the swords caused minor damage, four of them shone with a blinding intensity and aimed at the four enemy Saints. The impact was so devastating that the Saints spat blood and turned pale. Furious, they charged alone at the butler, who began to gradually draw them away from the battlefield.

Meanwhile, three Spiritual Emperors from Xue Sha's army prepared to face the three Emperors from the enemy side. The robust man with the martial spirit of a boar advanced first, his dark, thick skin reflecting the sunlight. Beside him, the warrior with the spear raised his weapon to the sky, and the young man with the martial spirit of a shark showed a fierce smile, his sharp teeth gleaming.

The first enemy Emperor, armed with a two-meter-long staff, lunged at the boar man. With a roar, the boar charged, using his brute strength to block the attack and counterattack with a series of powerful blows. Each impact resonated like thunder, and the ground trembled beneath their feet.

The second enemy Emperor, whose martial spirit was a fire whip, faced the warrior with the spear. The whip moved with incredible speed, leaving a trail of flames in the air. However, the spear warrior used his agility to dodge the attacks and counterattack with precision, seeking his opponent's weak points.

The third enemy Emperor, with a martial spirit of a Fire Jiao, faced the young man with the shark spirit. The Jiao's flames shone with a deadly light, but the shark youth used his speed and ferocity to dodge the attacks and counterattack with movements that mimicked a shark in the water. With a swift spin, he delivered a devastating blow with his tail, striking the chest of the man with the Fire Jiao Martial Spirit, momentarily extinguishing his flames. Each movement was a dance of death, and both combatants seemed equally matched in skill and determination.

While the leaders engaged in individual duels, the rest of the armies clashed in a cacophony of screams and clashing weapons. Xue Sha's Spiritual Kings charged into battle with unmatched ferocity, using their skills and tactics to massacre the bandits.

Most of the bandits, with between two and four rings and martial spirits of field tools, found themselves completely outmatched. Only a minority possessed weapons as martial spirits, but these were in poor condition and couldn't compete with the strength of the Spiritual Kings.

One of the Spiritual Kings, whose martial spirit was a giant shield, advanced to the front, blocking attacks and creating an impenetrable barrier for his comrades. With each blow of his shield, bandit bodies were sent flying, their bones breaking with a terrifying crunch. Another Spiritual King, with a martial spirit of a bow and arrows, positioned himself at the rear, launching energy projectiles that pierced through enemy ranks like burning blades, leaving a trail of blood and charred flesh in their wake.

The bandits, though numerous, encountered fierce resistance. Each attack was countered with precise tactics, and the coordination among Xue Sha's followers was impeccable. The bandit leaders, though powerful, were forced to retreat in the face of their opponents' determination and skill. The screams of the wounded and dying filled the air, and the ground was stained red with spilled blood.

One of the Spiritual Kings, with a martial spirit of a war axe, carved his way through enemy ranks with inhuman brutality. Each swing of his axe decapitated several bandits at once, their heads rolling on the ground as their bodies collapsed in pools of blood. Another Spiritual King, with a martial spirit of a spear, pierced his enemies with lethal precision, his movements so swift that the bandits barely had time to react before being skewered.

The battle turned into a massacre. Xue Sha's followers, with their superior skills and tactics, mercilessly destroyed the bandits. Bodies piled up on the battlefield, and the air was thick with the smell of blood and death. The bandit leaders, seeing imminent defeat, tried to flee but were hunted down and eliminated one by one.

The boar man, with a final powerful blow, brought down the enemy Emperor with his staff. The enemy's skull fractured with a dry sound, and blood spurted in a stream as his body fell lifeless to the ground.

The spear warrior managed to disarm the fire whip enemy, piercing his abdomen with lethal precision. The spear went through flesh and organs, leaving the enemy writhing in agony as blood bubbled from his mouth.

The shark youth, with a final bite, defeated the Fire Jiao enemy. His jaws closed around the enemy's neck, tearing flesh and arteries. Blood gushed in torrents, soaking the ground as the enemy's body convulsed before becoming still.

The battle was coming to an end, and victory seemed within reach for Xue Sha and his followers. With a final war cry, they charged at the remaining bandits, determined to secure their triumph and eliminate every last one of the bandits.