Chapter 49: Struggle for Survival

At the same time, a few kilometers away from the main battlefield, the Bandit Chief and Bao Qing were engaged in a titanic duel, each in their Spiritual Avatar form since the beginning of the confrontation. The air around them was charged with spiritual energy, and the ground trembled beneath their feet.

The Bandit Chief had taken the form of a Wolf Spiritual Avatar. His body was covered in dark, thick fur, and his eyes shone with an inhuman ferocity. However, his body was riddled with deep wounds. Dark blood oozed from cuts on his legs and flanks, and a particularly severe wound on his left side made breathing difficult. Every movement he made was accompanied by a growl of pain, and his spiritual energy was visibly waning.

"I can't go on like this," thought the Bandit Chief, feeling each breath grow heavier. "If I don't find a way to escape, this will be my end." He looked around, desperately searching for an escape route. "Maybe if I can distract him for a moment, I can flee into the forest."

Bao Qing, on the other hand, was in the form of an Eagle Spiritual Avatar. His majestic wings, made of golden feathers, shone with an intense light. Despite his imposing appearance, Bao Qing was also gravely injured. His right wing was broken, hanging uselessly at his side, and a series of deep cuts crossed his chest and abdomen. Blood dripped from his wounds, forming puddles on the ground beneath his talons. His breathing was ragged and forced, and each exhalation formed a cloud of vapor in the cold air.

Both combatants had been fighting in these forms since the beginning of the confrontation, and now they were at the edge of their limits, their bodies trembling from the effort and lack of energy. Their chests rose and fell rapidly, and sweat mixed with blood covered their faces.

"I can't let Bao Qing realize my intention," thought the Bandit Chief, trying to maintain his fierce expression. "I must act quickly and precisely." With one last effort, he launched a desperate attack, hoping the distraction would give him enough time to escape.

Bao Qing watched the Bandit Chief with a mix of pain and determination. Suddenly, he noticed a change in the wolf's posture. "What is he doing?" thought Bao Qing, his golden eyes narrowing. "That attack... it's not to defeat me, it's a distraction." The realization hit him like a lightning bolt. "He wants to escape!"

Without wasting a second, Bao Qing activated his eighth spiritual ring. He closed his eyes briefly, feeling the energy flow through his body. When he opened them, his eyes had transformed into snake eyes, shining with a hypnotic intensity. He fixed his gaze on the Bandit Chief, who instantly froze, his body petrified in an attack posture.

The transformation was impressive. The wolf's dark fur turned gray and rigid, as if made of stone. His eyes, once full of ferocity, were now empty and lifeless. Every muscle in his body was frozen in time, unable to move a millimeter.

"I have to take advantage of this," thought Bao Qing, aware that the effect would only last 15 seconds. "I can't let him escape." With eyes full of determination, he began to beat his golden wings, rising into the sky. Each flap was a monumental effort due to his injuries, but he couldn't afford to fail now.

After climbing about fifteen hundred meters in just ten seconds, Bao Qing activated his sixth spiritual ring. His body began to glow with a golden fire, as intense as the sun.

As he started to dive, he began to spin around himself, causing the fire to whirl around him in a vortex of flames. As he descended, he seemed to gather energy from the sun, further intensifying his glow. A layer of soul power formed between his body and the fire, adding an aura of invincibility.

Just as the Bandit Chief began to regain movement and launched a desperate attack, he realized that Bao Qing was no longer in front of him. "Where is he?" he thought frantically, searching for his opponent.

At that precise moment, Bao Qing struck the ground with devastating force. The resulting explosion was so powerful that the ground shook and a shockwave spread in all directions. The roar could be heard several kilometers away, resonating like thunder on the battlefield.

The roar of the explosion dissipated, leaving a smoking crater on the ground. Golden flames danced in various parts of the crater, illuminating Bao Qing's figure at its center. He had deactivated his Spiritual Avatar, and his body showed the aftermath of the battle. He was gravely injured; if it weren't for the layer of soul power that had protected him, he would have died in the impact.

"This was too close," thought Bao Qing, gasping for breath. "But I can't stop now." He grabbed his left arm, which was broken and bleeding profusely. The skin was torn, exposing the bones.

Before leaving, Bao Qing decided to ensure there were no remaining threats. He activated his first spiritual ring, which allowed him to detect all life signals in his field of vision. His eyes lit up with a faint green light as he scanned the crater. There was no life, not even a blade of grass.

With monumental effort, Bao Qing used his soul power to rise from the crater. Each movement was a painful reminder of his wounds, but his determination did not waver. "The Young Master needs me," he told himself, focusing his mind on his next objective.

As he ascended, the golden flames of the crater reflected in his eyes, filling them with a burning resolve. Bao Qing flew towards the horizon, heading to where Xue Sha awaited him.