It Was A Prank

Leila felt groggy when she woke up as she had slept very late the night before. However, her mood brightened when she saw the familiar back of Jayden in the kitchen.

She sighed as she stood by the door, admiring his back.

"Why is it that I always end up burning down the kitchen whenever I try to cook, yet here you are, so skillful at it?"

"You don't have to cook. I will do the cooking from now on."

"So sweet," Leila smiled, but then muttered regretfully, "You will grow up and meet someone you like, and it will be so sweet between you that you will only want to cook for her. By then, I will also have a handsome boyfriend."

"That day isn't coming," Jayden said lightly, flipping the pancake with a deft hand before turning off the stove.

"Let's bring the meal to the dining room," he said softly, and Leila swallowed the question at the tip of the her tongue.

As soon as they arrived at school, they coincidentally saw Julianne leaving.