The Person That He Likes

Leila stood before the window, lost in thought as she observed the bustling street below.

Jayden stood behind her, his gaze fixed on her profile.

"You know, Jayden," Leila began, her face pressed against the glass, "I had a dream—a very vivid and unsettling dream. In it, I died at 25 from Thalassemia, just days after my father passed away in a car crash orchestrated by Julianne and her mother. Julianne of that time is a famous superstar and she was able to reach that far using the resources I had given her. I had dropped out of school after high school and designed all the dresses she wore. If we were in a novel, she'd be the heroine and I'd be the background character. And she wasn't even grateful—she poisoned me with something, and that's how I was actually diagnosed with Thalassemia again. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it felt so real."

Jayden's voice was soft but curious. "What about me?"