tough decision

In the previous chapter, Battol was approached by a weird guy who revealed to her the truth behind the second-year students.

He offered her all the solutions to her problems, but after her encounter with this guy, all the challenges suddenly became much easier to handle.

After thinking about it all night she decided to accept his help.

She contacted him in the morning, he arranged a meeting between her and a native speaker of Spanish her name is Bella she's going to help her with both Spanish and English.

Battle arrived at the library where they were supposed to meet, she saw a girl who fit the description that was given to her by James

"Hello." She said to the girl.

The girl looked up from her book and said "Hi!

You must be Battol, James told me all about you.

Nice to meet you."

Battol smiled and said "It's my pleasure to meet you too.

Your name is Bella right?"

Bella smiled back and said, "Yeah, I'm Bella and I'll do my best to help you."

Battol said, "Thank you so much for your time."

Bella said, "Please, you don't need to be so formal with me, I'm just like James, I'm very straightforward, and I don't like formalities."

Battol said, "That's great because I'm not a fan of formalities either."

Bella said "Then I believe you will get along with our group perfectly.

Please, take a seat."

Battol took a seat beside Bella, she said "I heard you're a native speaker of Spanish."

Bella nodded her head and said, "Yeah, I'm from Venezuela, we grew up speaking Spanish and I learned English from my American friend online and at school."

Battle agreed she said"Great! let's get started then.

I've learned a few things like numbers and pronunciation.

But I'm having trouble with grammar."

Bella said, "I see, don't worry I got you."

Before they started Battol looked at Bella and said"May I ask you something before we begin?"

Bella answered, "Sure what is it?"

Battol asked, "Why did you join the peace seekers?"

Bella was confused by the question she asked"Why do you need to know?

Aren't you sure about your decision yet?"

Battle answered, "No, I already made up my mind, I just want to learn more about them."

Bella said"Well, it was because of James.

He was my colleague when we were freshmen, they weren't interested in me at first they only wanted James.

Back then the peace seekers were different.

They were like any other prestigious group, only seeking to recruit the best students for financial or ideological reasons.

But when James joined he changed them, he kinda dragged me along and forced them to recruit me but I'm glad he did."

Battol was impressed, she said in awe

"Wow, what an inspirational story."

Bella proudly said "I know right, I'd love to tell you the whole story in more detail but we have no time to waste.

We must start studying immediately so you can join us next year."

Battle nodded and said, "Right, let's get started."

On the other side of the campus Maha's group was having another meeting.

Manal was panicking again, she exclaimed "We're done! everyone has their eyes on our freshmen."

Ahlam calmly said  "We need to confirm the situation first.

Wait till Maha gets here before you start freaking out."

Manal argued  "The situation is obvious.

Another group is recruiting Battol.

She's going to join them, Nora is going to Join Hani and we will fail to recruit anyone, and then we..."

Ahlam interrupted her and said"Calm down.

It's not over yet, nothing is over till I say it is."

Manal finally calmed down, she breathed in and out then she said "Sorry, I'm such a crybaby."

Ahlam looked up from her phone, then she said "Finally, Maha is here."

Maha entered Maha and Manal's room, she took off her shoe and said "Hello girls, how are you today."

Ahlam answered firmly"We are in serious trouble."

Maha looked at her and asked, "What do you mean?"

Manal answered, "Battol is being recruited by another group!"

Maha took a seat across from them, she asked "How can you be so sure?"

Ahlam put down her phone and said

"She canceled her Spanish session with me."

Manal pouted and said, "And she canceled with me too."

Maha was getting worried, she placed her hand on her chin and said"That's odd. But why do you assume it's because of another group?"

Manal got up and exclaimed, "I saw her studying with a girl in the library."

Maha sighed and said, "Did you hear what they were talking about?"

Manal answered"No, but they were studying."

Maha got up and walked to the window, she opened it to get some fresh air, then she turned to them and said "This is bad, I hope she's not from another group."

Manal said "What are we going to do?

At this rate, we will lose all our freshmen."

Ahlam sighed and said"We must face it.

Let's talk to the sponsors, we need help."

Maha argued, "Ahlam, we can't do that it's the second-year student's responsibility to recruit new students."

Ahlam got up and turned to Maha, she looked her in the eye and said

"Come on Maha let's face it, the three of us do not have anything to offer the new students.

we haven't done anything to convince them to join us.

We passed the first year because the seniors had no other choice but to recruit us and help us yet we barely made it, we were aware of our weaknesses so we agreed to recruit great students to strengthen our group.

And now this plan has failed, and guess what?

an average person can't help a genius.

Let's just call the sponsors and tell them the truth, maybe they can arrange something to save the situation."

Maha looked down and said in a quiet tone"This is our responsibility, Ahlam, we can't ask the sponsors to arrange something.

if we don't recruit at least one student we lose half the points, we were rated low last year, we can't drop lower, we can't give up now and fail our group, we must do our best till the very end.

Let's keep trying with Battol and Nora, we will look for other students too but let's not give up on Nora and Battol.

Please, girls, trust me as your representative."

Manal held Maha's hands and said genuinely "We trust you Maha, so far you've been doing your best as our leaders.

We are frustrated because of our faults."

Ahlam sincerely said"I'm sorry, Maha, I'll keep doing my best till the end.

Let me handle the search for other students, you focus on Nora, she's our hope.

If we manage to recruit her our group will finally have a real prodigy."

Manal said, "Ahlam is right, you keep supporting Nora and I'll keep trying with Battol, Ahlam will find new students."

Maha looked up and said, "Are you sure girls?"

Ahlam smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can count on us."

Maha smiled gently and said, "Alright, then we have a new plan, let's keep doing our best till the end."

Battol went back to her room, Nora was already there studying, she took off her shoe and said"Salam, I'm home."

Nora looked up and said"Salam."

Battol asked, "What were you doing today after classes?"

Nora answered, "I got back here as soon as the classes ended to work on my website."

Battol said, "Oh, is that your project for the online course ?"

Nora said, "Yeah, I've been working on it for days, I want to get it done before I leave for the Olympics."

Battol said,"Oh that's right, you qualified to participate in the Olympics right?

Nora proudly answered "Yeah, I scored enough points when the coach examined us."

Battol said,"Congratulations."

Nora said,"Thanks.

What about you?

how did things go with chess?"

Battol said,"I don't know, I don't want to think about it.

I've been doing my best, my couch says that I've learned so much from her already even though all I do is lose."

Nora said,"Well you're practicing with a professional, I'm sure that losing against her is a learning experience.

Don't worry, just believe in yourself and trust your Coach."

Battol smiled and said, "Ok, thank you.

So what is your project about?"

Nora said,"A platform that helps students make study groups online.

The idea is simple, after you've made an account you create a room for whatever subject you want to study.

those who are interested will ask you to join.

And this way you can exchange knowledge with students from all around the world."

Battol said, "Wow, that's a brilliant idea!

What are you going to call it?"

Nora said, "I don't know, I haven't come up with a name yet.

What about you?

What is your project about?"

Battol said, "Actuality

I haven't decided yet, I'm busy with studying and I have not had time to work on the project yet.

When I was in school I and my friends created social media accounts that promote our local charity organization.

I'm thinking about developing a website instead of the social media accounts but I don't know if that would be enough to pass.

After all the charity work is not mine I just volunteered to promote them online to help them reach donors."

Nora said, "But you did provide a free service for them, you can ask the professor of the online course if that's alright."

Battol said, "Yeah, I'll ask him in today's online meeting."

Nora said, "It's a great idea in my opinion, I hope it works out for you."

Battol said, "Thanks, I hope so too."


"Hola, I'm back."

Sally her roommate said"Welcome back."

Sally asked"How was your day?"

Bella said"It was fun, I met Battol and helped her with Spanish."

Sally asked"How was she?"

Bella said"She's nice, easygoing and funny.

She would get along with us perfectly."

Sally said"Great.

How is her academic intelligence?

Like when you were tutoring her did she have a hard time?"


"Not at all, she will get the hang of it in a few weeks.

Can you believe that she's been studying with another girl for a week and all she learned is numbers and pronunciation!"

Sally said"She's lucky we saved her from that loser group."

Bella said"Yeah, lucky of her that James noticed her."

Sally said"Speaking of James, he called me today and told me that we have a meeting today."

Bella asked"Really what time?"

Sally answered"8 pm."

Bella said"OK, I better get my work done before then.

I'm so hungry please prepare me something to eat."

Sally said"Why don't you prepare something yourself I need to study too!"

Bella said"You know I can't cook.

Are you going to let me starve?"

Sally gave up and said"Fine, I'll make you something."

Bella said in gratitude"Thank you, please make Spaghetti."

Sally said "OK, but you will wash the dishes and clean."

Bella said" Ok, thank you so much, my dear friend.

You're always so kind to me."

Sally rolled her eyes and said"Yeah, yeah, just shut up! I know you're just using me."

Bella asked"Are you sure this is the place?"

Sally sighed and said "Yes, I'm sure, how many times we've been here!"

Bella asked in shock "we've been here before?"

Sally rolled her eyes and said"How can you forget, it is the only place our group uses for meetings!"

James said" Don't mind her Sally, she's got a grandma's memory."

Bella pouted and said"Shut up, I just don't remember places well."

Sally said sarcastically"You don't remember people's faces either."

James said"Or routes.

When we were freshmen you needed me to take you to classes and get you back to your dorm for almost 2 months."

Sally said"It's not that she's incapable of remembering.

She's just lazy and dependent, she likes relying on other people."

Bella said"That's not true, this morning I made tea all by myself."

Sally said"Then you added salt instead of sugar and presented it to me."

Bella said"It's the thought that counts, I was trying to cheer you up by making your favorite drink."

James said"I feel sorry for you Sally, you're a student at the most challenging college in the world and a mother of a 20-year-old child."

Bella said"At least I'm a cute child."

Sally said"God, please grant me strength."

Luka said"Sorry for being late.

Did I miss something?"

James said"No, we haven't started yet.

It's just the four of us today, the third and fourth-year students won't be joining us.

They said they are busy with their projects."

Luka said"Who needs them anyway, whenever they show up they just lecture us and criticize us."

Bella said"True, especially fourth-year students are so rude to James."

Sally said"It's because he convinced the sponsors of his ideals."

Sally said"They are jealous of him."

James said"Well, they won't be here next year anyway and the peace seekers will be all mine."

Bella said"Don't worry James, we will do our best this year and we will support all your ideals."

Sally said"Yeah, we believe in you, despite what the upperclassmen think."

James said"Nice, I've managed to brainwash you guys without even trying."

Luka said"Nah you did not brainwash me, I'm the one who insisted on joining you, you just needed to convince the upperclassmen to recruit me."

Sally said"Yeah, come to think of it, James is the reason why we all joined the peace seekers."

James smiled proudly and said"I know, I'm so gorgeous people can't help but fall in love with me."

Luka smirked and said "Don't misunderstand, we just appreciate your intelligence."

Sally sarcastically said"Yeah, it does not necessarily mean that we like you."

James replied"Whatever, the reason why we are having this meeting is to talk about our freshmen.

I already convinced Battol to join us, and Luka convinced Mikey.

I got my eyes on a few other students but I'm not sure yet

So for now, Bella and Sally will help Battol and Luka will help Mikey.

I'll decide in a few days whether I want the others or not.

Any questions?"

Luka was confused, he asked"Is that all?"

James nodded and reached out for his cigarettes, then he said"Yeah, I got nothing else, do you have anything to say?"

Luka looked at James, he let out a sigh and said"If that is all you have to say why did you drag us here? you could have just said it on the phone or just texted us."

Sally was getting impatient, she said in a serious tone "Seriously James we have no time to waste we need to study and work you know."

James took out a new cigarette, he said while inhaling it "Yeah, but it's more exciting to have meetings and talk about these things, like the Mafia."

Sally could barely hold back her anger "James, we are not playing mafia with you, we are students and we have no time to waste!

I'm going back now, good night guys."

Bella got up and said"I'm coming with you."

James turned to Luka and said"Hey, Luka let's go to the Arcade since we're already out."

Luka sighed and said,"Well, I already wasted my time here, it's too late to go back and study.

Sure, I'll come with you."