
It was a bright and early morning at the sports club, where Coach Zaid gathered his students for an important announcement.

"Good morning," Coach Zaid greeted them. "Today, I'll announce your scores."

Excitement filled the air as the students eagerly awaited their results. Coach Zaid continued, "A lot of you got high scores and for the first time over 10 of my students are qualified for the Olympics."

He then began to list out the names of the top performers. "I'll start with the ones who got the highest scores. Our top player this year is Miss Nora."

Maya couldn't contain her excitement as she congratulated Nora. "Wow, congrats girl. I knew you could do it. You are our new mysterious prodigy."

Coach Zaid went on to announce that Maya, Younis, Andy, and Lili had also scored high points and qualified for the Olympics.

Nora graciously congratulated her fellow players. "Congratulations, you did well too."

Feeling inspired by the achievements of her peers, Maya's competitive spirit was ignited. "I'm so fired up now, I wanna test my skills against the top player of this club. I challenge you after class."

With determination in her eyes, Maya looked at Nora and said, "Alright, get ready. Don't you dare go easy on me?"

Nora smiled confidently and replied, "Show me what you got." The stage was set for an intense showdown between the two talented players, as they prepared to push each other to their limits on the field.

Battol was excited to start learning Mandarin with Sally, who Bella introduced as her friend. Sally reassured Battol that she had learned Mandarin from the best teacher and was ready to help her. Battol expressed her gratitude for Sally's time and willingness to teach her.

As they prepared to begin their lesson, Bella mentioned that Sally had taught her how to make instant ramen the day before, much to Sally's embarrassment. Bella quickly changed the subject, and they focused on starting the Mandarin lesson.

Sally started by asking Battol what Bella had taught her the day before. Battol mentioned learning some basic grammar and pronunciation, impressing both Bella and Sally with her quick learning abilities.

Sally then shifted the focus to teaching Battol about Mandarin characters. Before they started, Sally remembered that James wanted to show Battol some chess tricks. Battol agreed to text James after their language study session.

As they discussed James, Bella shared that he had won a bronze medal with the football team, showcasing great leadership and tactical skills. Sally praised James for his ability to analyze the game and make strategic moves that led to their success.

Sally recounted how James had observed the opposing team's weaknesses during a game and strategically assisted in scoring goals. Despite not having exceptional physical abilities, James's intelligence and teamwork led them to victory.

Impressed by James's skills, Battol expressed her interest in joining the same group as him. The conversation highlighted the importance of strategy, observation, and teamwork in achieving success in sports and learning new languages.

Bella: You see, Sally is also a genius, the peace seekers were happy when she asked them to let her join.

Bella: Meanwhile, James had to blackmail them to let me join.

Sally: It's not that they didn't want you because you lack academic intelligence. They didn't want you because they knew how lazy you were.

Sally: Can you believe that she could have won a silver medal in ice skating? She just needed to do one more spin to earn more points than the other participant, but she didn't because she felt tired!

Bella: I knew what I did was enough to earn a bronze medal. Why would I bother doing more?

Battol: Wow, I can't believe people like you exist.

Sally: I know, right?

Bella: We try to keep our abilities hidden from other people so they wouldn't feel insecure.

Sally: Wow, you're such a humble person.

Bella: Thanks.

Sally: I was being sarcastic, you idiot.

Scene 2: Battol and Nora

Battol: Salam, I'm home.

Nora: Welcome back. Are you working on your project?

Battol: Yes, he said it was okay. But I need to show him some results by the end of the semester. The charity organization must rate me 10/10 in order to pass.

Nora: I'm sure they will like your website. Do your best.

Battol: Thanks.

Scene 3: Luka and James

Luka: James, how many times have I asked you to clean up?

James: I don't know, I haven't counted.

Luka: Well, I'm not going to ask you again. If you don't clean up immediately, I'm going to throw you out.

James: Sorry, dear Luka, I have an important business to attend to. I must go now. I'll bring you a muffin to make it up to you when I return.

Luka: I don't like muffins. I'll just lock you out.

James: Come on, if you make me sleep out, I'll catch a cold. You don't want your group leader to be sick on such an important day.

Luka: Whatever.

James: Don't worry. If you don't like muffins, I'll bring you a doughnut or a banana milkshake.

Luka: "I don't like muffins, I'll just lock you out."

James: "Come on, if you make me sleep out I'll catch a cold, and tomorrow we have a business meeting."

James: "You don't want your group leader to be sick on such an important day."

Luka: "Whatever."

James: "Don't worry, if you don't like muffins I'll bring you a doughnut or a banana milkshake."

James: "Wow, that was an awful shot."

Tylor: "Shut up."

Tylor: "Wait, who are you?"

James: "I'm your guardian angel."

Tylor: "What?"

James: "You are the chosen one, I came to train you to save the world."

Tylor: "Great, another crazy guy showed up, did Professor Ali send you?"

James: "No."

James: "But seriously I want you."

James: "The part about saving the world was a joke but you are the chosen one."

James: "You caught the attention of the peace seekers, we are going to help you with everything you need so you could join our group next year."

Tylor: "What are you talking about?"

Tylor: "Who are the peace seekers?"

James: "In summary, each group needs to recruit new students every year, our group chose you that's why we are going to help you."

James: "Here is my phone number, you can call me or text me if you need anything."

Tylor: "Thanks, but I'm good, a few other students offered to help me too."

Tylor: "I was wondering why everyone is suspiciously nice here."

Tylor: "Why are you interested in me anyway?"

Tylor: "The reason why I'm out late practicing is that I'm the worst player in my team."

James: "But on the other hand, you already finished your online project."

James: "It's a great project, a camera app that helps doctors in surgery operations."

Tylor: "How did you know?"

James: "I had my eyes on you for a while, I was very impressed when I heard you explain it to your friend 2 days ago."

James: "Even though I didn't fully understand what exactly it does."

Tylor: "It helps doctors and nurses distinguish between veins and nerves."

Tylor: "It helps them locate the vein they need to work on."

James: "Genius."

James: "I've decided, you will join the peace seekers."

James: "I'll get you a professional basketball player to practice with tomorrow."

James: "Go home today and rest, it's getting late and you're wasting your energy."

Tylor: "You will get me a professional player to train me?"

James: "Sure dear friend, now go home and rest."

Tylor: "Ok, thanks a lot man."

James: "You're welcome."

Tylor left to change his clothes and shower.

James has made up his mind to recruit Tylor, his team was almost complete.

When he was about to leave he saw a shadow of someone by the stadium's main entrance.

James: "Come out and play, I know you're there."

Mustafa: "Damn, you got me."

James: "I'm flattered, Mustafa himself was spying on me."

James: "Or were you interested in Tylor too?"

Mustafa: "No James, I'm not interested in Tylor."

Mustafa: "Our group has recruited enough students already, and all of them got more potential than Tylor."

Mustafa: "I had my eyes on him at first, but then I found a real genius that outshined him."

James: "So you were spying on me?"

James: "Is there something that you need or did you just miss me?"

Mustafa: "You're confusing me."

Mustafa: "Last year you were acknowledged by everyone as the top student and you even surpassed me."

Mustafa: "But instead of joining a prestigious group, you joined an average group whose founders only cared about money."

Mustafa: "And now you're recruiting average and unknown students."

Mustafa: "What are you up to?"

Mustafa: "What is on your mind?"

James: "Oh my dear Mustafa, where is the fun if I just tell you what is on my mind?"

James: "It would be much more exciting for you to find out by yourself."

Mustafa: "God, you're still acting as if this is some sort of a game."

James: "And once you start seeing it as such you will enjoy it too."

Mustafa: "Fine, I'll play this game with you."

Mustafa: "By the end of this year, I'll leave you and your group in the dust."

Mustafa: "I'll get back to you, this time I'll surpass you."

James: "See, things just got more exciting"

James: "I'm looking forward to our next encounter."

James: "We will see who's the better group leader."

Maha greeted her friends with a warm smile, "Hello girls, how are you today?"

Nora responded cheerfully, "I'm doing well."

Battol chimed in, "I'm doing well too, thank you for asking."

Nora remarked, "It's been a while since we last met."

Maha agreed, "Yeah indeed, I'm sure you were busy."

Maha then congratulated Nora, "Oh by the way, congratulations Nora. I heard from Manal that you qualified for the Olympics. I knew you could do it."

Nora, surprised, replied, "Thank you, but how did Manal know? I don't recall telling her myself."

Maha explained, "Oh, she must have heard it from someone in your club. Anyway, I'm so proud of you. We should celebrate. How about we all go out tonight to celebrate it?"

Excitedly, Maha continued, "Great then I'll see you tonight. I'll tell Manal and Ahlam myself. See you later, girls."

As Maha left, Battol and Nora remained behind. Nora noticed Battol's quiet demeanor and asked, "Why were you so quiet today, especially around Maha?"

Battol hesitated but eventually shared, "A week ago, a guy named James approached me. He said a lot of weird things that I did not understand at first. Then he offered me help with everything I need in exchange for joining his group next year."

Nora connected the dots, "I knew it. So, what does that have to do with Maha?"

Battol explained further, "I canceled my study sessions with Manal and Ahlam to study with the girls that James introduced me to. You know that Maha is the one who introduced us to them. I think she also wants us to join her group; that's why she's always helping us."

Understanding Battol's dilemma, Nora reassured her, "You shouldn't feel bad about it. It's your choice who you want to join. If you think that James could help you more, then you shouldn't waste this chance."

Battol expressed her concern about betraying her friends, "But Maha, Manal, and Ahlam are my friends now. I can't just turn on them after all they did for me."

Nora provided perspective, "When you put it that way, you make it seem like you used them when in reality you did not even know about anything. Now that you do, it's your choice. You have the right to decide who you want to join."

Realizing the truth in Nora's words, Battol resolved, "Yeah, you're right. I'm just overthinking. I'll focus on passing these courses and worry about this later."