Chapter-4: Get Sabella to apologize

The room brightened as the morning light fell from the window. When Caroline woke up, there was no one by her side. She stretched, then got up and went into the bathroom. She saw that Darrion had brought her toiletries and other things over here. Caroline remembered how Darrion treated her so gently, and how nice it was. But then she remembered the end of her previous life, and the feeling of hatred filled her mind. She must make those who have wronged her pay dearly! And take back what Grandpa left her!

About her marriage to Darrion, because it was decided for them by their elders. In her previous life, when she was an adult, her stepmother and stepdaughter often told her a lot of bad things about Darrion. They described Darrion as a vicious man with many lovers. He married her just to get the inheritance from her mother and grandfather. Caroline, at the time, believed everything the stepmother and daughter said. Caroline thinks of them as her family. 

About her marriage to Darrion, because it was decided for them by their elders. In her previous life, when she was an adult, her stepmother and stepdaughter often told her a lot of bad things about Darrion. They described Darrion as a vicious man with many lovers. He married her just to get the inheritance from her mother and grandfather.

At the time, Caroline thought of them as her family, and she believed everything the stepmother and daughter said. So she started trying all sorts of ways to get Darrion, including Darrion's family, to hate her. Taking Sabella's advice at a house party, dressing differently, and embarrassing and disappointing everyone. And then she met Kyle who cheated on her!

In retrospect, Caroline regretted how stupid she was! Wait, Kyle...

Caroline suddenly remembered that Sabella asked her out for a drink the day of the mask party, and Kyle didn't show up! That's impossible! In her previous life, she accidentally discovered that Kyle and Sabella were very close before she met Kyle! Kyle loves her and would do anything for Sabella, even break the rules! So where did Kyle go that night?

"Excuse me, are you awake?" Ada, Darrion's servant, asked, standing outside the door. Ada was the maid who took care of Darrion growing up. Although she didn't like the way Caroline treated Darrion, she was very polite to Caroline. In her last life, Caroline looked down on everyone in this room, including Ada.

Caroline hurried to open the door. When she saw Ada, she smiled and called softly, "Good Morning, Ada." This sweet voice shocked Ada. She tried to reply, "Good... good... Good Morning." Caroline gave a bear hug to ADA, "Thank you, Ada. You Don't have to come upstairs to wake me up." Ada looked at Caroline in astonishment, nodding her head. Caroline planed to stay home today after breakfast. She wanted the bad guys to worry first. Not surprisingly, it was not until noon that someone came. Caroline, sunning herself in the garden, heard an argument at the door. It's Sabella!

Caroline was sunning herself in the garden and heard an argument at the door. It's Sabella. Caroline sauntered over.

"You're just a servant, you don't have the right to stop me? Let me in now, or later... Caroline, come quickly, she won't let me in!" The moment Sabella saw Caroline, the expression on his face changed from ferocious to aggrieved. Ada stood there, a little embarrassed. She was afraid of being scolded by Caroline again. Ada explained, "Dear Caroline, because Master Darrion has said no one is allowed in." "But I'm so tired, I've been standing for so long, so please open the door and let me in!" Sabella said, hugging Caroline's arm and spoiled her.

Caroline rolled her eyes at her words. "Apologize!" Sabella was like, "Yeah, tell Ada to apologize right now!" But Caroline pulled out her arms and turned to look at Sabella. Sabella looked at her in surprise. "You want me to apologize..."

Caroline snapped, "Of course it's you. Ada is Darrion and my family. How could you be so rude?" Sabella didn't expect Caroline to make her apologize. Is she crazy? She opened her mouth and could not say anything.

Ada looked at Caroline gratefully for her defense. "Sabella, apologize! It's your fault this time," Caroline urged sternly. She approached Sabella and whispered, "Darrion takes Ada very seriously. If you don't apologize and Darrion finds out what you did, I can't protect you."

Hearing this, Sabella was scared too and finally apologized to Ada. "So Can I come in now?" Caroline refused and said, "It's Darrion's house, and they have to listen to him, including me. You'd better go home. I'll be back in a few days." "But what about the murder? You're coming back with me now!" Caroline said indifferently, "No one can accuse me of anything I didn't do. The police will find out the truth, so don't worry about it."

Couldn't get in and Sabella had to apologize to a servant. All this made Sabella very angry and helpless, and finally had to go home first.

But before she left, Sabella slipped Caroline a note and whispered, "Sis, call Kyle. He's worried about you."

Caroline clutched the note in her hand, suppressed her emotions. She nodded and said, "OK, you go back... wait." Caroline told Ada to get some wine for Sabella. "Take these back to dad. I'll buy Aurora and you some cosmetics and jewelry. I'll take them back when I get home."

Sabella was comforted and very happy. Sabella said thank you to her dear sister, but in her heart she thought of Caroline as the same fool who tried to be nice to them.

"You're welcome. You're my favorite sister." Said Caroline against her will.