Chapter-5: Couples app

Caroline left with Ada, followed by many servants. The scene filled Sabella with jealousy! Sabella swore she'd be the master of this place! When she went home, she had her morning tea. After that, Caroline did some exercise and took a bath. And then she called Kyle. The phone was answered almost immediately.

"Caroline, what took you so long to call me?" Kyle demanded. Caroline pretends to be scared, "Kyle, now I have people following me everywhere I go. And Darrion already suspects me. I took the opportunity to call you this time. Darrion would hurt you if he knew I was talking to you. I love you so much, I don't want you to get hurt!" Kyle lowered his voice and said, "Then why don't you divorce him after what he did to you? Besides, you killed someone. It's a tricky business. However, when you get divorced, I'll bring you to a place where no one knows us and live there with you!"

But fuck you! Ugly but sweet dreams! Am I crazy?

Caroline pretended to be disappointed. "But I didn't kill anyone. Why don't you trust me?"

"Let's meet and talk about it."

"But I can't go out now."

"Well, I know there's a charity event tomorrow night and Darrion will definitely be there. You could ask him to take you. I'll be waiting for you in the garden," Kyle said of his plan. Kyle thought that he'd wait until he saw Caroline before he cajoled her and took her away.

In Caroline's last life, it was at this party that Sabella became famous for playing a piano song she had written herself! But she wrote this piano piece! How ironic!

"Yes, I Promise." Before Kyle hung up, Caroline complained, "Why didn't you come the other night? I was drinking alone. I was so scared. Where did you go?" Her voice was wailing, almost aggrieved.

Kyle got impatient and said, "I had something to do the other night, so I didn't go."

"But it was your absence that put me through such a terrible thing, if you..."

"Will you stop it? It's already happened, so stop asking, OK?"

Caroline looked at her performance in the mirror. She continued to cry and to complain into the phone.

"Caroline, honestly, haven't I been good enough for you? Earlier, you said you wanted me to download the couples app, punch in every day to check in, and write a relationship diary. I've already done it. What more do you want?"

Couples app! ? The corners of Caroline's mouth twitched as she thought of something.

Yeah, it's a couples app! Caroline hung up on the excuse that someone was coming. Pick up her phone and flip through the app. The app will locate each other and record the couple's location information.

"Who are you talking to?" Darrion's deep voice came from behind. Caroline stiffly turns around and said, "What are you doing back at This Hour?" Hearing that, Darrion pressed closer and closer. The trust in his heart waned and the air around him became colder and colder.

"For the last time, who are you talking to?" Caroline picks up her phone and shows it to Darrion. "I-I'm not on the phone." Caroline was glad she hung up.

Darrion glanced at the screen. His eyes turned cold. he reached for Caroline's phone and threw it to the ground!

Pow!!! The screen was falling apart!

Caroline just realized what was on her phone was a couple app! Shit!

No wonder Darrion is so angry. He probably thought she was showing off! Caroline looked into Darrion's eyes and said, "Just calm down and let me explain. The app records the location, so I opened the app to find out where Kyle was the night of the murder."

Darrion's expression softened a little. But he was still skeptical, he asked," Why didn't you say so yesterday?"

"I-I-I just remembered it. Do you believe me?" Darrion's gaze was one of scrutiny, watching her expression as she spoke, as if he could read her from the inside out. It was not that he did not want to believe her, but that her attitude changed like a different person, making him a bit at a loss.

Darrion has been hesitating. Caroline fixed her eyes on Darrion and said, "I'll prove it to you." With that, Caroline turned and left.

Darrion retracted his gaze from Caroline's retreating back, looking down at the broken phone and musing...