Chapter-6: Chat notes

Caroline had been through so much bad stuff these days that she's exhausted. She had been having nightmares after sleeping. She dreamed about her miserable experience in her previous life. She was in pain in her sleep.

"It wasn't me... It wasn't me... Please believe me... help me."

Listening to Caroline's ravings, Darrion hugged her tenderly and patted her on the back to put her to sleep. "Don't worry, I'm here!" Caroline hugged Darrion even tighter, as if hearing his words. Caroline fell asleep quickly.

In the early morning, the first rays of sunlight broke through the clouds. Caroline stretched with her eyes closed like a cat. She slowly recalled last night as if Darrion had been here! But now he was not here. That made her a little upset. Caroline perked up quickly. There were still many important things to do. But first, she had to buy a cell phone.

Go Downstairs.

"Good morning. Here's a new phone for you." Ada gave Caroline a box. Caroline took it and opened it. She saw her name engraved on the back of the new phone. Caroline thought that Darrion was thoughtful.

"Boss, all the records in the app have been restored to this notebook." Boden, Darrion's assistant handed the notebook over. Darrion looked through Caroline's chat with Kyle with his eyes burning with anger.

It's almost always Caroline who offers to talk to Kyle.

The person he likes is someone else's ass-kisser.

Boden felt like Darrion's about to snap that laptop! Then Darrion clicked on Kyle's whereabouts, and found out that Kyle was at the bar, but only outside. Kyle lingered for about ten minutes before turning to go home. Why Kyle was hanging around outside the bar was a very suspicious behavior. And who sent him there? Darrion said, "Keep an eye on Kyle and take his picture and see if anyone in the neighborhood has seen him." "Yes, Boss!" Boden wrote it down and went to work.

Sabella found out from Kyle that Caroline's going to the benefit tonight. Sabella called Caroline and said, " Hey, Caroline, I left my membership card with you after the party, so could you please bring it to me?"

NB is the best fashion shop, if there is a large party everyone will choose to go there to do modeling.

And this membership card was actually a gift from Darrion to Caroline. It's just that Sabella always borrows it. So she kept it, and Caroline never got it back.

"I don't have it. You probably put it in another bag. You should look again!"

But Sabella called Caroline after searching everywhere and finding nothing. If not, Sabella will have to go to another styling store. "Honey, you're getting a makeover, too. Why don't we do it together? "She's just trying to get Caroline to spend money!

"No, I'm not done with those suits you gave me earlier. Need I bring you one?"

"No, no, no, no. You wear it yourself," Sabella said quickly. She remembered all those ugly matches she gave Caroline!

"Why? Are you giving me clothes you don't like?"

"No, they're for your style. Of course they look best on you!"

"Oh, is that so?"

"Sure, you'll pick one of those later. You'll look the best in it!"

"What about you?"

"Never mind, see you tonight!"

Ada overhears Caroline's conversation as she delivers her snack. Ada was worried, so she called Darrion quietly. But Darrion only had one simple response.

"As long as she likes it."

Then, Caroline drove to NB after the phone call, intending to do a beautiful pose! !

Night, the starry sky shed a land of bright.

The luxurious european-style hall, romantic and elegant symphonic music, there will be a lot of prestige and status of people will be there tonight.

Now and then, Darrion looked toward the entrance, hoping to see someone.