Chapter-11: Get caught cheating

A raging rage built in Kyle's chest as he moved closer and closer to Caroline. Kyle's face turned malevolent, "Shut up! You'd better apologize to me right now! !"

"In your dreams, I. . ."

"What are you doing! ?"Before Caroline could finish her sentence, a voice came from behind her. Caroline looked where the sound is coming from. Her eyes widened.

Damn! when did so many people come? ... ! It felt like ... Being caught in the act of cheating!

Caroline thought Sabella would just bring Darrion here, but she brought everyone here! She's not gonna stop until she's dead!

"What are you doing, Caroline, what is your relationship to this man? !" Aurora pretended to be shocked and said out loud, wishing everyone in the room could hear her.

Kyle continued to disgust her as he stood beside her and said, "Caroline, now that everyone has seen us, let's not lie to them. You have to come with me and I'll get you out of here!"

Sabella, who was standing in the crowd, smiled smugly at the sight. Caroline, my dear sister, it's your turn.

Caroline frowned and saw Kyle walking toward her, trying to force her away. She was so scared she wanted to back off! But she was in such a hurry that she stepped on her skirt again and was about to fall. Suddenly a cold wind blew up around Caroline. Darrion reached out and pulled Caroline into his arms, kicking Kyle as he approached!

Because of inertia, Darrion held Caroline in his arms and turned half the way around. Caroline thought she was going to fall, but instead she crashed into a wide embrace, and her nose smelled ebony. She couldn't resist moving closer. Darrion was so pleased with her little gesture that he hugged her a little tighter.

Kyle clutched his chest, stood up with a pained look on his face, looked at Caroline and pretended to be sad. "You-you forgot you said I was the one you loved the most! ?"

Caroline rolled her eyes and shouted, "Kyle, stop pretending. I knew you were in love with my sister a long time ago. Last week, you went on a five-day trip together."

"How do you know?" Kyle is stunned, shocked that Caroline knew so well.

Sabella in the crowd opened her mouth in disbelief.

"I don't want to be a part of you two anymore. I wish you both live together forever!"

"I know!" Then a woman appeared out of nowhere. "Last time, I saw this man kissing Sabella."

Caroline is deeply grateful to the lady.

It was like watching a Show! Two Sisters in love with the same man? !

"W-what are you talking about?" Sabella couldn't help but explain, "I know Kyle, but we've never met in private. How could we be together? Sister, did you misunderstand me?" Sabella looked so aggrieved that tears ran down her cheeks.

She's acting!

Caroline pinched herself and her eyes turned red, tears welling up in her eyes. Caroline bit her lip, "You really don't have to explain," she said, "I finally understand now. You've always been in love with Kyle. How else would you know where he is? I was too stupid to notice that Kyle was using the cell phone case you gave him and wearing the clothes you bought him. "

"No, no, no. It's really not what you think. Sis, let me explain, okay?" Sabella was in a panic, crying and shaking her head.

But Caroline didn't want to hear her explanation. She and Darrion walked arm in arm.

"Let's go." Caroline said.

Sabella was completely ignored!

"All right, let's go inside. It's cold outside." Grandpa said and Grandma left together. The crowd left one by one.

Aurora was so disappointed that she berated Kyle as a loser for letting Caroline out of their control and making Sabella look bad in public.

"You better make up with Caroline, make her fall in love with you again, and leave Sabella alone, or I'm gonna make sure you don't end up in this city!" Aurora said.