Chapter-12: An uncontrolled heartbeat

Kyle then came to his senses. Although he was upset, he lowered his attitude and said, "Don't worry, that wasn't what it looked like."

Sabella and Aurora looked at each other and laughed. They saw what was going on. How could Kyle say something like that?

"Well, to be honest, at first I was so angry I didn't think about it. I didn't realize Caroline was warning me," Kyle said, "She wanted me to leave. She must have known Darrion was around. She was trying to protect me."

"Then find a way to ask Caroline out again, using Elia's death. She looks calm now, but she must be panicking." Sabella is confident, given her years of experience with Caroline.

Aurora had something to do, so she left. Before leaving, she glanced at Sabella, who nodded.

As Aurora walked away, Sabella smiled at Kyle and said, "You won't let me down again, will you?"

Kyle nodded confidently. "Caroline was just putting on a show for Darrion. She's not going to give up on me." "By the way, you gave me another $200,000, and now that my studio is on track, I just need a little more money."

"... I'll transfer it to you tomorrow, but you'd better go now." Sabella waved her hand impatiently.

Kyle nodded, afraid of being seen, so he jumped over the wall. Not far away, Sabella looked at Kyle with disdain, what a useless piece of trash!

On the second floor, Caroline looked at him contemptuously.

Knock Knock...

At the sound, Caroline hurries back to bed, pretending to be dizzy.

"Here, drink the milk and rest." Darrion came in with a glass of warm milk and helped Caroline sit up. Caroline opened her mouth and signaled Darrion to feed her.

"What else is wrong? I can help you, huh?" The magnetic voice with a trace of dull, like the bass of a cello, tempting like friction over her nerves.

Caroline was electrified. The white cheeks gradually took on an enchanting pink hue. How could she not see that Darrion was such a charming man. Caroline couldn't help but look up, directly into those deep, dark eyes.

The heartbeat was too fast to control! But the next second, the lips were cold touched. It was Darrion who put the glass to her lips and said, "Well, drink and then go to sleep. Don't random thoughts." Then he got up and left the room.

Caroline was so shy that she finished her milk and rushed into bed.

In fact, when Darrion returned to his study. His eyes were glued to the computer screen, but his mind was filled with images of Caroline as pure and sensual. The pink lips were like jelly.

When he realized what he was imagining, he let out a low chuckle. As if he was speechless, but it was normal to have such thoughts.

But don't worry, there's plenty of time.

After a few days' rest, Caroline realized that the time off was too long and that she had to go to school!

In her previous life, she just only knew how to hang out with Kyle every day. Her grades got so bad that she never graduated.

Caroline changed quickly and went downstairs. When Ada saw Caroline going out, she stepped forward and said, "Where are you going? Please tell me, or I won't be able to tell Darrion when he asks me."

Caroline said, "Okay, I'll call him." Soon, the phone was connected.

"Um... Are you busy right now?"

"Sure, go ahead," Darrion said, raising his hand to pause the meeting. He got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, one hand in his pocket, looking out over the city.

"I've asked for a week off from school. It's time to go back to school. I have to go back today. The final exam is coming up."

"I'll have someone take you to school later."

"Yes, sir!"