Immediately they both stepped out of the car, Aurelia's grip on Hazel's hand tightened.Hazel knew she was just being nervous,so she whispered,"We can do this"And they both went into the school through the main door.

In the hallway,they were so many students and none of them looked from an average home,they all smelled rich as h*ll.

Hazel and Aurelia went into the administrator's office,they get their class schedule and number of their lockers.Fortunately for them,their lockers were next to each other.

"Here are your schedule for every week,your biometrics has been registered on your various lockers..and also you would have to choose a school club to belong to, it's part of the school's rules" A beautiful chubby lady,with glasses sitting well of her perfectly sculptured nose instructed with a warm smile.

After few minutes of staying at office and listening to the Do's and Don't of the school,they both left to find their lockers.

Few minutes of wandering down the hallway,they finally found their lockers."see.. it's not so bad,the kids here look friendly and am pretty sure we would have lots of friends"Hazel said trying to ease Aurelia who still seemed tensed.

Aurelia took a deep breath,"yeah I guess you're right"Aurelia said while arranging her stuffs into the locker.


A black Maybach pulled up at the school gate,and the occupants alighted from the car. And there they were the two brothers looking like demi gods, walked gracefully into the school,while the girls were mindlessly gushing over them.

While Asher was about to make his way to the locker,a soft pair of hands had a grip on his arm and immediately knew who it's was.

"Gracie!hi"Asher said smiling warmly making the already obsessed girl,more obsessed with him. "Hey Ash,I didn't see you over summer and you look even more handsome"Gracie said still gripping on his arm.

Gracie is Asher's classmate and she has had a crush on him for ages and everyone in the school knows,but Asher doesn't like her that way .

She has continuously thrown herself at him like a cheap whore and even try to have s*x with him,but Asher persistently refused. Gracie would try to scare or bully any girl she caught talking to Asher. The students always gossips her for that.

'Why does she act like she's Asher's girlfriend,when he obviously doesn't like her, she's so annoying' A girl once said.

"Yeah thanks Gracie" Asher said trying to free himself from Gracie's grip," about we have lunch together today mmn?" Gracie said pouting her red lip at Asher and he couldn't refuse "sure,see you at lunch then"Asher said while releasing himself from Gracie and going after Cohen who left the moment he saw Gracie.

Cohen can't stand Gracie,he feels she's too cheap and also she shouldn't be chasing Asher, instead he should do the chasing.