Asher finally caught up with Cohen,"you could have waited for me,you know"Asher said trying to stabilize his breathing, after running what seem to be a marathon to find Cohen.

"I think it's has been established that I don't like that girl,I can't even stand the sight of her,so why would you think I would wait for you"Cohen said with no expression on his face like usual.

The bell ringed for the assembly,they all went into the hall,the principle welcomed them back,gave them some new school rules and they were dismissed.

On his way,Asher bumped into a soft warm body,and her scent smelled familiar but he could remember where the scent came from. The girl slowed turned and when he saw her face,he could only smiled.

"Hey, it's you again"Asher said, looking at Hazel who looked more than furious."You think it's funny don't you?"Hazel asked trying to keep her calm so as not to ruin her first day.

Asher immediately tried to keep a straight face,when he saw Hazel wasn't having it." sorry I didn't see you there","of course,you didn't.. just like I didn't when I hit you with my bag and you insisted on apologizing"Hazel said speaking through her teeth just to keep calm.

"Hey hey,am sorry okay?"Asher said smiling hoping Hazel would keep calm and return the smile but this girl obviously doesn't like him.

"Look I think we started on the wrong foot okay?so how about you do this again huh?" Asher said trying to start to a new chapter with Hazel.

"Am Asher but you can call me Ash"Asher introduced himself extending his hand for a handshake,when he saw Hazel wasn't saying anything at all.Hazel walked up closer to him, staring deep into his eyes "I honestly don't give a f*ck,who da h*ll you are or even what your name is, just stay clear from me while in this school,okay?" Hazel said fearlessly,for some reason his palms felt sweaty.

But he couldn't help himself but grace the beautiful creature standing in front of him, because he was sure wasn't going to have that chance again.

'damn! she's beautiful,and her lips?so plumpy and looks juicy'Before Asher could come to his senses Hazel had disappeared. The only thing left was her out of this world's scent.

At the far end of the assembly hall, Gracie and her friend Ivy were watching all that happened between Hazel and Asher.

"Who da h*ll is that b*tch huh?"Gracie ranted out furiously,"She's a new student here,she also came with her best friend,I think her name is Hazel" Ivy said.

"Hazel huh?,who does she thinks she is to go close to my Asher...she just made an enemy for herself"Gracie said and furiously walked out of the hall with Ivy following her from behind.

Aurelia's Pov.....

After they were dismissed from the hall, Aurelia was walking with Hazel hand to hand, but wasn't present,she didn't notice she was walking alone.

Before she realized she couldn't find Hazel, she didn't want to scream her name,so she made her way to their locker hoping to find Hazel but she didn't,so she decided to wait. Besides they had ten minutes before classes begin.

While waiting, Aurelia heard footsteps she thought it was Hazel,"jeez Hazel,where did you wander of to and it's even funny,I got scared for a minute" Aurelia said in just one breath without looking up to see if it was Hazel.

When there was no response,she decided to take a look and what she saw made her heart skip a bit.

The figure before her was looking like an angel at the same time a human made android,she first thought she was hallucinating until he spoke.

"You looking for someone?"Cohen asked, Aurelia for some reason felt her heart beat multipled. There was no way in the world he was real.

"Uhm.."Aurelia for the first time couldn't find her words. Aurelia she took a deep breath within.'Get it together Re' She said in her head.

"Well yeah,my friend she was with me a moment ago she just disappeared"Aurelia said,happy she was able to construct her words properly.

She didn't want to this android to think she was a weirdo.The moment she spoke, Cohen knew she had heard this particular voice somewheres before. Then it hit him,it was the girl,he was trying to take a look at when they were at the mall.

'She's really beautiful and her voice like sweet melody to my ears' While complimenting her in his head,Cohen wasn't aware he unknowningly start an eye battle making Aurelia even more uncomfortable.

Luckily for her,Hazel at the right time and the moment between the two. Cohen just waved his hand at Aurelia and left.

"Where da h*ll have you been?" Aurelia said,"God.. take it easy momm,well in case you care,I bumped into that dumbass from the mall ?" Hazel said.

"Really?he goes to school here?"Aurelia asked not expecting the answer Hazel gave."Unfortunately for me..yeah,I swear to God if he crosses path with me again, I'll teach him a lesson"Hazel said.

"Maybe he just wants to be friends or may.....","Don't even say it"Hazel cut Aurelia short knowing fully well what she was going say."okayy"Aurelia said.

"What's with you and that dude,I saw you guys staring at each other like you've known each other for ages"Hazel asked arching her eyebrows at Aurelia while smirking.

"Eww... it's nothing like that okay?,I heard his footsteps I thought he was you,and for some reason he kept staring at me till you came,"Aurelia explained in one goal.

"But you were also....."Hazel was cut short by the school bell which meant classes has started, Aurelia was happy,the universe came to aid when she needed it.

"We are not done with this yet"Hazel said while going for her class,"whatever"Aurelia replied.They both had separate classes.

Hazel stepped into her class,and the teacher welcomed her and offered her a seat next to the last person she wanted to see, Asher.

She could only face palm herself and hesitatedly go to her seat.She sat down, dropped her books and began to pen down what the teacher was saying.

"Hey beautiful"Asher said smiling as usual,"how about you shut that hole of yours and you get to live"Hazel threatened with her eyes on the board.

Asher could only smile,'jeez!I like her already', He said to himself and faced the teacher.