After few more classes the bell rang for lunch and nobody was more happier than hazel,at least it was a reward for getting stuck with one of the most annoying person on earth.

She left her class and went to look for Aurelia,she found her by their locker."hey you, c'mon let's go get lunch am starving"Hazel said dragging Aurelia by the hand and she was obliged to follow.

"You know you're always hungry,I keep wandering how you maintain this figure of yours"Aurelia said while they were working to the cafeteria.

"Jeez,Ree are you calling me a foodie?"Hazel asked, knowing fully well she was a foodie."oh please everyone knows that,you are never full when it comes to food"Aurelia laughing showing her perfect dentation, boys walking by couldn't help but drowl over her.

They got to the cafeteria and they were served,they were served turkey sandwiches and yougurt parfaits."so how do you like the school so far?"Hazel asked Aurelia,"Not bad for a first day"Aurelia said.

"How about you?","well...aside being forced to sit with the most annoying person whose mouth won't happens not to close, it's been going well,the classes are great"Hazel answered in one breath.

Aurelia gave Hazel a quick smile,"what?"Hazel asked and didn't know why Aurelia was giving her that look."Nothing... just I feel like you and the annoying person could make really friends,you know what they say,the best friendship are the ones you don't see coming"Aurelia said digging into her yogurt parfait.

"Ewww no way in h*ll,I would be friends with him,I don't like guys who talk too much"Hazel said,"okayyy"Aurelia said and chuckled a little.

Suddenly the murmuring in the cafeteria started increasing,as Cohen and Asher made their way to their table reserved for them.Aurelia and Cohen met eyes when he entered and Aurelia quickly looked away,she didn't want the boy to feel she has a crush on him or anything of that sort.

Aurelia then saw Asher besides Cohen looking at Hazel mindlessly,"You know I really this guy likes you,look he's been staring at you non stop"Aurelia said,"God Ree stop it,and if he's actually staring at me,the way you say he is, tell him to take a picture it will last longer.

Asher was about to take a seat,when a pair of hands held him.... again. Asher knew who it was and could only face palm himself in his mind.

"Hey Ash..ready for lunch??"Gracie asked, Asher gave a quick smile,"of course"Asher replied and Gracie signaled Ivy to bring her tray over to Asher's table. And they sat,and ate while Gracie continued blabbering her mouth.

Cohen just wanted to ground to open and swallow him,he honestly feels he's not allergic to this girl,'why so cheap?' Cohen thought in this head.

At Hazel's Table....

While they were still eating,a girl black slender girl with short curly hair, blue eyes,she had percieings on her pointed and several on her both ears.

She approached with smile and asked if she could sit with them and without a second they agreed."So my name is Kimberly Williams and have been watching you guys from a distance since you arrived and I was wandering if we could be friends"Kimberly said smiling hoping they wouldn't refuse and gladly they accepted.

"So what's your name?" Kimberly asked Hazel,"Hazel Maverick and I really love your percieings"Hazel said she was already liking this girl."thanks alot,they are actually magnetic..shhhh"Kimberly whispered and they laughed.

" Aurelia Meyer,nice to meet you"Aurelia introduced."That's a really unique can I call you Lia for short?"Kim asked and Aurelia nodded she actually likes it."So how do you like the school so far?"Kim asked."For me it's going great,while Hazel is having a hard time with that guy over there"Aurelia pointed at Asher in a way he wouldn't notice.

"Who?Ash"Kim asked,"that's his name?","yeah Asher and his brother Cohen"Kimberly said."Oh okay..well for some reason Hazel doesn't like him because they met few days ago before resumption,and it was not on a good foot"Aurelia explained.

"Really?, Ash is a really nice guy, while his brother is the complete opposite"Kim said. Aurelia really wanted to hear more about Cohen for some reason unknown to even herself.

"How is his brother the opposite?"Aurelia asked,"well.. according to rumors when they were younger before their father became wealthy,their mom ran away to be with another man who stinky rich,and Cohen was always his mom's favorite but the day she left without saying goodbye, Cohen became cold hearted to everyone except his brother and dad"Kimberly explained.

"That's really sad,I lost my dad when I was seven"Aurelia said,"oh really sorry about that"Kimberly said holding Aurelia's hand.

"Well my dad left my mom when she was seven months pregnant with me"Hazel said,"am sorry, must have been really on your mom"Kimberly said remorsefully,"yeah it was but we thrived through"Hazel said.