Still in the cafeteria...

They still had few minutes before the lunch break was over,when suddenly the noise in the cafeteria slowly increased.

"Omg!!!!"Was the only thing they could hear,"jeez, what's all the ruckus about",Hazel said she couldn't stand the noise."oh my God!,Gracie and Asher are kissing!"Kimberly said while taking out her phone to take pictures.

Hazel slowly turned her head towards the direction of Asher's table,and for some weird reason,she felt her heart been punctured by little needles.

"Woah!is that his girlfriend?"Aurelia asked while still focused on the Asher and Gracie,"No not all, Ash doesn't really do dates, Gracie just forcing herself on him and it seems he finally gave a her chance,I think?"Kimberly said while going through the pictures she took and made sure it was good enough to post on the school's media.

Hazel all of a sudden went quiet, Aurelia noticed so she decided to ask."you good haz?","yeah...uhm..of course, just don't get why they put up a charade,when there's plenty of bathrooms in this school, it's so annoying"Hazel said still feeling a sharp pain in her heart and she didn't know why.

"Nah,I think it's kind of cute, he's not ashamed to show her off and that's a real keeper right there"Kimberly said.

Gracie's Pov.....

While they were eating their lunch,Gracie consistently kept trying to feed Asher but he politely refused and insisted said he could feed himself.

Gracie was pretty pissed but she kept her cool,when an idea popped up.She drew closer to Asher,held his chin and smiled,"you're probably going to like this","huh?what do you....."Asher was cut short by Gracie's lip,and soon he could feel her tongue inside his mouth.Cohen snapped and left the table,he really disliked Gracie even more.

Gracie was the one doing the kissing,Asher just say there.When Gracie saw everyone's eyes were on them,she delved even deeper,she remained in that position making sure everyone took a photo and released Asher,who was blushing like h*ll,his cheeks were so red that he left the cafeteria immediately.

Lunch break was over and everyone went to their various classes talking about the main event of the day that just happened. They were having a science class and they made their way to the lab.

Hazel and Aurelia paired,with Kimberly at their back,they all put on their gears and waited for the teacher.Cohen and Asher came in,and they were murmuring everywhere.

Asher met eyes with Hazel,who just rolled her eyeballs and looked away. The teacher came in and they started the class,after an hour,the bell rang and it was time for them to go home.

Hazel, Aurelia and Kimberly were on their way to their lockers,when Aurelia said she wanted to use the bathroom and left them.

"So Kim,are you the only child of your parents?"Hazel asked trying to start a conversation with Kimberly,"nah,I have an elder brother Shawn,but he's studying at a business school in London,he is the heir to my father's numerous businesses,so for now am practically the only child"Kimberly said and they laughed.

Their discussion were interrupted by Asher,who stood at their front smiling from ear to ear like he was trying to charm the girls.

"Hey ladies","hi ash"Kimberly answered him when hazel just kept quiet."uhm..can I speak to Hazel for a moment?"Asher asked Kimberly requesting to be alone with Hazel.

Kimberly was about to walk out when Hazel held her hands,"No you can't...and what even gave you the audacity to come here and requesting to speak with me, like you own the school huh?"Hazel said looking really pissed.

"Am sorry just wanted to....","Shhh.... God please leave before your girlfriend sees you here or better still we will leave"Hazel said dragging Kimberly by the hand and Kimberly looked really happy because hasn't really been in this kind of friendship before.

"She's not my girlfriend!"Asher echoed "well didn't seem like it in the cafeteria"Hazel said without a second glance.

Hazel and Kimberly made their way outside the school,while waiting for Aurelia who seem to be gone for ages.

"I really think you over reacted Hazel, Ash just wanted to talk", Kimberly said "no i didn't,my reaction was perfect, that dude is so annoying,why does thinks he can talk to me anytime he feels like huh?", Kimberly gave Hazel a quick look and smirked.

"Are you pissed he kissed Gracie?"Kimberly asked raising her eyebrows suspiciously at Hazel."Eww,why would I be?, he's not even cute and FYI not my type of guy, got it?"Hazel said and Kimberly raised her both hands in surrender.

Aurelia's Pov....

Aurelia made her way to the bathroom,when she was done,she was washing her hands when someone walked in,she thought it was also a girl.

"Hey it's you"Cohen said when he recognized Aurelia, Aurelia nearly had an heart attack when she heard the voice. She slowly turned around and there he was again,the demi god.

"Hi, this like a mixed bathroom?"Aurelia asked realizing, because if it was a girl's bathroom he wouldn't barge in like that.Cohen then nodded.

"Uhm... okay then,see you around"Aurelia said and was about to leave when Cohen held her back gently. Aurelia's heart skipped when she felt his hand on her skin and she slowly looked at him, staring directly into his eyes,Cohen also reciprocated the look.

Aurelia felt like he was looking directly into her soul,she felt chills all over her body. "I didn't get to know your name"Cohen smiling slightly,'God!is he trying to make me drowl all over him or that's just his thing?' Aurelia thought in her head.

" Aurelia Meyer",she said "oh okay,well my name is....","Cohen!",They both chorused,"no need for introduction"Aurelia said and they both laughed. Aurelia felt there was something wrong with her she had never given any boy,this chance to talk to her,let alone know her name.

But what she felt for this boy was different, throughout their conversation, she felt butterflies in her belly.She felt really happy.

"Uhm...I should probably go my friends are waiting for me"Aurelia said," about we go out this weekend if you're down for that?"Cohen said silently praying she doesn't refuse.

"Sure that would be great"Aurelia said,smiled and left.

Outside the school.....

Gracie and Hazel were having a heated conversation,"enough of this back and forth, just want you to know,am Asher's girlfriend,so stay clear"Gracie said with so much confidence knowing fully well that's not true.

Hazel rubbed her temples repeatedly trying to calm herself down,"look...I have nothing to do with your boyfriend ok?, instead he should be the one you're should be barking at,tell him to leave me da h*ll alone,I must say,I feel like he's obsessed with me, don't get me wrong, you're beautiful but we both know you are no match for me"Hazel said smiling trying to piss the h*ll out of Gracie,she hated been accused of something she didn't do.

"Did you just call me a dog?","nah,I only said you should stop barking ,because you're giving me bad migraines" Hazel replied, Kimberly just stood there loving the words Hazel was throwing at Gracie. Finally someone who could stand up to Gracie.

"Well,well,I will just let it slide, you're still a newbie, just the last warning to you"Gracie and walked out with Ivy following her.

Aurelia came out and saw Gracie angrily leaving."guys..did I miss something?" Aurelia asked."yes a lot, Gracie feels Hazel like Ash,so she came to warn her to stay clear,but Hazel's replies were badass"Kimberly narrated like a two years old child narrating her favourite hero tv show.

"Omg..and I missed it" Aurelia said looking disappointed,"what took you so long in the bathroom?"Hazel asked."Nothing, just a long line"Aurelia lied,she suddenly remembered what happened minutes ago and felt butterflies in her belly.

They all departed, saying their goodbyes and left in their various cars.