
chapter 3 The first demonstration

Ben follows Roxy deeper into the Sanctuary, the sounds of chatter and activity growing louder as they approach what seems to be the central gathering area.

The room is packed with people—some are huddled around makeshift stoves, cooking meager meals; others are cleaning weapons and tending to injuries; and still others are repairing damaged walls and defenses.

Amidst all the chaos, a hulking figure with a black biker jacket, heavily tattooed arms, and a shaven head looms over the crowd.As Roxy and Ben approach the imposing figure, the noise level in the room seems to drop a few decibels. Everyone knows who this man is, and they're all careful not to draw his attention for too long.

The biker boss turns his piercing gaze on Roxy, a smirk playing across his lips. "Look who's back from the dead," he rumbles. "And who's this punk you brought with you?"

Roxy shrugs, her eyes flickering towards Ben. "Found him while I was out scavenging.Marv stares at Ben for a long moment, his eyes narrowed in scrutiny. Finally, he lets out a gruff laugh.

"You know, Roxy, I'm not sure if you're the luckiest person in this shithole city, or the dumbest. Either way, you've brought us an interesting guest."

Roxy cocks an eyebrow. "Oh? What makes him so interesting?"Marv takes a step forward, his massive frame seeming to tower over both Ben and Roxy. "What makes him interesting," he says, his voice dropping to a low growl, "is that he's wearing a hazmat suit. A suit that might just be the key to saving this city."

Ben shifts uncomfortably, suddenly aware of every pair of eyes in the room fixed on him.

"You don't mean…" Roxy trails off, her voice quiet with understanding.Ben's had enough. He's not a hero, and he's not going to be anyone's test subject.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not sticking around," he announces, backing away from Marv and Roxy. "I've got my own survival to worry about."

He turns to leave, but Marv is faster. He grabs Ben's arm in an iron grip, his voice dark and dangerous.

"You're not going anywhere, kid. Not until we find out what makes you so special.Ben lets out a laugh, but it's not a laugh of amusement. It's a laugh that sends a chill down the spines of everyone in the room.

His eyes start to glow with a strange, unnatural light, and the air around him begins to ripple and distort, like he's not entirely there anymore.

The people closest to him stumble back, their eyes wide with terror. Even Marv hesitates, his grip loosening on Ben's arm.Ben's voice is cold, distant, as if it's coming from some otherworldly plane. "I told you, Marv. I'm not here to save you. I'm here to survive. And if you try to stop me, you'll regret it."

He yanks his arm free and starts walking towards the exit, his aura radiating power and menace.

As he passes by the cowering crowd, one man reaches out to grab him. Ben doesn't even slow down, his eyes flashing with warning.

The man's hand touches Ben's shoulder, and with a screech of pain, he staggers back, clutching his arm. His skin is blistered and scorched, as if he's been burned by some invisible fire.

The room erupts in panic. People are shouting, shoving each other out of the way to get away from Ben.

In the chaos, Marv bellows out an order: "Stop him! I don't care what it takes, stop him before he gets out of here!"

Two bikers step in front of Ben, blocking his path to the exit. They're huge, heavily muscled men, and they're clearly not afraid of Ben's new powers.

"You heard the boss, freak," one of them growls. "You're not going anywhere."

Ben looks at them, his expression unreadable. Then he smiles, a cold, humorless smile.

"Get out of my way," he says quietly.

The bikers exchange glances, then lunge at him.ZAS springs to life, its voice sounding in Ben's mind:

"Benjamin! Your mutation is progressing rapidly. You possess the ability to manifest energy in the form of heat and electricity. Caution is advised; the full extent of your abilities remains unknown.

Your enemies approach. Draw on your rage, your fear. Channel it into a show of power that will turn their aggression to terror."

Ben's eyes flare with power, his whole body seeming to thrum with energy. The bikers pause, a flicker of doubt in their expressions.

"Last chance," Ben says, his voice low and dangerous.

One of the bikers spits on the floor, defiance in his eyes. "We don't take orders from you, freak. We're gonna tear you apart."

Ben closes his eyes, his hands coming up in front of him. A bright, white-hot light begins to coalesce between his palms, crackling and hissing.

"So be it."The room is deathly silent as the light in Ben's palms grows brighter and brighter, until it's almost unbearable to look at.

The bikers, sensing the danger, back up a step, their bravado fading fast.

But Ben is not done. He opens his eyes, and they're no longer human. They're twin vortexes of light, swirling with energy and power.

"This is your last warning," he says, his voice distorted by the energy coursing through him.

The two bikers hesitate, glancing at each other with uncertainty.

"He's bluffing," one of them whispers, his voice shaking. "He can't do anything to us. He's just some freak."

But Ben isn't bluffing. His arms thrust forward, and a blinding bolt of energy explodes from his hands, hitting the bikers like a freight train.

They fly backwards, their bodies ablaze, screaming in agony as they crash into the wall. Ben lowers his arms, his face impassive.The room is filled with the stench of burnt flesh, and the sound of the bikers' screams echoes off the walls.

Everyone else in the room is frozen in shock, their eyes wide and terrified. Even Marv seems to have lost his bravado, stepping backwards and putting some distance between himself and Ben.

Roxy, however, seems strangely unafraid. Her eyes are fixed on Ben, her expression unreadable.

"What are you?" she asks softly, taking a step closer.Roxy lets out a soft, wry chuckle. "A nightmare? Yeah, I'll bet you are. But you're the most beautiful nightmare I've ever seen."

Ben narrows his eyes at her. "What do you want, Roxy? Are you here to kill me like the rest of them?"

She shakes her head, the corners of her lips turning up in a smirk. "No, I'm here to make you a deal. A deal that'll keep you alive, keep us both alive. What do you say?"Roxy turns to Marv, her eyes gleaming with a predatory sort of intelligence. "See, Marv, you're not gonna kill this guy, and he's not gonna kill you. Why? Because we've got bigger problems. The city's crawling with zombies, and we need all the firepower we can get."

Marv frowns, clearly unhappy with this development. "And what do you propose we do? This guy just nearly fried two of my best men. How am I supposed to trust him?"

Roxy turns back to Ben, her gaze serious now.Ben's voice is a low growl, dripping with contempt. "Listen, Marv. I don't need you, and I sure as hell don't need this city. I can survive on my own, out in the wasteland. So unless you've got something to offer me, something that makes it worth my while, I'm walking out that door."

Roxy narrows her eyes, studying Ben with newfound respect. "He's got a point, Marv. What have you got that's worth keeping him around for?"

Marv's lips curl into a sneer.What have I got?" Marv asks, his voice seething with anger. "I've got food, shelter, weapons, and an army that'll tear apart anyone who tries to take it from me. That's what I've got, and if you want to keep on breathing, you'd better remember that."

Roxy's jaw clenches, but she doesn't back down. "An army that can't do shit against the zombies, you mean. An army that's gonna be overrun sooner rather than later if you don't get your head out of your ass and start making smart decisions."Marv steps forward, his fists clenched, but Roxy doesn't flinch.

"You wanna talk about smart decisions, Roxy?" he spits, his face mere inches from hers. "Then why don't we talk about the fact that you brought a volatile, unpredictable mutant into my stronghold? That doesn't sound like a smart decision to me."

Ben watches the confrontation, his expression cool and unreadable.

"I'll give you that, Marv," Roxy says, a dangerous edge to her voice. "But it's not too late to make the right call.Roxy steps away from Marv, her hand casually dropping to the gun at her hip. "You wanna know what I think, Marv? I think we'd be better off with the mutant than with you. What do you think, Wheelman?"

Ben's lips curl into a smirk, and his eyes flash with a dark light. "I think, Roxy, that I like the sound of that. The Mutant and the Runner. It's got a ring to it."

Marv's face darkens with fury.