
chapter 4:the reckoning

Marv, enraged by Ben's defiance and Roxy's betrayal, prepares to unleash his army against them.

In the tense silence that follows, the crackle of electricity begins to arc around Ben's body, building in intensity with every passing second. The air is thick with anticipation, the tension palpable.

Suddenly, Marv's eyes narrow, and he gives a curt nod to the biker who stands beside him. The biker draws his weapon, aimed squarely at Ben.Roxy's eyes dart between the biker and Marv, assessing her options in a matter of seconds. She knows that if she makes a move, the Sanctuary army will cut them both down. But if she doesn't, Ben will be captured and his mutation will be exploited.

Marv takes a step closer to Ben, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Surrender now, and we'll make your death quick and painless," he snarls. "Otherwise…"

The air around Ben seems to vibrate with energy, the hairs on his arms standing on end."Benjamin, the energy levels in your body are approaching critical mass. A surge of power is imminent. You must take action now, before your body's systems reach their breaking point."

The warning rings like a bell in Ben's mind, spurring him into action. He draws on the growing energy within him, channeling it into a potent shockwave that erupts from his body, sending the biker crashing into the wall and knocking the rest of Marv's soldiers off their feet.Roxy takes advantage of the chaos and draws her weapon, training it on Marv's chest. "One move, and you're dead," she growls.

Marv's smirk has disappeared, replaced by a mask of rage. "You'll regret this," he spits. "You're both dead. It's only a matter of time."

Ben's eyes flash dangerously. "I'm not the one who should be worrying about their life expectancy, Marv."

Marv's face contorts in fury as Ben's words hit their mark. "You think you're so special, don't you?" he snarls. "You're nothing but a freak. A weapon that I will wield against the city's enemies."

Roxy lets out a derisive laugh. "You think you're gonna control him? You're a fool, Marv. You can't control a force of nature."With Roxy's gun still trained on Marv, Ben takes a step forward, the energy coursing through his body giving off a faint hum. "I'm no one's weapon, Marv. And I'm certainly not yours. I'll show you what happens to those who try to control me."

Marv's face twists in rage, but he doesn't move. He's surrounded by his own fallen soldiers, and he knows that one false move could be his last.Ben's eyes flash with cold fury as he advances on Marv. "I warned you," he growls. "I told you what would happen if you tried to stop me. But you didn't listen. And now you'll pay for it."

Marv sneers. "Go ahead, freak. Kill me. It won't make a difference. You're still a freak. An abomination."

Ben's gaze is like ice, piercing through Marv's defenses.A flash of white-hot energy bursts from Ben's palms, sending Marv sprawling to the ground with a howl of pain. His skin is seared and smoking, his face a mask of agony.

Roxy keeps her gun trained on Marv, ready to put a bullet in his brain if he so much as twitches a muscle.

But Marv is barely conscious, his eyes glazed and unfocused. "You…you can't do this…," he gasps.

Ben's voice is low and dangerous. "Watch me."Ben takes a step closer to Marv, his eyes burning with an intensity that is almost frightening. "You should have listened, Marv. But now it's too late. The only thing left for you is suffering."

Marv is writhing on the floor, his skin blistering and bubbling. "Please…no…I…"

Ben's voice is ice-cold. "There is no mercy here, Marv. You made your choice, and now you will suffer the consequences."Marv's pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears. Ben raises his hand, the energy crackling around his fingers. "This is for all the people you've hurt," he says, his voice emotionless. "This is for your arrogance. This is for your cruelty."

The energy builds to a blinding crescendo, and Ben brings his hand down on Marv's forehead, the blast of heat and electricity sending shockwaves through the room.There is a moment of eerie silence as the smoke clears, and then a low, inhuman moan escapes Marv's lips. His skin is charred and smoking, his body convulsing with pain.

But he is not dead.

Roxy stares down at him, her face a mask of revulsion. "What have you done?" she whispers, glancing up at Ben with a mix of horror and admiration.

Ben is silent, his expression unreadable. "He's suffered enough," he says finally.