Chapter 4

Emma knew that they probably couldn't stay outside much longer incase someone came looking for them, but she didn't want to leave his touch. She looked up at Killian, must letting her eyes take in all of his features. "I want to thank you...for agreeing to keep this all between me and you." Emma said softly. He embraced Emma and pressed a few kisses to her temple, wrapping his arms around her and shielding her from the cold. He thought back to her earlier statement with a grin. "And what idea is that?" He chuckled softly before humming and ran a hand gently over her hair. "You're most welcome...I know it's a lot to think about. I respect anything you wish, Emma." He replied softly and kissed her jaw.

As Emma felt his arms wrap around her, she let herself lean into his body, enjoying the warmth from him, a smile on her face from the kisses. Emma ker her head rest against his chest, glancing up at him. "That you love me." She said simply to answer his question. Killian smiled, lips grazing over hers briefly. "That I do...and I love you with everything I have." He replied. Emma didn't ever think she'd love anyone like this again after she was hurt by Neal all those years ago, and who would have thought the saviour would end up with a pirate? Emma let out a small moan when she felt the kiss against her jaw. She enjoyed feeling his kisses, it was something that always brought a smile to her face. "We can tell them... eventually. For not I like having something that's a secret just between us." Emma whispered to him, a soft smile on her face.

Killian nodded and drew back and took her hand in his and interlaced their fingers. He offered her a warm smile and tinted his head to the side. "We should probably head back inside? If like to keep this a secret for a little while longer." He chimed, grabbing his coat from her, his fingers carefully and meaningfully brushing across the back of her hand as he did. Emma smiled up at him. "And I love you with everything I have." She said in response, helping to interlace their fingers but knew he was right. "We should." She said, though she didn't make any move yet. "But first..." She leaned up and gave him one last kiss, this one a little deeper than the one before. She pulled back, smiling at the feeling of his hand brushing f against hers before she turned and started to head back to the diner.

Killian hummed softly, he groaned at the feeling of having to keep a distance from Emma, but he was glad that she was there with him, and safe at least. He smiled and returned the kiss and pulled back, kissing her cheek before he slipped on his coat and headed back to the diner with her. "Tease me again Swan, and we will have issues." He teased into her ear. Emma let her eyes close for a moment when she felt the kiss to her lip and cheek. Though she wanted to stay in his arms a little while longer. When Emma heard the teasing she smiled to herself. "Will we?" She asked but followed him into the diner. Killian walked inside the diner with a genuine smile seeing Henry slut his hot chocolate.

David's head turned hearing the diner door open. "Hook." He stated, he still couldn't get over everything from the past, he still had quite a strong dislike for the pirate. Emma followed him into the diner but heard David, although she knew how much he didn't like Killian. Emma just hoped it wasn't obvious that they had been kissing, hoping she didn't seem flustered and it would just seem like the cold had got to her. Henry looked at Ruby but had asked for two glasses of hot chocolate, another one for him and one for Emma before he looked over hearing the door open. "What took you two so long?" He asked curiously before telling Emma that he'd also gotten her a hot chocolate.

Emma slipped off David's jacket and sat it next to her dad since she didn't need it anymore at the moment. Killian sat down on the corner, a few seats down from David, and he accepted a hot chocolate off of Ruby. "We were just talking lad, and it seemed that portal has given me sea sickness more than the Jolly Rodger used to." He chuckled and took a sip of the warm drink in front of him, the way it burned down his throat was almost pleasing. "So my apologies for keeping her so long." He half lied through his teeth, rather well, he had been very used to doing so in The Enchanted Forest. Emma heard Killian's words and nodded in agreement. "I was just making sure he was alright is all." She said, which wouldn't be too hard to believe with her wanting to always help someone, it fit perfectly and wouldn't raise any suspicion.

Henry nodded and smiled some. "Did it?" He asked hearing it had given him sea sickness and nodded. "Going through portals is odd." He agreed knowing the sudden movement of it always felt strange to him. Killian quickly looked to David wanting to sense if the prince sensed anything untoward about their statements, if he did, he didn't show it say anything in front of Henry. "It did." He grinned at Henry. "It must have been a pretty rough portal." He said. He placed his hook on Emma's thigh gently, since they were behind the tall counter and around the corner from David, so hopefully he wouldn't be able to tell.

Emma felt the metal of his hook against her thigh but she had to take a drink of her own hot chocolate to hide the smile. She had never minded his hook and knew how careful he always tried to be with her and the hook. "I think Henry should get to bed, ed could all use the rest.", she said. Though she wanted to sit here for a few minutes more with Killian even though she had to return back to the loft with her parents but knew eventually she had to look at getting her own place.

Once in the bathroom, Regina lifted up her shirt in front of the mirror, gazing down to see the light and dark purple bruises spreading across the length of her left ribcage and slightly down towards her hip, she groaned and hovered her hand over the injury, attempting to use magic to heal it but her hand just shook, not having enough energy to light more than a useless glow from her palm. She undid the buttons down the front of her shirt, tucking in the bottom of her shirt into the back of her trousers and slowly turned her body to the side, the bruises were still there, and she had no memory of how she got them. She closed her eyes, gripping the counter in the bathroom with both of her hands. She looked up at herself in the mirror, trying to ignore the pain, when she gasped and leaned forward, brief flashes of memories flooded her mind. Trees, the portal, some sort of fight with a hooded figure, it was all a blur and she couldn't pinpoint anything. She gasped and trembled a bit as the visions faded away. Her brain felt a little foggy as she came around not knowing how long she had been zoned out for.