Chapter 13

Killian smiled, beyond happy that she had said it back to him. He took her hand and gently tugged her over to the bed, he pushed her down onto her back using his hand against her shoulder. He then used his hook to spread her legs apart slowly and stood between them, leaning down to press kisses on Emma's stomach. Emma smiled at him but she followed him over to the bed just as she felt her back against the mattress, her hair falling around her shoulders as she looked up at him, spreading her legs some for him before she let her eyes close slightly feeling his kisses against her skin. "Have I.. mentioned how much I enjoy feeling your kisses?" Emma asked although it came out in a whisper.

Killian smiled against her stomach and kissed her softly, making his way slowly up her body, hand and hook gently resting on her sides. "Mmmm. I don't believe you have.... wish we could do it more" he hummed and bent down, pressing a slow and tender kiss to her lips, closing his eyes as he did so.  Emma smiled as she felt his kisses, opening her eyes to watch him as she gave a small nod. "I wish we could do it more too." She agreed. She wished they could kiss and hold hands in public but knew that some still weren't big fans of the pirate, including her father, and she didn't want anything to ruin this. When she felt his lips against hers, she let out a small hum as she returned the slow and tender kiss, her hands slowly moving to rest on his back, holding him to her. Killian smiled and started to grind his hips against her. "one day love" he promised, he knew that it was something she needed, they both did, but at the same time, he would wait for however long he had to until he knew that this secret being told wouldn't hurt Emma in the process. He groaned and kissed her neck, gently biting her earlobe. "How far do you want to go Emma?" He husked deeply, placing his hook under her chin gently and staring into her eyes, he wouldn't do anything that she didn't want or if she changed her mind, he just wanted her so badly, it had been excruciating trying to keep his hands to himself.

Emma let out a small hum feeling his hips grind against hers but smiled some with a nod. "One day." She repeated in agreement.

She didn't know how others would feel if they found out about them but at the moment, she was fine with keeping this just between them. A small moan left her as she felt his kisses, a smile never leaving her face at him being so close. Emma looked up at him, letting their eyes meet. "I want to go all the way." She told him. She wanted to be closer to him, to feel him more. She didn't realize it till this minute but she wanted him more than anything at the moment.

Regina shook for what seemed like ages, when in fact it was only a few seconds. She groaned and fell forward, ending up on her knees on the floor, shoulder against the back of the sofa, her breathing was ragged and there were tears in her eyes, her eyes locked on Henry's scarf as she hyperventilated, obviously upset about what she had just seen. Snow hurried over, kneeling next to her as she reached out to put a hand on her arm. "Regina?" She asked, her voice now full of concern and a little panic. "Look at me." She said gently, trying to calm her voice until she realized. "You saw something, didn't you?"

Regina couldn't stop shaking, but she forced a nod to Snow. She closed her eyes, it was a trap, she'd found Henry, using magic and going off on her own, and they had been split up, Regina only being able to hang onto Henry's scarf as it slipped off from around his neck, they were both put into wooden cages and all she do was watch as they scared and threatened her son, and then they had moved onto her, the only difference was that Regina deserved it, her son didn't. She heard snow again faintly through the air and opened her eyes, she was trying to play it off, but she was pale and she couldn't stop her hands from shaking. "y...yes" she replied shakily.

Snow watched as she rubbed her shoulder gently, trying to calm her. "What is it you saw?" Snow asked gently. She was trying to keep her voice calm to hopefully soothe her since she could tell whatever the mayor saw it had been bad or at least scary. "Do you think you could stand? Let's get sat on the couch." Snow suggested. Regina leaned into Snow slightly, too panicked and shaken to even think that she normally wouldn't have acted like this. She told her everything that she saw as steady as she could, her voice and hands still shaking, her stomach churning. "It was all my fault...I don't even know if they hurt him... just....l remember being dragged out of the cage... and then pain" she said weakly. She looked up at Snow and nodded to her suggestion. "yeah...yes, I can stand" She pulled herself to her feet slowly, her legs felt weak and her strength quickly failed her. She grabbed onto Snow's arm and step by step eventually made it to the couch, collapsing onto it, sat up, head in her shaking hands as she tried to regulate her breathing.

Snow looked at her but waited till she was ready to talk before she gave a small frown. "It doesn't sound like it was your fault." She said gently, helping Regina up to her feet and over to the couch. Once she had sat down, Mary Margaret walked to the kitchen got out a glass, got some ice water, and went back over to here as she sat down. "Drink some water." She said before continuing. "It doesn't sound like this was your fault.. but if we knew more about what happened then we would be able to fully understand." She said

David nodded seeing the seatbelt was clipped in properly, then began driving down the unusually quiet road. "You know when we figure all this out I'll have to show you how to be a prince, maybe ride a horse, or how to use a sword. Would you be interested in that?" He asked glancing at him a few times as he drove, he'd love nothing more than to be able to spend more time with Henry when they weren't running from curses it felt like they were in danger, they had already lost enough time with the first dark curse. Henry smiled as he looked out the window but saw the town seemed to be quieter than it usually was but decided not to question it. Instead, he focused on what was happening right now. His attention turned to his grandfather when he heard him speaking but a wide grin spread across his face hearing what he said. "I would be interested in that!" He said. He was always wanting to spend as much time as he could with his grandfather and the idea of learning something from David made him happy.

David chuckled. "We'll have to see about getting you your horse" he chuckled and pulled up to Granny's, parking at the road on the side. He turned the engine off and shoved the keys into his coat pocket. "You ready for your hot chocolate?" He asked smiling, glad that in the midst of what was going on, at least there was some normality. "Operation confused is a go," David said holding his hand up for a high five. "I would like that," Henry said, already imagining what it would be like to have his horses to be able to take care of them and go on rides. As they pulled up to the diner, Henry unbuckled with a nod. "I am." He agreed before smiling at his grandfather. "Operation confused." He agreed as he raised one hand, giving him a high five with a smile before he got out. As he walked into the diner, he was greeted by Ruby and nodded, turning to make Henry's hot chocolate but the female glanced towards David, "Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Ruby asked Charming.

David chuckled and stepped out, making sure the patrol car was locked and headed inside. He was about to sit down when Ruby called him over. "one minute kid," he said. He walked over to Ruby, a little away from the other customers, and nodded. "What's up.. someone giving you trouble?" He asked seeing she looked quite conflicted about something. Henry had gone over to a booth and nodded at his grandfather, curious to know what Ruby had to say. Henry gave Granny a smile and thanks once his hot chocolate was sat in front of him and took a sip. That was when he sat the cup down and got lost in his thoughts like he was remembering something but couldn't fully understand what it was. Ruby walked over to David's but when they were a bit away from other customers, she shook her head. "No one is causing trouble. There's something I feel I should ask about but at the same time I'm not sure if I should." She admitted but Ruby being herself and wanting to just get it out asked: "Is there something going on between Emma and Hook?"