Chapter 14

Killian hummed softly, he couldn't think of a better place to be right now than in the arms of someone he loved. He smiled and nodded. "Alright then Swan" he whispered gently. He ran a hand down her arm and then traced her collarbone before moving it down to cup her breast, squeezing it softly and pressing soft kisses to the swell of her breasts, he just loved being in the moment, not having to worry about anything else at all, just what was going on right now. He groaned softly and gasped feeling himself beginning to get hard. Emma smiled at the pirate, she liked being here in this moment with him. Not needing to worry about anything else and just being able to enjoy the feeling of his hands and kisses on her. The Savior let her eyes close slightly feeling his touch, a soft moan escaping her lips as she felt the kisses and squeeze to her breasts but smiled when she felt him against her. "Someone's excited." She teased softly but knew her body just felt as excited and ready to have him closer as she slowly ran her hands down his back and into his sides.

Killian groaned and hummed, buying his gave briefly between her breasts, kissing and nipping the skin softly. "I advise you not to tease me right now", he hummed, the coldness of his hook resting against her stomach. He blushed and looked down, his member beginning to push and restrain against the front of his trousers. "You can hardly blame me princess" he groaned, pushing his hips a little towards her. Emma let her head rest back against the pillow as she felt his nips and kisses on her skin and looked up at him. "What's going to happen if I tease you?" She murmured before she shivered slightly feeling the coldness of his hook against her skin. But she enjoyed his touch, even the touch of his hook. She smiled softly before shaking her head. "No, I can't blame you." She whispered, a small moan leaving her as she felt him push his hips into her. That's when she heard her phone ringing.

Regina closed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair. "these flashbacks...they're just...really intense" she said. She looked up and watched as Snow came over with a glass of water, she took the glass with a shaky hand, using her other hand to steady herself, and raised it to her lips, taking a small sip. "I still felt...I should've been able to help him" She closed her eyes, still hearing Henry crying and begging the lost boys to stop. She let out a small sigh and wiped a tear off her cheek. "I...l should be going," she said going to stand up, but as soon as she lifted herself slightly, her legs wobbled, still quite shaken after the vision she wasn't sure if she could stand but after a few seconds she tried again. Snow nodded some. "I bet they are. After not having those memories." She said and shook her head. "All that matters is that Henry is safe now." She said as she watched her but stood, putting a hand on her arm, and shook her head, sitting her back down. "Not yet. You need to give yourself a few minutes to breathe and get your strength back. After that, we can go find Henry and David." Snow said. Regina sighed shakily and closed her eyes, managing to get her body back a little under control. "he's safe now" she reminded herself taking another sip of water from the glass. She nodded and sat back down, she knew there was no arguing with Snow.

"yeah...sounds good" she whispered weakly, that event had tired her out again, still felt shaky under her skin but managed to cease the shakes. "I am sorry you had to see that", she said quietly, eyes almost dropping closed as she fought the urge to pass out. Snow gave a small smile as she reached out and rubbed her back gently. "And we're all together. I'm sure whatever happened wasn't any of your fault." Snow said trying to make her feel as better as she could. Snow gave a smile and nodded hearing her agree to just rest a moment. "You don't have to apologize for that., Regina." She told her. "And with how that looked, we can keep it just between us if you'd like. We can tell the others of what you saw but they don't need to know how shaky you got."

David listened to her politely, he was glad that someone had reached out to him about a problem, however, this soon seemed like something that was going to be his problem. He furrowed his brows at the waitress and shook his head. "Emma and Hook? What do you mean?" He asked completely oblivious, he wasn't sure what she could mean by something going on. As far as he was concerned the two barely spoke and if there was surely Emma would have told him by now. Ruby nodded and seemed to pause slightly before saying. "Are you sure?" She asked. She knew that at the beginning Emma and the pirate hadn't gotten along and had hardly even talked. "It's just.. when Emma came in this morning. Hook was in here and they sat at a booth together. They seemed to be friendlier than before and I just had the feeling like something more was going on between the two of them." Ruby explained. "And last night after you all left and they stayed back a few minutes longer it seemed like they were.. more than friends in a way. How they smiled and stayed behind together when you all left." She said

David frowned and listened to Ruby's explanation. He shook his head not quite believing what she was saying, besides, if he put this information into perspective, more things did seem to make sense, after all, he had never known Emma to just go out for a walk. "Well .. let's see shall we?" He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed Emma, holding the phone to his ear as it rang, even the possibility of this being true was beginning to make him angry, a newfound rage boiling inside him, one Emma for lying and not just to him, but to snow, her son, and everyone else, and his absolute hatred for that pirate. He tapped his food annoyingly on the ground waiting to see if there was an answer. Ruby hadn't been sure if she should tell but at the same time, she was curious. The waitress gave a nod as she leaned against the counter, watching him but could tell he was starting to get annoyed and angry.

Emma gave a small frown and reached down to pull it from her pants pocket and looked at the screen to see David calling. She was considering answering the phone or just setting it aside since she didn't want to stop what they were doing. Though she ultimately decided to not answer, she sat her phone aside and turned her focus back on the pirate, letting her fingertips brush against his jawline before she leaned her head up slightly and kissed him.