Chapter 25

Henry nodded hearing he didn't get a chance but smiled. "Maybe we can." He agreed wondering if there could be something there that could give them a clue. Henry walked into the diner and found them a booth in the corner and walked over to it, sliding into one of the booths. Though as soon as they had ordered their food and was waiting for it he spoke. "Do you.. thinking you and mom will make up anytime soon?" He asked quietly

David slid into the booth opposite Henry and took off his coat, placing it into the seat next to him. He hesitated not expecting Henry to ask that. "it's...not as simple as that Henry" he sighed trying to phrase this in a way that wouldn't hurt him too. "I only had a problem with Emma lying, and dating hook, but I've never liked that pirate" he took a small breath. "and....I said some things to your mother that perhaps I shouldn't have...and she'll have to be ready to forgive me...which may take a while" he said reaching over and squeezing Henry's hand.

Henry looked at David and listened as he gave a small nod but though he hadn't been told what was said he knew it had to have been bad to cause this. He returned the squeeze and gave a small smile before he looked down to his hands, like he was thinking before he spoke. "I know this probably won't change the way you feel, but mom does seem happy with him." He said softly and looked at his grandfather

David sighed and thanked Ruby as she brought some drinks over. "I know...maybe she does, but she didn't have to lie, we're her family, it just shocked me, and i met killian a good couple years ago in the enchanted forest and his reputation wasn't the best.

Henry gave a smile to Ruby in thanks before taking a sip of his drink and nodded some. "He doesn't seem like the same pirate he once was. I know I never met him but he seems to be a better person.." he said slowly, not wanting to upset him but deciding to change the subject he hesitated before saying. "I know.. everything that happened yesterday but maybe we should all meet up at the station. We can talk about the clues and see if everyone else had remembered something?" He suggested

David shrugged. "perhaps...but it will take time for me to get used to seeing him if I ever do" he said, he still wasn't sure how he felt about the whole situation. "I'll send everyone a message later and see if they want to all come down...for now...let's just enjoy our food okay" he said smiling a little and taking another sip of his drink.

Henry gave a nod but decided not to push that any further and smiled some hearing he'd send out a message to them and nodded. "Alright." He said and grinned. "Yes, let's eat." He said just as he saw his food sat in front of him but he didn't was more much time and began to eat.

David joined him in eating and did so in silence, he wondered if Snow had gone over to check on Regina yet, he hated seeing him this quiet, but he knew it was also partly because of him. "I'm sorry Henry... for upsetting Emma..." He said after a moment of looking at the kid.

Henry looked up at David and offered a small smile but heard him apologize and swallowed his bite of food before saying. "If you really do want to apologize for it then I want you to try and talk to her.. she was really upset last night." Henry told him, hoping he could get him to agree. He didn't want his family fighting.

David looked at Henry, he didn't know if he could do that, he was still very pissed at Emma, and he was serious about not wanting her under his roof while he felt betrayed and while she was dating Killian. "We'll see" he said and ate a little bit of his food.

Henry gave a small nod as he went back to eating. He hesitated some before saying. "Even though.. mom isn't there. I can still stay with you and grandma, right?" He asked.

David reached out and nudged Henry's shoulder a little bit. "Of course you can stay with us" he said softly then turned to look around, he saw Hook enter and he immediately stiffened. He clenched his fists slightly sharing eye contact with the pirate for the moment but attempted to control himself. He kept his focus on Henry but he couldn't believe that he was here right now, it was as if hook was trying to rub it in his face.

As Emma walked away from the apartment and headed to the diner, her bag slung over her shoulder and resting against her hip, she let her eyes scan the town, watching as others went on about their business. As she got to the diner, she could see David and Henry sitting at a booth through the window and paused slightly but took a deep breath and slowly exhaled before she walked up to the door, pulling it open and stepping inside. Emma gave Henry a smile before she spotted Killian over by the counter she walked over to him. She kept her gaze away from David, she was worried if she saw him then all the feelings she felt yesterday would come back and would make her cry or want to run out of the diner and she didn't want to do that.

Henry smiled some with a nod as he finished off his food. "That was good." He said before he spotted the pirate and his mother soon walk in. But Henry smiled at them, he didn't have any problem with them and was glad that his mom at least came out of the ship.

Killian heard the door to the diner open and looked up, he saw Emma and smiled the best he could with David still on his mind. "Hey" he said and he pushed her hot cocoa with cinnamon towards her. "did you get what you needed?" He asked softly wishing he could reach out for her hand, but with David a few feet away, he didn't want to risk another scene by making him angry.

David took a slow breath and shook his head. "I can't do it Henry....not today" he said looking over at Emma, perhaps he could just try to apologise to Emma for the things he said, maybe then there would be a little less tension between them.

Emma looked at Killian and gave a small smile before she nodded. "Yeah, I got what I needed." She said as she sat down on a stool at the counter seeing him push over a cup of hot cocoa. "Thank you." She told him before she grabbed her cup and took a small sigh but could feel David's eyes on her. But she couldn't bring herself to look at her dad. She didn't want to end up crying in the diner and letting everyone see. So, she figured that it was best to just keep her focus either on the pirate or on her drink.

Henry looked at David and gave a small nod although he felt a little upset but he wasn't going to push it though he saw how he looked towards Emma. "Are you going to go talk to her?" Henry asked him softly. Though he was hoping David would try to but he wasn't sure if he would or not so he just leaned back and grabbed his drink.

David hesitated a little, taking another sip of his drink before he looked up at Henry. "yes..." He stood up from the booth and let out a small sigh, he walked over to the counter, standing beside Emma, leaving a small gap between them. "I'm sorry...for what I said yesterday" David said as he glanced back at Henry.

Killian nodded softly, he watched her and reached out, briefly placing a hand on her back and rubbing it gently before removing it, he just wanted to give her a little comfort, he knew that Emma had seen David. "Are you okay being here?" He asked quietly under his breath so only she could hear.

Emma looked over at the pirate and gave a small smile as she nodded. "I'm okay." She whispered but she had to smile a little more knowing he was trying his best to comfort her which she appreciated. She heard footsteps before she saw David out of the corner of her eye but she hadn't expected him to come over here. Henry nodded at David but he didn't know how this would end up going since he could feel the tension between them, but instead of just watching, he looked at his drink as he took a sip.

Killian's eyes were fixed coldly on the Charming, he held Emma's hand softly and gave it a squeeze, he wouldn't be upsetting Emma again, and if he did, Killian wouldn't think twice before beating him up. He wanted to tell him to jog on and he knew Emma wasn't probably expecting this so he kept quiet, not sure what Emma was going to do.

Emma turned her eyes to look at David after a moment. Though she just stared at him before she spoke, "do you think an apology will just make things better?" She asked him with a shake of her head. "It's going to take more than that to just make me forgive you. Do you know how it feels to have your dad look at you and say that you aren't his daughter?" She asked. She knew Henry was nearby and that there were other customers so she kept her voice low so Henry wouldn't hear. He didn't need to hear that.

David swallowed his own words. He clenched his jaw, so much for apologising. "Emma" he growled a bit under his breath. "just...." He sighed in frustration trying to get her to understand. "just come back home and forget about this no good pirate." He said and glared at Killian, beginning to get angry again though he tried not to show it too much, he reached out and grabbed Emma's wrist. "what else do you want me to say?" He almost snapped, he shouldn't have done this, not yet, not with a gun in his belt.

Killian frowned a little when Emma spoke, it was clear she was upset from this, that it was still playing on her mind, but he didn't want her to break down in tears and he certainly didn't want to cause a scene. His anger flared up when he saw David grab her wrist rather roughly. He stood up and walked around Emma to stand in front of David, he moved quickly and pushed him back a little, so it wouldn't be too obvious to others. He let out a small sigh of relief when David's hand let go of Emma's wrist, though he wasn't happy to see the red marks on her skin. "I think it's about time that you leave. Mate" he said calmly, though the anger was rising quickly in him. He gasped a bit and stood back, standing in front of Emma to protect her, David now holding the Gun to Killian's chest. "Calm down mate" he warned not wanting Emma to get hurt in the crossfire.

Emma looked at David but could tell he was beginning to get angry again but she didn't want a scene to break out in the diner. Especially in front of her son. "That's not going to happen." She told him, she wasn't going to just forget about Killian and break things off. Emma glanced down when she felt her wrist grabbed but looked up seeing Killian, she pulled her arm back but could see the red mark though she hoped it would fade and wouldn't leave a bruise. When she looked up again, she stood but her whole body tensed when she saw the gun pointed at Killian's chest. "David.." she warned. She didn't know if he would pull the trigger or not but she hadn't ever seen him this way. "Put the gun down." She told him though she could feel her heart starting to speed up slightly at the scene.

Henry had been glancing over every now and then but when he suddenly heard the diner quiet down, he looked up. That was when he saw his grandfather holding his gun.

David clenched his jaw, he felt like no one else was in the Diner, he could barely hear Emma speak and all he could see was Killian. He was tense, and his finger moved to the trigger. "No" David said finally acknowledging what Emma said. "if you're not going to come back with me, I have to make you" he said.

Killian was a little scared, his stomach doing flips, he felt sick but his highest concern right now was making sure Emma, and even Henry, we're safe. Killian stepped forward and pressed his chest into the barrel of the gun, that way, if he did want to shoot him, it wouldn't hit Emma or anyone else. "David..." He said trying to get through to him. "Don' thing I've learned is guns are might hurt Emma" he said, he flinched a bit as David yelled at him to shut up.

Emma felt like she was frozen, her eyes on the pirate and David but hearing his words made her go pale. She didn't think he'd actually pull it. Emma remembering Henry in a booth not far away, glanced at him but he seemed to understand what she was wanting, he sat his drink down and quietly slid out of his booth and left the diner. If the gun did go off, she didn't want him to see this.

As soon as Henry left the diner, he took off running. Heading to the mayors house, he knew Regina would be there and that Snow most likely would be, or he hoped so. As Henry arrived, he just burst through the front door and after not seeing them downstairs took for the stairs.

Killian reached out and grabbed the gun moving it to the side quickly, this shocked David and his finger pulled the trigger, he disarmed David, gun falling to the ground by Emma's feet, hook groaned a little, his ears ringing, he felt a sharp stabbing pain in his arm, thankfully his black coat concealed it for the moment but he could feel a little blood already trickle down his arm, it had merely grazed him. He didn't want Emma to worry and turned back to her deciding not to tell her if she hadn't noticed. "Are you okay love?" He asked before glaring angrily back at David who stood there like a deer in headlights. Charming bent down and went to go and grab the gun from the floor.