Chapter 29

When the next morning came, snow had woken up and carefully sat up but saw her and Regina on the couch although she was glad for the other woman and felt a bit better than she did yesterday but knew she'd have to go home. She just didn't know how David would be. When Henry woke up, he had gotten dressed into different clothes before going downstairs and saw Regina and Snow on the couch but he headed to the kitchen although he was hoping that today would be a little better than yesterday and the day before.

Regina was still asleep on the sofa, her arm still wrapped around Snow. She felt a little movement and opened her eyes, she was still a little bit tired and she just realised that it was the first time she had slept since her meltdown just over two days ago when Snow had to come check on her. "Morning" she sat and sat up aswell, her eyes were a little red but ignored that and stood up. "Did you sleep okay?" She asked chuckled softly as she remembered Snow had fallen asleep on her rather quickly. She heard someone coming down the stairs and looked up slowly. "Hey are you?" She asked softly, she was so proud of him for yesterday but hoped that he wasn't too worried, she wondered if perhaps she or snow could take him to see emma today, and maybe Regina herself would have a word with David.

Snow gave a small smile. "Morning." She told her as she sat up. "I actually slept well." She said. "How about you?" She asked as she stood up, stretching her arms above her head before she heard Henry.

The boy looked over at them and smiled some. "Good morning." He said. "I'm okay.." he added although there was still a little nervousness about how Emma was doing and made a note to send a message or call later to see how she was. "I was going to see what there was for breakfast, do you two want something?" He asked

Snow shook her head. "As much as I would enjoy having breakfast here. I should get home. I need to change and see how.. David is doing." Snow said. She was hoping that maybe he had time to calm down and think and that she could convince him that Hook wasn't the bad pirate he once was.

Regina thought for a moment and nodded. "I did...haven't done that in a while" she joked softly but then looked over at Henry. she grabbed the whiskey and the wine and took them back into the kitchen putting them away before giving Henry a quick kiss on the head. She listened to the two speak and thought of a compromise. "Wait..." She said. "Why don't we eat here, and Snow I can go visit David and talk to him and you could take Henry to go see Emma?" She suggested, she knew that she was scared for her daughter as much as anyone else was. "Feel free to grab something from my closet if you need to" Regina said and turned to Henry, he shouldn't have to look after them, not when he had already done so much to help. "What would you like to eat?" She asked them both, the world could wait ten minutes while they looked after themselves, besides, she had a plan to help David, she knew Snow and the others wouldn't approve of her putting herself on the line with what she had planned, but it was the only way to get the anger out of David and get him to move past this.

Snow gave a small chuckle at the joke and nodded but heard what Regina said and although she wouldn't mind someone else talking to David, she shook her head. "I couldn't ask you to do that Regina. I can do this." She said. She didn't want Regina to get hurt because of that, even if Snow had been a little scared of David last night and that he had pushed her a little, she knew he wouldn't ever actually do any harm to her. She didn't want to risk Regina being hurt because of all this. Even though she was scared for Emma, she wouldn't let anyone else be hurt.

Henry smiled some at the idea of going to see his mom and nodded. "Think she'd feel up for it?" He asked and watched the two but knew neither one of them wanted the other to go so he suggested. "Why don't you both go?" He suggested. "I can message Hook and see if mom feels up for company and if she is I can go by myself, let her know you'll come later." He said. He knew Snow wasn't about to let Regina get hurt and knew Regina wanted to handle it but he was also thinking that it would be best for there to be both of them. At the mention of breakfast, he thought before his eyes lit up. "Can we have some waffles and pancakes?" He asked Regina

Regina pouted a little, she didn't want snow going back there yet, not after what she confessed to her last night, and she could tell that Snow was still feeling slightly uncomfortable about being in the same room as David. "Snow..." She paused a little, she was scared for her, she didn't want David to upset her anymore. "I'm just going to talk to him I promise, I..." She shook her head, she didn't want her there in case she got hurt. "Just go and see your daughter with Henry? I promise I'll be okay, besides I have magic. You don't" she said softly, if she did end up coming with her she could always use that to stop her from getting in the room while she carried out her plan, but she knew that Emma would most likely enjoy the company of both of them, it was a very tricky situation. Regina smiled and rubbed Henry's back as he made a suggestion, he was very smart for his age. "It's up to Snow really, but whatever she decides...I'm with her" Regina said with a small nod to the queen of the enchanted forest. She smiled and nodded at Henry's request for waffles and pancakes and used her magic to made a great big pile of them on a plate, enough for all of them and still warm as though they were just made. "I'd cook but no doubt you're eager to see your mother" Regina said to Henry and then looked at Snow. "Any thoughts?" She asked her wondering if she'd changed her mind at all given Her and Henry's new ideas.

Henry smiled at the two woman but when he saw the food, he nodded in understanding about not cooking as he walked over to the counter, already grabbing a plate and beginning to put food on it and eat.

Snow looked at Henry hearing the suggestion and nodded before looking at Regina. "It would be best for both of us. If we go together." She agreed. "I.. don't think David would actually really hurt me. But it would be nice to have you there if he does get angry." She told Regina. She wanted to talk to her husband but would feel better if she wasn't there completely alone. Though she hoped she was right, that David wouldn't actually leave a mark on her. Snow moved over to the counter and grabbed a plate, putting a little food on and started to eat.

Henry smiled and nodded hearing Snow had Moët her mind made up but he grabbed his phone and not sure if his mom was awake, he texted Hook. "Does my mom feel up for a bit of company?" Before he hit send and went back to eating. Snow nodded, "we can leave after we eat." She told Regina.

Regina nodded and helped herself to a pancake and a waffle, she smiled at snow and agreed with her. "Together it is then" she said and hummed at how delicious the food was, she sat it down after eating only half of the waffle, having been upset and not having eaten the past day or so it made her stomach a little uncomfortable so she wouldn't press herself to eat a lot. "Ready?" She asked Snow and Henry with a small smile.

Henry looked at the message and smiled some seeing she would be up for it. After he finished eating, he went to get his shoes and coat on, nodding. "Ready." He said as Snow finished eating, nodding as she followed them out of the house. Henry gave each of them a hug and promised Snow he'd tell Emma she would come see her later before leaving, heading to the docs.

Snow gave Henry a hug back and smiled some. "He really is smart for his age." She noted and smiled at Regina before she started to walk but once at the loft, she paused a second to gather herself and glanced at Regina before opening the door and walked inside. "David?" She called but wasn't sure if he was up or not as she looked around.

Regina smiled and watched as Henry run off towards the ship. "He really is...that's thanks to you aswell" she smiled. She followed Snow to the loft and saw her pause outside the door, she gave her a small nod and a smile, a hand quickly rubbing the small of her back to comfort her. She walked in behind Snow just in time to grab her arm, seeing the shattered glass on the floor. "stop..." She pulled her back a little and pointed at the floor, eyes scanning for David.

David had been alone with his thoughts, for a little too long, he ended up smashing a few things and pacing a lot, he cried at one point but he was too pissed off at Killian, why the hell did he have to get involved. "Snow" he said confused and then he came around the corner to see them both. "What's she doing here?" He asked crossing his arms and looking at Regina.

Snow looked at Regina until she saw the glass and frowned slightly but now the at she really looked around she could see that there were other stuff smashed. Snow turned when she heard David before speaking. "She wanted to come with." She said simply before going to the bedroom. She changed her clothes quickly before coming back out and glanced around. "I see you were.. busy." She said noting the smashed things.

Regina watched as Snow went off to get changed, she didn't say anything to David, not yet, if he got angry she would take it from there, but she was already pissed off at him for pushing Snow. Regina bent down and began to carefully pick up all the glass off the floor, and there was a lot of it.

David shrugged, he turned to look at Snow, he hated that she could be so calm with this situation and be on Hooks side. "So?...what's it to you?" He huffed at her and leaned against the counter getting a glare from Regina. "what the hell is your problem?" He growled walking over to where Regina was crouched on the floor picking up the glass, chest heaving with anger.

Snow gave a small frown. "It's my house too." She told him. "I don't like coming home and finding things smashed." She said simply as she walked over but saw he was heading over where Regina was. "David." Snow warned since she could tell he was getting angry. "Sit down. We need to talk." She said. Any other time she wouldn't have wanted to talk and say what she wanted to say but with Regina there she felt like she could and knew if David would try anything that Regina could use her magic to restrain him. But she had to get something off her chest and wanted him to listen.

David huffed and crossed his arms across his chest, he stopped walking towards Regina and sat down at the counter and raised his eyebrow at snow, he was pissed off and he doubted that a talk would help him to calm down, he wanted to beat the pirate up. "What...what do you have to say?" He snapped unhappily. He stood back up angrily and slammed his fist onto the counter. "there's nothing you could possibly say" he growled and shook his head, but he knew that he couldn't beat two women at the same time.

Regina kept focusing on cleaning the glass up a little and faced snow finally standing up. She gave Snow a small comforting nod letting her know that no matter what happened she would protect her and she wouldn't give David a chance to hurt her.

Snow looked at Davis, trying to ignore the anger and him snapping at her before she glanced to Regina seeing the nod but she did feel a little bit better knowing she was there and would stop anything from happening to her if David got too angry and tried to hurt her. She tensed slightly seeing him slam his fist on the counter but she started speaking. "Emma is hurt because of you. So you owe me to sit and listen." She said hoping that would make him sit or feel a little guilty. Snow didn't wait though she continued talking. "Last night.. that was the first time I ever was scared of you. I never felt that way about you, I knew you had a temper but this has gone too far." She told him. "Are you really that angry that you are willing to risk losing Emma for good just to hurt Hook? I've accepted the relationship so you need to also, I can't make you but if you do care about your daughter at all and feel bad about what you did, whether is was an accident or not, you need to get this under control. Or else we won't let Henry come around you anymore and I won't want to be here." She told her husband. She was hoping that Regina would agree about Henry since she didn't want her grandson to get hurt. She truly did love David but how he's been acting it made her scared and angry at the same time. "Or is this going to keep going till you do hurt Killian? You do that and you loose your daughter." Snow warned.

David sat down, Snow was right, he owed her that much, he had almost killed their daughter. He listened in silence and he nodded his head along with what he was saying, he didn't want Snow to be scared of him. He waited until she was finished and slowly stood up. "I don't want to lose Emma, if I haven't already...but the anger that I feel when I see Killian" he shrugged. He reached out and grabbed her shoulders. "I'll put it behind me" he nodded.

Regina wasn't buying David's whole sorry excuse, he was pissed still, she didn't believe that David could simply put it behind him like that, she certainly couldn't. "let's put that to the test shall we?" She asked. She used her magic and shifted into Killian's body, she looked like him, smelled like him and talked like him. "come on, mate" she said in his voice.

David launched forward and punched Regina across the face, granted she now looked like Killian, he grabbed her throat choking her making her grab onto his hands trying to pull his hands off her.  She magicked snow outside and then locked the door so she couldn't get back in, not while he was this angry. David picked her up and slid Regina across the counter and she collapsed to the floor, glasses smashing as she smashed into them. She groaned, her face was swollen and beaten, the glass had got into her arm but she didn't stop him. "Let the anger out David, let it all out now" she said pushing herself to her feet just to get punched in the stomach, David only seeing red, he only saw Killian, forgetting that Regina was the one paying the price.