chapter 30

Henry all but ran to Killian's ship, going down to the cabin a little out of breath and knocking on the door. Killian opened it and he walked in. He immediately hugged Killian and thanked him for helping Emma, for standing up for her like he had. He walked over to Emma's side, a little upset as he saw how pale she was and the bowl on the side that had the red tint of blood. "are you okay?" He asked her quietly, he wasn't just talking about the injury but how she felt emotionally.

When Emma heard a knock, she looked over and smiled some seeing Henry. "Hey, kid." She said but watched as he hugged Killian but gave her son a smile. "I'm getting there.. I'll be alright." She said. She didn't want to go into detail about how she actually felt. She still felt weak and she was drained empty after the last couple days but she didn't want to lay that all on her son. "How are you?" She asked, she knew Henry had left before the gunshot went off but knew how terrifying yesterday must have been.

Henry bit his lower lip softly trying not to get too upset, his adoptive mom said that she'd made it. "it...scared me...I didn't know, think David could do that" he said. He stepped a little closer to the bed. "Can I hug you?" He asked softly, he didn't want to hurt her but he needed to know she was okay, she still had a long way to go.

Emma smiled when she felt the kiss and slowly laid back with his help but it did feel a lot better now that she was laying down. She looked at Killian and gave his arm a squeeze. "I will." She promised before her eyes went to Henry but could tell he was trying to not get too upset. "I'm sorry you had to see that." She said softly since she didn't know how he thought of his grandfather now. Hearing his question, she smiled at him and nodded. "Of course you can." She said softly before she held her arms out to Henry, letting him know he could hug her.

Henry shook his head softly and reached out towards Emma and hugged her, burying his face into her shoulder slightly before he pulled back. "It's okay...I'm glad Killian was there to help" he wiped a tear away from his cheek and bit his lip. "I'm sorry you got hurt" he whispered.

Emma looked at her son and returned the hug, rubbing his back gently and gave him a small squeeze before letting him go and glanced at the pirate before her eyes went back to Henry. "I'm going to be alright, I promise." She told him softly. She didn't like seeing the tears or how worried he looked and wanted him to know she'd be alright. "I'm just glad you left the diner before it happened." She said gently before she reached out and gave Henry's arm a small squeeze.

Henry took a small breath and quickly hugged her again. "I'm glad I wasn't there too...I wish I could have stopped it...but..." He sat down by her side and held her hand. "I ran as fast as I could to Regina and Snow" he said, he felt bad for what happened. "it shouldn't have happened" he whispered feeling bad that Emma had gotten hurt.

Emma listened and smiled softly as she gave his hand a squeeze and nodded. "You did good getting them. Regina helped save me." She told him. "You're right.. it shouldn't have happened but I promise that I am going to be striven. It'll take more than a gunshot wound to take me down." She said hoping to ease his worries.

Henry chuckled softly and squeezed her hand, he was so glad that she'd let him see her. "Maybe a few curses too?" He chuckled a bit and sniffed a little bit, he hoped things were okay on snow and Regina's. "Has he been taking good care of you?" He asked looking over at killian, he didn't doubt he was but he just wanted to make sure.

Emma gave a small chuckle. "Even a few curses couldn't stop." She said softly before she looked over at the pirate and nodded. "He's been taking good care of me, kid." She assured him but knew he just wanted to make sure. "You don't have to worry about me, I'll be alright." She said softly.

Henry smiled and nodded. "Can...can I stay here for a little bit?" He asked her softly, he squeezed her hand gently. "it's fine if you want to sleep...I just...I just want to be with you" he said still slightly worried about her. He nodded hearing that Killian had been taking care of her. "I'm glad. He's a good man" he smiled. Hearing his question, Emma smiled at him and nodded. "You can stay here as long as you'd like, Henry. And I'm sure Killian won't mind either." She promised, returning the squeeze. She knew how weak she probably still looked but she wouldn't mind if he just wanted to sit there with her if it made him feel better.

Henry nodded, he smiled a little happy that he could stay. He stood up and pulled the blanket over Emma a little more and went back to holding her hand. "Snow and Regina have gone to talk to hopefully he won't be a problem anymore" he told her. "oh! Also Snow said she would come to see you later if that's okay?" He said remembering that he had to tell her that before he left.

When Emma saw his smile, she smiled to herself seeing how happy he looked and held his hand as she listened "let's hope.." She said. She couldn't help but wonder how them talking with David was going. She smiled some and nodded, "that would be okay with me." She agreed. She could feel herself wanting to fall asleep but not wanting to and to continue talking with Henry she tried to fight against it.

Henry nodded and held her hand in his. "I'll let her know" he said softly and looked at her, if Killian was already asleep and tired he bet that emma was. He smiled a little. "Mom you can go to sleep" he said with a small smile, he loved talking to her but he knew that she needed to rest to be able to allow herself to begin healing properly.

Emma gave a nod and offered a small smile. "You'll still stay?" She asked softly since she wanted him to feel he could stay even if they were asleep. She gave his hand a small squeeze before she slowly closed her eyes.

Henry nodded and moved his closer to the bed as he was of course much smaller than Killian. He nodded and looked at his Mom sadly. "I'll stay" he promised and kept a hold of her hand, he still couldn't wrap his head around what happened, or how terrified he'd been, he was worried that he was going to hurt Killian, but hurting his mom was ten times worse.

Emma gave Henry as smile and nodded, giving his hand one more squeeze before she had let her eyes fully closed and just let herself fall into, her hand still in his. But she was still tired and the gunshot wound was making her side hurt and she could feel herself starts to get more of a fever slightly.

Henry smiled and watched her fall of to sleep, he closed his eyes and just relaxed for a few minutes enjoying their company and that she was going to be okay. He frowned as he felt Emma's hand grow sweatier and almost slip from his. "mom?" He asked as he stood up, he cupped her cheek for a moment and frowned, she definitely shouldn't be this warm. He went over to the bowl and grabbed the cloth and draped it over her forehead hoping that would help.

Emma remained asleep though when she felt a cloth draped over her forehead. She had flinched a little from the contact but had settled back down as she slept. Knowing that both Henry and Hook were next to her though she was sweating a little from the fever.

Henry frowned and pressed the cloth onto her forehead, feeling her cheeks they were starting to get warmer. "mom!" He frowned. He went over to the other side of the bed and shook Killian awake. "what is it lad?" He turned to Emma and began to see the beads of sweat forming on her skin. They exchanged places, Henry laying on the bed cuddling up to Emma's arm on the side that she wasn't shot while hook felt her pulse and held a hand to her cheek checking just how bad the fever was beginning to get. "Swan can you open your eyes for me?" He whispered.

Emma could feel he son cuddling up against her arm but when Killian put a hand against her cheek, her head moved a bit to be in his touch and though it took a few seconds, her eyes slowly opened, although they were only cracked slightly so Killian just looked like a blurry shadow, one hand slowly moved to grab onto the pirates arm but her movement was weak and she could feel a few strands of her hair sticking to her from the sweat forming on her skin. Henry had stayed cuddled up against his mothers arm, holding onto her hand when he suddenly heard footsteps and looked at the door. That was when he saw his grandfather but Henry was more surprised than anything to see him on the ship.

Killian frowned and felt her forehead and her neck to see if the temperature was consistent. It was and he didn't like it. "You've got a little bit of a fever" He said worriedly, he kept changing out the cloth on her head trying to keep her face cool at least. He looked up as the cabin door swung open and his mouth dropped s little unable to believe this guy had just waltzed onto his ship.