"How did yo get here?" Madeline asked in a panic as she started the car.

Xavier Blackwell was slightly stunned, he didn't expect to actually run into her here.

"Cut the crap! Drive the car!" His tone was overbearing, not allowing anyone to refuse.

As he spoke, the man stepped on the accelerator.

The next second, the sports car lurched straight forward, Madeline instantly clutched the steering wheel quickly before kicking his feet away and stepping on the accelerator herself.

"Go to the nearest hospital." He ordered.

Madeline nodded repeatedly and pressed the accelerator hard to the bottom.

When they arrived at the hospital, Madeline was shocked.

The man had a total of three gunshot wounds, two to his chest and one to his abdomen.

Madeline accompanied him after treating the wounds, and then wheeled him into the ward in a wheelchair.

The blood all over his body still could not hide his superb facial features and noble aura.

After carefully helping him to the bed, Madeline said, "Ask your family to come and take care of you, I have things to do and I have to go first."

"Thank you." Xavier said coldly.

"You're welcome. You're so good looking, why do you have to go into that business?"

"Wouldn't it be more comfortable to be a star and make money than to get into danger?" Madeline said in a soft voice..

The man raised his eyebrows and sized her up.

What business?

She actually took him for that kind of person? It was ridiculous.

"How much money can I make as a star?" He responded indifferently.

"You can make a lot of money when you're popular."

"Do you know how much money I can make in a day?"

Madeline felt that she was being pointless to talk to him, so she did not reply but went out with her bag.

How much money can him make in underworld? Can it be more than that of a popular star made? Can it be more saver than a star?

"Wait a minute."

She stopped in her tracks and turned her head to ask, "What?"

With difficulty, he took a bloodied cheque from his trouser pocket and folded it into a paper plane and flew it into her hand.

"Take it, and thank you."

Madeline silently opened the cheque before it was folded back into its original form and flew back into his hand.

"This is the hush money for that night." After saying that, Madeline turned around and left.

When she reached the door, she paused to look back at the man, "Remember what the doctor said, no water on the wound, and no more smoking or drinking."

Her eyes looked gentle.

"What's your name?" Xavier asked.

She just smiled, and then left without any lingering.

He was a stranger who met in passing, there was no need for him to know her name.

Looking at the direction the woman disappeared, the man couldn't help but say to himself, "What an interesting woman."

He then dialed a number, "Come to the People's Hospital, and by the way, help me find out about the woman who just sent me here."

"Mr. Blackwell, are you hurt?"

"Tom, do I look like a gangster?"

"You are majestic and reserved, how can you look like a gangster?"



At eight o'clock the next morning, X Entertainment officially announced the signing of Ryan, which instantly topped the hot search.

Soon, social media was paralyzed.

The programmers over at the company quickly recovered it.

But within two minutes, it was down again.

After that, Twitter was repeatedly on recovery and paralysis.

Madeline was woken up by the sound of Paige's text massage.

After rubbing her sleepy eyes and stretching, Madeline clicked into Twitter and she saw that Paige had sent herself several messages in succession.

"Madeline, good news."

"After our company officially announced that Ryan had joined, the share price started to soar all the way up."

"It's only been just an hour, and the share price has gone up by twenty percent."

All this was expected by Madeline, she just smiled lightly and then simply typed "Okay."

Paige added, "I have arranged a welcome dinner for Ryan in the evening, in a private room at the Dreamland Hotel. Will you be there?"

"Yes" she replied.

It was natural for her to be there for such an occasion as the boss of the company.

Immediately after that, Paige called over there.

"By the way, Madeline, that hot search about Bruce's cheating yesterday has been high and it's still in the top three."

"The Stewart's has offered money several times to get off the hot search, but the result is that things simply can't be suppressed, and the cynical netizens have refused to let Bruce go."

"When they pressed down a hot search on their side, everyone got new one out, and everyone was clamouring to send Bruce to the center."

"In the end, the Stewart's has given up on the treatment."

"In addition, all of the Stewart's food brands have been boycotted by the netizens, and in one morning the Stewart's share price has dropped eight percent, and the market value has evaporated nearly twenty billion."

"We got the news that the reason why things have been fermenting like crazy this time is because the Stewart's rival companies have stepped in."

"Everything is going as you expected it to." Paige added, "Bruce harmed the Stewart's so badly, next in case he makes another mistake, his position will be removed, for the Stewart family has more than

that one son."

Madeline hooked her lips in satisfaction, "Got it."

After that, she clicked on the social media hot search list.

#The Bruce Stewart cheating# was currently at number two on the hot search list, with almost as much heat as #Ryan Blackwell signing up with X Entertainment#, which was number one.

When she clicked on Bruce's hot search, she saw that it was still full of curses.

Now that things had gotten so big, she could guess that the Stewart's must be in a mess, and Bruce would definitely be blamed by his family.

But this was not enough.

After putting on a light makeup, Madeline then found a black ribbon and tied her long curly hair naturally behind her head.

After that, she changed into a white turtleneck jumper, a camel-colored tweed coat and light blue jeans and walked out of the room.

She was going to go to the mall and buy some clothes for the season.

She had gone back to her country in such a hurry that she hadn't brought back many of her clothes, and all the clothes she had at home were too big to wear.

This was obviously a niche brand, but she was wearing it in a way that made it a big international brand.

Once she came downstairs, she saw Bruce and Allen sitting in the living room.

Bruce was lowering his head and apologizing to Allen, "Mr. Crawford, I am deeply sorry for the harm my actions have caused to Madeline and everyone in the Crawford family, I am really sorry."

"Do you think that the harm you have done to my eldest daughter can be solved by a single word of apology? If it weren't for the fact that you and Leila are already engaged, I would never have let her

continue to be with you." Allen scolded.

His words made Madeline's heart warm.

She didn't intend to interrupt, but just walked to Allen, "Dad, I'm going out."

Allen nodded faintly.

And then, she turned her head and walked away, without even giving Bruce a glance, her indifferent attitude made Bruce feel stinging.

It was just that the more indifferent she was to him, the more he wanted to get closer to her.

When Madeline went out, she took out her car keys and unlocked her red Maserati by remote control.


As she was just about to get into the car, Bruce's voice sounded behind her.