Three years ago, Madeline was deeply in love and made significant sacrifices for her boyfriend, Bruce Stewart, including donating her kidney to his mother and suffering from the resulting health complications. These sacrifices led to her gaining weight and losing her once-renowned beauty. Despite her loyalty and love, Bruce betrayed her by having an affair with her half-sister, Leila. This betrayal was devastating for Madeline, who was once a celebrated beauty in the city.
Heartbroken and humiliated, Madeline disappeared for three years. During this time, she underwent a remarkable transformation, regaining her beauty and confidence. Now, she returns with a mission to seek revenge on those who wronged her.
The book was just starting to get interesting If I knew Author wasn't going to update this I wouldn't have started it. Someone please update this.
This story is exciting and easy to read. I can not stop reading.
terimakasih buat penulis yg sdh membuat cerita ini, saya membaca bab pertama dan saya langsung menambahkan ke perpustakaan & menjadi favorit saya, saya tidak bisa berhenti membacanya krn saya sangat menyukai cerita & karakter fl & ml yg kuat, semangat terus buat penulis utk melanjutkan bab berikutnya krn saya sangat menantikannya 👍👍👍💪💪💪🥰❤💕💕💕
why has the author not updated from a long time. the story is good and apart from all the confusion in character names, it's a great story. I am looking forward to Madeline's reaction when she finds out the truth about her husband.