But there was no answer.

After calling several times in a row, the phone was actually turned off.

With a stomach full of anger and nowhere to vent it, Leila felt like he was going crazy.

Why did he choose 10 million instead of 40 million? Did he have an axe to grind with money?

Or did he have his eye on Madeline? Thinking of this, she instantly burned with jealousy and her face darkened to the extreme.

But very quickly, she denied her opinion again. How could Ryan possibly take fancy on Madeline, and there were various beauties in the entertainment industry.

"What the hell is going on here!!!" Leila clenched her fist and muttered to herself.

The curses in Twitter private messages were getting fiercer and fiercer, Ryan's fans "Lovesick Tree" were cursing her one after another, she was already going crazy!

If she had known that this would be the result, she would never have flaunted herself in such a high- profile manner, thinking that she had said that about Madeline on Twitter yesterday, she felt ashamed.

The sound of the landline phone on the bedside table rang, and she instantly picked it up and put it to her ear.

"Get your ass down here!" Allen's cold voice filled her ears.

His voice was so loud that it scared her and made her shiver subconsciously.

Without daring to reply, she hung up the phone straight away, washed up warily and changed into a white housecoat.

Leila knew she was dead.

But in just a few days, this was already the second time she had been embarrassed on social media.

She knew her dad wouldn't let her off the hook, and she didn't really want to go down there.

But she also knew that if she could avoid it.

So Leila went downstairs with trepidation.

Downstairs, Madeline, Sara, and Allen were sitting side by side on the living room sofa.

Allen had been watching the joke Leila had made with his mobile phone, his face grim and angry.

Sara was apprehensive, sitting on pins and needles, lost in thought.

Madeline, on the other hand, was looking at her phone tamely, looking gentle and elegant.

Leila lowered his head all the way to Allen, not daring to touch his gaze, looking anxiously detained,

"Dad, what do you want from me?"

Allen threw the phone hard into Leila's hands, "What do you think? How did I give birth to you? You always bring disgrace for me."

Looking at Leila, Allen felt disgusted.

"At that time, they had clearly agreed to me, that is why I talked about it in the Twitter group, there were only a few of my friends in it, how did I know that things would be spread by them? And how did I

know that Ryan would backtrack?"

"Don't you know that people would spread words out? If you can't even handle such a trivial matter, what else can I expect from you in the future? With such a quick tongue, won't everyone know about

the company's secrets when they reach you in the future?"

Allen's words caused Leila and Sara to shiver coldly at the same time.

Neither of them had thought that just such a small matter could actually be extended to this big.

"Honey, it's just a small thing, why bring it up to the company?" Sara said curtly with a nervous face.

"I can see the nature through the trivial matter, and also, 10 million is to be increased with random, has she considered the operating cost of the company?" Allen said in a stern voice.

When the words left his mouth, Allen let out a long breath and looked at Leila, "The original plan for you to come to the company's new property as the sales manager this summer, you don't have to think about it in the future."

"Also, let me tell you clearly, my company will not be handed over to you to inherit in the future, you should not think about working in the company anymore, it is useless to come in." Allen added.

Leila and Sara were instantly pushed into the abyss of despair, the two of them with unbelievable faces.

All of this was expected by Madeline, who, from the beginning to the end, had never intervened, just silently playing with her phone next to her.

Looking at his older daughter's calmness, and then looking at his younger daughter, Allen found his older daughter more and more pleasing.

"Madeline.," Allen said.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Madeline asked as she looked tenderly at Allen.

"For the new property that Ryan endorsed, I'll give it to you the position of sales manager." Allen added.

"Okay." Madeline said.

"Dad!!! You promised me that that position was reserved for me!!! How could you give it to Madeline because of such a trivial matter?"

"And even bring the matter of the company's heir along with it." Leila added.

"Yes, honey, you can't treat Leila's like that. Who hasn't made mistakes at times?"

"Shut up! No one can interfere with my decisions!" Allen's gaze was like a torch.

Leila and Sara were instantly frightened and dared not speak in anger.

"Dad, if it's alright, I'll go out first." Madeline said.

"Madeline, what did you want your sister to do when you won the bet earlier?" Allen asked.

Leila's heart was immediately in her throat, she knew that Madeline would be ruthless in fixing herself!

Madeline faintly glanced at Leila, and then looked at Allen with a smile, "Forget it."

He had done everything she wanted to do, so naturally, she had to stop it.

"Dad, aren't you going to ask how she signed up Ryan for such a cheap price? It could be that she used some dirty tricks." Leila said.

Sara instantly shot her a wink to shut up, but Leila had no intention of shutting up at all.

"Bastard! Your sister has let you off the hook, and instead of being graceful, you are still slandering her.

Get your ass upstairs right now." Allen was furious.

"Not everyone is as dirty as you are, I just told Ryan that I met some influential friends in the fashion circle when I was abroad and I could introduce those people to him in the future." Madeline said.

"By the way, Dad, the signing bonus is not ten million, it's eight million." With those words, she turned around and left.

Leila wanted to continue to blame her, but due to Allen's authority, she didn't dare to, she just wiped her tears with aggression.

"Look at your sister, and then look at you." Allen once again said in a cold voice, and then he simply walked away.

After Allen left, Leila immediately sat down on the sofa with a huff, clenching her fist fiercely and pounding the sofa, completely frantic, "Eight million? Is Ryan crazy?"

Sara held Leila's hand tightly, "Don't be angry, I will help you put in more good words on your father's side, I believe he was just saying angry words for a moment."

"That bitch Madeline! I haven't had a good time since she came back, I won't let this bitch get away with it!"