"Why are you getting mad at Leila, honey?" Sara said as she walked down the stairs and stood on the last step, holding on to the railing with one hand as she looked at the few of them.

She then glanced coldly at Madeline and quickly walked to Allen's side, sitting on the arm of the sofa, and said, "Is it because many people have returned the houses of the Faraday Apartments, and

because Madeline didn't handle the matter, so you're in a bad mood?"

Allen, however, did not say a word, but only had a gloomy face, his gaze looking forward angrily.

If his eyes could kill, Leila thought she would die in place.

Seeing this reaction of Allen, Sara subconsciously confirmed her judgment, there was only this matter to make him so angry,.

But why should he take it out on his daughter? It was clearly Madeline who should take the blame.