
Home of Farkhous

Einai stood at the edge of the town, his eyes fixed on the horizon where the next city lay. The revelation of his mother's death had struck him like a hammer blow. Elena Farkhous had passed away ten years ago, leaving behind another child—his half-brother, Guiver Farkhous. The news had come from an elderly woman in the village who had recognized the name and offered a few words of sympathy before sending him on his way.

The weight of this new information settled heavily on Einai's shoulders. He had come so far, driven by the hope of finding his mother and answers to his fragmented soul. Now, his path seemed more uncertain than ever. Yet, he had a new purpose: to find Guiver and uncover the connection that bound their fates together.

The journey to the next city was arduous. Einai's body, though unfamiliar, was resilient. He traversed through dense forests and climbed rugged hills, enduring the biting cold and relentless hunger. His mind remained sharp, each step fueled by the burning need to find his brother and piece together the mystery of his existence.

Days turned into nights, and Einai's journey continued. The landscape around him changed, becoming more urban as he approached the city. The air grew thick with the scent of smoke and the sounds of industry. Weira's medieval-like society had pockets of civilization that hinted at a world caught between past and future.

As Einai entered the city, he marveled at its bustling streets and towering buildings. The people moved with purpose, their faces etched with determination. Einai moved through the crowd like a shadow, unnoticed and unremarkable. He scavenged what food he could, drinking from public fountains to quench his thirst. Each night, he found shelter in alleyways and abandoned buildings, always moving, always searching.

His quest for Guiver led him through the city's maze-like streets. He asked about his half-brother, describing him as best as he could from the scant details the elderly woman had provided. Most people shrugged him off, but some recognized the name, pointing him toward a rundown orphanage on the outskirts of the city.

Einai's heart pounded as he approached the orphanage, a dilapidated building that spoke of neglect and hardship. The walls were crumbling, and the yard was overgrown with weeds. Children played in the dirt, their faces streaked with grime. Einai's heart ached for them, a reminder of his own lost childhood.

He approached the orphanage's entrance and knocked on the door. Moments later, a weary-looking woman opened it, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of him.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

"I'm looking for Guiver Farkhous," Einai said, his voice steady. "I'm his brother."

The woman's eyes narrowed, but she stepped aside, motioning for him to enter. The interior of the orphanage was just as bleak as its exterior, with peeling paint and broken furniture. Children's voices echoed through the halls, a haunting reminder of their shared struggle.

The woman led Einai to a small room at the back of the orphanage. Inside, a young boy sat at a rickety table, his head bowed over a book. He looked up as they entered, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Guiver," the woman said softly, "this man says he's your brother."

Guiver's eyes locked onto Einai's, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. The boy's face was a mirror of his own, a reflection of their shared blood.

Einai approached slowly, his heart pounding in his chest. He reached out a trembling hand, touching Guiver's shoulder. In that instant, a shockwave of recognition surged through him. He felt a pull, a connection to something deep within the boy.

A fragment of his soul.

Einai's breath caught as he realized what he had found. His soul, or at least a part of it, resided within Guiver. The fragment shimmered faintly, an ethereal light that only Einai could see. He reached out, his fingers brushing against the intangible essence.

The moment he touched the fragment, it surged into him, merging with his being. Einai felt a rush of memories, emotions, and power flood through him. For a brief moment, he felt whole.

But then, just as quickly, the world around him dissolved into darkness. Einai felt himself being pulled away, ripped from the mortal realm. He screamed, reaching out for Guiver, but it was too late.

The Abyss closed in around him, its cold, suffocating embrace dragging him down. Einai struggled, his mind reeling from the loss and the sudden shift in reality. He had found a part of his soul, but now he was trapped once more in the void.

The Reincarnator's voice echoed in his mind, a chilling reminder of the stakes. "You have 45 days to find your soul or be lost in the eternal abyss."

Einai's determination hardened. He had come too far to fail now. With renewed resolve, he vowed to escape the Abyss and continue his quest. He would find the remaining fragments of his soul, no matter the cost.