
Law of Equivalence

Einai found himself once again in the cold, dark expanse of the Abyss. The Reincarnator's warning echoed in his mind, a grim reminder of the time ticking away. Forty-five days remained to find the fragments of his soul and avoid eternal damnation. He focused his thoughts, forcing the shadows of the Abyss to retreat and bring clarity to his situation.

He pondered why a part of his soul had been with Guiver. Why would a fragment of his essence attach itself to his half-brother? The only logical explanation was that his soul, in its shattered state, sought out meaningful connections from his life. If this was true, the remaining fragments must be tied to other significant places or people in his past.

His thoughts drifted to his birth city, the place where his life had begun and where he had formed his earliest, most profound memories. It seemed the most likely place to continue his search. The next piece of his soul could be hidden there, waiting for him to reclaim it.

With this determination, Einai closed his eyes and concentrated, willing himself back to the mortal realm. The transition was jarring, a whirlwind of sensations as he felt himself being pulled from the Abyss and deposited back on Weira's solid ground. He gasped, taking in the familiar, harsh reality of the world.

Einai set off immediately towards his birth city, his steps purposeful and driven. The journey was arduous, fraught with the physical demands of hunger, thirst, and fatigue. Yet his resolve remained unbroken. He navigated through forests, crossed rivers, and endured the biting chill of the highlands, all with a singular focus: finding the next fragment of his soul.

Upon reaching his birth city, Einai felt a mixture of nostalgia and sorrow. The streets were much as he remembered them, filled with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. People went about their business, unaware of the young man among them who was on a desperate quest to piece together his shattered existence.

For four days, Einai roamed the city, retracing the steps of his youth. He visited the old house where he had lived as a child, the school he had attended, and the parks where he had played. Each location brought back a flood of memories, but no trace of his soul. He searched tirelessly, speaking to old neighbors and acquaintances, hoping for a clue that would lead him to the next fragment.

Despite his efforts, Einai found nothing. Frustration gnawed at him, each passing day a reminder of the diminishing time he had left. He questioned his own assumptions, wondering if he had misinterpreted the clues or if he was missing something crucial.

On the fourth day, as the sun began to set, Einai found himself standing outside an old, abandoned library on the outskirts of the city. It had been a place of refuge for him in his childhood, a sanctuary where he had spent countless hours lost in books. He hesitated at the entrance, the once-familiar place now seeming eerie and foreboding.

Taking a deep breath, Einai pushed the door open and stepped inside. The air was thick with dust, and the dim light cast long shadows across the rows of empty shelves. He walked through the aisles, his footsteps echoing in the silence. Memories of his childhood visits flooded back—hours spent reading, the joy of discovering new worlds within the pages of books.

As he moved deeper into the library, Einai felt a faint, almost imperceptible pull. It was as if something was calling to him, guiding him towards the far corner of the building. His heart raced with anticipation. Could this be it? Had he finally found the next fragment of his soul?

He followed the sensation, his steps quickening as he approached a small, hidden alcove at the back of the library. There, on an old wooden table, lay a book. Its cover was worn, the title barely legible. Einai's hands trembled as he reached out, feeling the same ethereal connection he had experienced with Guiver.

As his fingers brushed the book, a surge of energy coursed through him. The fragment of his soul, embedded within the object, merged with his essence. Einai felt a rush of memories and emotions, a piece of himself returning home.

But just as before, the reunion was short-lived. The world around him began to dissolve, the familiar darkness of the Abyss creeping in. Einai fought against it, but the pull was too strong. He was being dragged back into the void.

"No!" he shouted, his voice echoing in the empty library. "Not yet!"

Despite his protest, the darkness engulfed him, pulling him away from the mortal realm once more. Einai found himself back in the cold, unyielding expanse of the Abyss, his soul slightly more complete but his time running out.

He had found another piece of his soul, but the journey was far from over. Einai knew he couldn't afford to waste any more time. He had 45 days left, and the next fragment awaited him somewhere in Weira. Determined, he steeled himself for the challenges ahead, vowing to reclaim his soul and uncover the truth behind his existence, no matter the cost.