
Light Is Eternal Too

Einai's return to the mortal realm was both a relief and a burden. He had reclaimed another piece of his soul, but the Abyss loomed ever closer with each fragment found. As he navigated the familiar streets of his birth city, a new unease settled over him. A man had been following him since he arrived, a shadowy presence that never seemed to stray far from his path.

The man was in his 40s, with a rugged appearance that suggested a life lived on the edges of society. His eyes were milky white, devoid of sight, yet they seemed to bore into Einai's very essence. Despite his blindness, the man moved with an uncanny awareness, always staying just out of reach, always watching.

On the fifth day, exhausted and frustrated by his fruitless search, Einai decided to confront his shadow. He found a quiet alley and waited, knowing the man would follow. As the figure approached, Einai stepped forward, blocking his path.

"Why are you following me?" Einai demanded, his voice echoing off the narrow walls of the alley. "What do you want?"

The man stopped, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Where is the rest of your soul, kid?"

Einai felt a shiver run down his spine. How did this man know about his fragmented soul? Before he could respond, the man continued.

"You're an empty shell, filled with only halves of souls. That's why you attracted me."

Einai's frustration turned to curiosity. "Who are you?"

The man chuckled softly. "Names are of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. But you can call me Alden. I've been watching you because I can sense the emptiness within you, and I've decided to help you."

Einai's skepticism was palpable. "Help me? Why would you want to help me?"

Alden's smile faded, replaced by a look of profound sadness. "Because once, I too was an empty shell, lost and searching. I know the torment you're going through. And I know the path you must walk."

Einai's defenses lowered slightly. "What do you know about my soul?"

"More than you might think," Alden replied. "But first, you need to understand the concept of soulness and learn to move at the heart's pace."

"What does that even mean?" Einai asked, feeling a mix of frustration and intrigue.

Alden's blind eyes seemed to pierce through him. "The soul is eternal, but it is also fragile. It can be fractured, just as yours has been. To find the remaining pieces, you must not only search the world but also understand the essence of what it means to be whole. You need to feel, to connect, and to move with the rhythm of your heart."

Einai listened, trying to grasp the weight of Alden's words. The idea of moving at the heart's pace was foreign to him, a concept that seemed both abstract and profound.

"How do I do that?" Einai asked, his voice tinged with desperation.

Alden took a step closer, his presence both comforting and unsettling. "I will guide you. But you must be willing to surrender your fate to the journey. Trust in the process, and trust in yourself."

Einai hesitated, the fear of the unknown warring with his desire to reclaim his soul. Finally, he nodded. "I'll do it. Show me the way."

Alden smiled again, a glimmer of hope in his sightless eyes. "Then let's begin. The first step is to find the balance within yourself. Close your eyes and listen to your heart."

Einai did as instructed, closing his eyes and focusing inward. He could hear his heart beating, a steady rhythm that seemed to resonate with the core of his being. He felt a sense of calm wash over him, the chaos of his thoughts quieting.

"Good," Alden said softly. "Now, remember the places and people that have shaped you. Let their memory guide you. Your soul is connected to them, and through them, you will find your way."

Einai focused on his memories, letting the faces and places of his past fill his mind. He thought of his childhood, of Clara, of Guiver, and of his mother. Each memory brought a surge of emotion, a connection that seemed to bridge the gap between his fragmented soul and his current self.

As he opened his eyes, Einai felt a renewed sense of purpose. Alden's words had given him a new perspective, a way to navigate his journey with more than just physical steps.

"We will travel together," Alden said, placing a reassuring hand on Einai's shoulder. "And with each step, you will learn to move at the heart's pace. Only then will you be able to reclaim the remaining fragments of your soul."

Einai nodded, ready to embrace the journey ahead. With Alden by his side, he felt a glimmer of hope in the darkness that surrounded him. The path was uncertain, but he was no longer alone. Together, they would uncover the truths hidden in his past and piece together the shattered fragments of his soul.

And so, as the light of a new day began to break, Einai and Alden set out on their journey, the eternal quest for wholeness guiding their steps.