WebNovelRed Nara30.63%

Chapter 11

- Naturally, besides, even if I marry by clan decision, no one's stopping me from having mistresses - after all, given my Uzumaki stamina and iryo-nin skills, one wife would obviously not be enough, even if she's a jonin, let alone everyone else.

- Did you find out from experience? - Mito squinted slyly.

Oops. Under my companion's gaze, I barely prevented the blood from rushing to my face. Damn, it's awesome to be a savvy medic! Except that the amused sparkle in my companion's eyes showed the futility of my efforts. Slouching, I sighed and admitted my defeat - I couldn't compete with the elder Uzumaki, who had years of experience in reading people.

- Oh-ho-ho, Ryo-kun has learned the joys of carnal pleasures," Mito smirked victoriously, "and who was the lucky girl who was able to ride you?

- Saddle me?! Yeah, right! - I jumped up, but immediately deflated when I realized I'd fallen for her trick. - It's just a mutually beneficial agreement until I get the hitai-te.

- Ara, and I was beginning to think that some overdeveloped little brat from the academy was able to get you," the kunoichi raised an eyebrow and answered my questioning gaze. - The earth is full of rumors, you know.

- Given the possibility of this development, I took measures in advance and found a way to release excessive tension, no feelings - a simple calculation on both sides, - I explained, indignantly snorted.

There's no point in trying to hide from Mito anyway - she can read me like an open book simply because of her experience, not to mention her ability to track negative emotions and sensorics.

- So who's the lucky girl?

- A regular non-clan jonin. Anyway, our contract ended yesterday, so now we'll have to visit a brothel," I shrugged.

It's strange, but talking to Mito about this sort of thing doesn't make me feel embarrassed, as if I were talking to an old friend about women. It's weird. Even with Ma, I wouldn't talk to her like that, even though I trust her completely.

- A whorehouse? Ew! - my companion frowned. - Why don't you just get a steady girlfriend on the side?

- And give yourself some leverage? Especially if she turns out to be from the clans or planted by interested parties? No, thank you!

- Oh-ho, so you're completely free now? Maybe I should remember my youth and show what real Uzumaki women are capable of? - Mito suddenly asked in a playful and very sensual voice, pressing herself tighter against my arm and letting me feel her breasts hidden by the thin layer of fabric.

A wave of heat rushed through my body, and I felt weak in the knees for a moment. When I looked into the kunoichi's eyes, I realized she wasn't kidding. Hell, just the thought of being in bed with Mito was like a red rag to a bull.

I don't care about her age - for red-haired masters of fuinjutsu it's not important, the main thing is that any man would sacrifice one hand for the opportunity to get such a woman! Besides, it's ridiculous for me to bring up age - at the time of my "death" I looked far worse than she did before rejuvenation.

- Hmm, I guess that's a yes," Mito grinned, her gaze lowering to a specific part of my anatomy that reacted accordingly.

- "I'd like to see an idiot decide to say no to a proposal like that," I shook my head, smiling.

I looked around to make sure there were no witnesses, and then I turned around and hugged Mito to my tempting lips. Hey, strike while the iron is hot! After a couple of minutes and catching my breath, I cast a questioning glance at my companion.

- And you don't waste time," Uzumaki licked her lips.

- You can blame yourself and your beauty for that," I answered her and resumed the interrupted activity to mutual pleasure.

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