WebNovelRed Nara30.71%

Chapter 12

After a dozen minutes of self-indulgent kissing, I sensed a couple of chakra sources approaching, and decided to move our "communication" to a more private place. I pulled away, and in a single motion, I picked up Mito in my arms and used the shunshin to carry us to the edge of the barrier around her house.

Once we were through it and sure that Kushina wasn't around, I headed for the entrance, but someone seemed a little bored with the simple plight of cargo and the heated kissing resumed. I came to my senses in the spacious bedroom, practically lying on top of Mito, one hand on her waist and the other massaging her firm buttocks through the fabric of the kimono.

- Okay, stop! - Pulling back a little, I took a breath.

- Hmm?

- First we'll create a clone each and put a barrier on the room," I explained at the red-haired beauty's questioning look. "Yours will meet Kushina, and mine will go home to act as a presence, since I won't be leaving here today!

- That's right, we don't want Kushi-chan to catch us at the most important moment," Mito nodded in agreement.

After creating a clone each, we sent them off to do their jobs, and returned to the task at hand, putting on the sound-blocking kekkai and locking the door. Pulling the kimono off the beautiful Uzumaki's shoulders and gulping at the sight of her triumphantly heaving firm size three breasts without any underwear on, all I could think was that even a full day might not be enough. And then there was no time to think.


Waking up the next morning, I just lay there staring dumbly at the ceiling, listening to the measured breathing of Mito sleeping on top of me. My head was empty, empty, and I didn't feel like thinking at all. Yeah, that was quite a night! Or rather, the rest of the day and night. Suffice it to say, I was drained dry of all the energy I had, and by the end of it, neither Uzumaki's stamina nor Iryo-nin's skills were helping. No way! I bet my former partner would have passed out long ago!

I gazed out the window at the sky that was just beginning to lighten, then gently ran my hand through the luxurious red hair that swept down Mito's back and sighed contentedly. Even the first time in this life wasn't as gorgeous as the time spent with the elder Uzumaki. I don't think I'll even glance in the direction of other women in the coming week.

But if this is the usual stamina of the fairer sex of the Fuinjutsu master clan, I dread to imagine what kind of monster in bed Kushina will grow into. Even a team of ordinary men wouldn't be able to handle it. That kind of thought made me laugh. But jokes aside, if I get Kushi-chan as well, I'll hardly have any strength left for other candidates for mistress. No, no, no, I'm not going to stop at just two or three women!

After all, life is so short and dangerous among shinobi, and there are so many beautiful, shapely, graceful and so deadly-seductive kunoichi around! Ordinary women are a poor comparison. However, time will tell. When I felt movement, I snapped out of my musings and lowered my gaze to find Mito awake. More like awake, more like in a half-slumber. As I continued to stroke her hair, I smiled broadly.

- Good morning.

- Morning," she yawned charmingly, stretching and crunching her joints.

Feeling the beauty of her naked body moving on me, and especially the sight of her firm breasts before my eyes, I suddenly realized that several hours of rest had done their job and the continuation of the banquet would not be long in coming.

- Ara, you're not the only one awake," Mito grinned suddenly, her belly clearly feeling my arousal.

- Exactly, and we have at least two hours to spare," I answered, and in one movement I was on top of her.

- And why do I feel like you planned this a long time ago? - I asked, resting from such a pleasant activity and going through the strands of silky hair of the beauty who was nestled on the side.

- Probably because it's true," Mito answered me with a mocking amazement.

- М? - I raised an eyebrow questioningly. - As if there were no other candidates?

- Given my situation, there really aren't, and hardly anyone on the small list of suitable candidates has your stamina," the kunoichi snorted. - And given the situation in the village, you're the perfect choice, and the one I'm most sympathetic to.

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