
Living is not the same as thriving it's more than surviving.

To do this you must have dreams and goals.

Things that you will work for and aspire to be.

Have to give yourself meaning and a purpose.

This is more than just something to do.

You have to have confidence and conviction.

Willing to fight for beliefs and what you want.

Finding something you love besides yourself that you can do.

To do these things you must love yourself so you will fight for it.

Your life your rules and no one can change that.

Only allow you to change you and take control.

Give people to change and prove everyone wrong about everything.

Become someone who can do these things and be loved.

Be the person you were born to be.

To be somebody that people have to care about and can't ignore.

Do everything you want so you have no regrets.

Don't waste time on second guesses, worries, regrets, and what ifs.

Find a way to enjoy life and more than just a job.

Be caring and watch something grow.

Make something new for everyone to enjoy.

Think out side the box and fall in love.

Overcome others thoughts and what others have told you.

Have something more in life than what gets you through the day.

To stand up for yourself and against those who doubt.

Try not to give a damn about anybody else.

If you can't then spend your life with things that take your mind somewhere else.

Happiness doesn't last but neither do moments so make as many till it's your last.

Fill your days with adventure and trying new things.

Find out what else you like.

Discover what you didn't know.

Fill your days with what you like and love.

Hold onto memories that taught you what you like.

Try to not let the past hold you back.

If it does make a future worth living.

Ask the questions and learn the things you always wanted to know.

Spend time with those who make you feel like you matter.

Spread positivity or try not to spread negitivity.

When you are negative towards yourself or others.

You believe that everyone else thinks those things about you to.

Stop reading to much into what others say that you can't hear.

If need be find a safe place to disapear.

Hide inside your mind or yourself.

Just don't be like me and never come out.

Don't hide who you are and trap yourself in worry and fear.

Make yourself into who you love and are.

That way you can appear and not only disappear.

Change yourself so you can love yourself.

Rewrite your own story or life.

Make it happy and sad.

Memories write thier own stories, so can you.

Where what you want do what you want and be willing to sacrifice for it.

Never deny yourself happiness and loving yourself.

Try and put that above everyone else.

You control what you can and try to let go.

Love and hate, but never discriminate.

Try to love as much as you can.

You can hate those who want to destroy love.

It's a raw emotion you can't control and ignore forever.

Love yourself and maybe somebody else.

Finished: October 29th, 2019 @5:52 pm.