
To protect those who I care about and care about me.

To make people listen to your truth.

To change the world and help others too.

Do what you have a right to.

What you believe is true.

Tell the world to fuck of and stop bothering you.

Try to do everything thing you want and have no regrets.

Threaten those who would stop you.

Focase on what is really important to you.

Dream big, go far, and don't give into dispare.

Meet every challenge head on.

Push yourself past your limits, so you can go far.

Work hard everyday, take what is owed to you, and fight fair.

Run fast, never let go, and don't let others get in the way.

Travel far, accomplish what you want, and run away.

Runaway to a place that reminds you why you're working so hard for.

Try to forget what others say and remember what drives it all.

Keep going even when you hit a wall.

When you get tired from all of fighting, just go to sleep.

Then your mind can get a few hours of peace and quiet.

Make yourself stronger than ever before and willing to fight the odds.

Power to over come any odds, and have the strongest will.

Make your life better for yourself.

Improve your health and take care of your responsibilities.

Find a way to get everything you need to do done.

Think out side the box so you can find enjoyment in unexpected places.

Face you problems head on and try to be open minded.

Let people into your life without letting them hurt you.

Be kind to others, but don't let them walk all over you.

Care about what you love and can control.

Focase on dreams and not your worries.

Be authentic  to yourself without over acting.

Show your personality and don't only talk about yourself.

Look inward and outside yourself so you stay authentic.

Forget, but don't forgive those who don't deserve it.

Let go of things holding you down and don't let go of those holding you up.

Find what your good at and excel at it.

Get out there and get a boyfriend or someone new.

Make new friends and leave behind those you don't need.

Try not to be too stubborn and be willing to compermise.

Try to live the best you can till you die.

Good luck to you living your life.

And this is all the advise I have to give you.

Finished on November 8, 2019 at 11:35 pm.