the ball 2

Gilbert felt guilty.

He wanted Izabella to be aware of the danger the little boy may face in his own home. He never met Robert, but he wanted to do whatever he could to protect the child. He walked slowly to the ball hall where yang ladies gathered around him and started chatting with him. He was tired, he felt drained, and he liked Izabella for how honest she was. Her fear for her son was clear, he wondered sometimes if his mother was still alive, would she protect him the same way .

At some point, his cup was filled again and again, and Gilbert didn't refuse. What's the point of resisting …

He felt dizzy and a hand reached for the cup before he drained it again < that's a bit too much .. > came a soft voice. Gilbert's back stiffened and looked back to the man smiling at him.

Leopold Alpine the man he once considered a friend.

Gilbert pushed him off and staggered silently grabbing a servant, < get my carriage, I am leaving ..> < leaving so soon? > The fuss quieted down as the older man approached.

Richard smirked at the boy, ah no, he is no longer a boy. He looked at the yang Nobels gathered around his little canary-like hungry Wolfes. Who could blame them with him looking so charming He slowly walked and returned the greeting directed at him. < it seems my son had too much fun in drinking.. > the canary didn't answer or react he just stood there tense. As Richard looked at the young man that was trying to pick his son his eyes flashed as he remembered this young man. The Alpine family's eldest son. The little crush in his canary was trying desperately to hide.

Richard smirked as he sipped his wine thinking of how to amuse himself. < yang Leopold, I remember you had a good friendship with my Gilbert, would you be kind and escort him back home ?>

Gasped rose around and murder of envy. All these little flies gathering here wanted a chance to approach the count's heir.

Count Richmond was the treasury holder, the right-hand man to the king himself, and one of the most influential Nobel men in this kingdom.

every single person lusted for this power. And the fact that Gilbert looked like an enchantress while drunk gave these young nobles desires a much of bravado.

Offers rose around to escort the yang-drunk Gilbert.

Richard could hold his smirk as he started at the obvious lust these people had for his boy.

They all wanted his little canary.

Gilbert took another glass from the servant who was standing beside him. He drained it and leaned on the poor man for support as he started to the show as if it had nothing to do with him.

Is Richard thinking of selling him ? ..

Nah .. this man sought entertainment and these people didn't have anything that would entice him enough to sell off his so-called hier as bed warmer.

Gilbert stared at the empty glass and tried hard to hide the fear and doubt in his heart, maybe he did drink a bit too much.

He felt that strong arm reaches around his waist again as he felt a wave of dizziness and felt powerless but followed the lead of the man walking him away from the noise.