Old flame ?

Gilbert pulled at the necktie that decorated his shirt in discomfort, he felt dizzy, and had a headache already. he felt a cold touch to his cheek and neck and slowly opened his eyes.

Leopold was leaning close to him wiping his face and neck with a cool towel. Gilbert stared at the man's eyes for a bit and all he saw was lust. He felt disgusted and slapped that hand away < get off me .. > he tried to yell but his voice came like a soft purr to the other man's ears.

< you're still angry with me .. > Gilbert stared as the other man sat back in his seat clinching the towel. < Gilbert… I .. can't help it .. I can't help but fall in love with you .. >

Gilbert leaned back and didn't answer, what was Richard thinking? Was this the entertainment he sought? Making him uncomfortable?

< what do you want? > he asked, this man would take any opportunity to approach him begging for forgiveness.

Forgiveness … the audacity

< I was yang .. I was drunk .. I .. you .. > he just stared as the other man was desperately trying to explain his actions.

Gilbert's eyes drifted to the window of the carriage as he remembered that day. His one and only friend pushed him onto the sofa and crazily tore his clothes like a beast biting and liking his exposed skin ..

Gilbert closed his eyes trying to erase these memories..

He felt sick ..

He wants to throw up

< I love you ..>

Gilbert glanced back at the man sitting in front of him with indifference.

< Gilbert.. i am madly and desperately in love with you ..>. Leopold continued as he covered his face with his hands. < I was yang .. I was stupid ..I was drunk.. and ..> he looked up throw the cracks of his hands.

The carriage stopped

< my lord we're here >

< wait ! > A strong voice rang in the carriage and Gilbert frowned.

He tried to reach to the door but the other man was faster pinning him in place.

< do you have any idea what you look like? You're a living lust manifestation .. >

< get off me .. > hissed Gilbert feeling his headache stronger.

< you look at me with these cold eyes .. what can I do? How can I prove my heart to you ?>

< lepold .. I am warning you ..> Gilbert glared at the man,

< even when you're this cold, the way you talk, the way your soft hair falls on your delicate skin, you move ..>

< Leopold …>

< your lips … I want to kiss you.. I want to bite your neck .. I can't forget that sweet taste .. >

< last warning .. > The air around Gilbert cooled as he glared at the man he once trusted reach out to touch him

< you're driving me insane .. I want you so bad .. >

< MAXIM !!>

Gilbert's voice rang as loud as he could master in his state.

Before Leopoled could react the door to the carriage was yanked so hard it fell off broken.

A hand reached out and yanked the dignified yang nobleman throwing him to the floor.

servants gasped around in shock and fear.

Leopold opened his eyes in shock to see a tall man standing by the carriage staring at him condescendingly.

The man was tall, with untamed curly hair and servants close stood there glaring at him in silence.

< fuck .. > Gilbert s voice brought him back to reality as he shook off the hands that were trying to help him up < I fucking WARNED you .. > Gilbert said as he leaned half falling off the carriage.

Leopold stared as he saw the man who hunted his dream and drove him creasy carelessly lean over to the big servant who silently reached up to help him down.

An arm around that slender waist and a hand supporting that fair hand.

Gilbert felt his legs weak.

He was scared.

He was really scared in there.

He leaned into Maxim and pretended to be calm as he stared at his friend Betray him again.

< I won't ever forgive you Leopold.. > he felt anger. This man dared to beg his forgiveness and now he is repeating the same thing ..


< escort lord Alpine to his estate ..> he ordered the servant around and closed his eyes.

He was tired

< lord Richmond invited me to stay in the estate for the night. >

Gilbert froze.


What the fuck does that man want?

He breathed and held his throbbing temple

< maxim .. I am tired .. take me to my room ..>

Maxim's arm around his lord tightened and he walked with him slowly into the estate.

< is this how the Richmond treats their guest? Your servant threw me to the ground ..>

The stranger's mocking tone made everyone freeze including Maxim and the man in his arms.

< you .. > The hand holding Maxim's for support tightened and he turned glaring at the unwanted guest.

The man patted his clothes and walked closer. Maxim was alert. He Heard the fuss in the carriage like all the servants but was stopped from moving by the others.

He jumped as soon as he heard his name and acted on instinct. He realized what a great offense was for a mere servant to lift a hand on a noble, he wasn't even a Gard. And wasn't given any order.

Fuck .. he was going to be killed ..