Waiting to welcome a runaway lamb

As long as Simona stuck with Michal, she had a chance to survive!


"Let's go and get the food, don't just stand there. The sound of the fight might attract other zombies, we need to hurry!" Michal reminded Simona, who was still in a daze.


"Oh... oh, got it." They entered the convenience store.


Inside the store, a zombie was idling by the counter. He used to be the store owner, someone Michal knew well since he often bought water here.


Unfortunately, he didn't survive the outbreak and had become a zombie.


Michal put the axe through his head, ending his misery, and started packing food into his backpack.


He reminded Simona: "Only take high-calorie, filling, and easy-to-carry food like sugar, milk, sausages, and vacuum-packed chicken legs."


"Got it," Simona nodded.


A minute later, both of them had filled their backpacks.


They left the convenience store, but by then, zombies had already started to gather from afar.


Michal saw at least a dozen of them!


"Run! I can't handle this many zombies!"


Simona was instantly frightened when she saw so many zombies surrounding them. She quickly started to run. Chased by the zombies, they ran into the nearest villa from the convenience store and slammed the door shut. The zombies, unable to see them anymore, stopped their pursuit.


Inside the villa, the original owner had already turned into a zombie. Michal took it out with his axe, while Simona asked in confusion:


"Michal, why didn't we just stay in the convenience store and lock the door? That way, we'd have endless food!"


"The survivors in this villa area aren't just the two of us. The convenience store is the only place with food. Right now, they might be too scared of the zombies to come out and search for food, but hunger will eventually drive them out. They'll take the risk to get to the convenience store. If we stay in there, we might get discovered and killed by other survivors," Michal explained.


Although his strength had increased, he didn't think he was invincible. Staying in the convenience store and hoarding all the food would certainly make other survivors target him. In the face of hunger, even the weakest people would take risks.


Michal's current strength wasn't enough to make him a public enemy. It was safer to stay in a nearby villa and make multiple trips to the convenience store for food than to stay there permanently.


After dumping out the food from his backpack, Michal said to Simona, "We need to ration our food from now on. We can only eat a set amount each day, or we won't last long. The fight earlier attracted a dozen zombies to the convenience store and outside our villa. It'll be more dangerous next time we go for food. We have to be careful."


"Okay," Simona nodded.


Having witnessed Michal's strength, she didn't dare oppose him now.


Michal went upstairs and opened a window to observe the zombies outside.


They were standing aimlessly outside the villa, waiting for their next prey to appear.


"These zombies clearly saw Simona and me enter the villa but didn't continue to attack it. This shows their intelligence is very low. As long as they don't hear us or see us, they won't attack…"


Low intelligence in zombies was good news.


While Michal was observing the zombies, he noticed some movement in the villa opposite and turned his attention there.


He saw a very pretty girl at the window, waving at him.


"A beautiful survivor?" Michal squinted to get a better look at her.


Although the distance made it hard to see her features clearly, it was evident she had delicate features and fair skin, likely a stunning beauty.


When the girl saw Michal notice her, she smiled happily, then left the window. When she returned, she was holding a large drawing board.


"Oh, an art student? What does she want? To draw me?" Michal stroked his chin, interested in this pretty art student.


Soon, the large drawing board turned around.


Michal saw three words on it: "I'm so hungry!"


"Pfft. I wondered what she wanted to say, going through all that trouble just to say this?" Michal couldn't help but laugh.


"I'm hungry too!" Michal exaggerated his mouth movements to respond to the girl.


The girl started writing on the board again:


"I saw you got food earlier. Can you share some with me?"


"Huh, she noticed. Looks like she saw me grab food from the convenience store earlier," Michal thought, then shook his head and mouthed the words, "No way."


"Boohoo!" A sad face emoji appeared on the board.




This girl was quite amusing.


Michal was entertained by her self-drawn emoji.


He gestured to her, pointed at his room, and mouthed, "If you can come over, I'll give you food."


Seeing this, the girl's eyes lit up. She stuck her head out of the window to check the situation outside and saw the zombies were all gathered at Michal's villa entrance.


It was impossible to enter through the front door.


But the windows were an option.


Since the villa area was for wealthy residents, there was no need for security bars, which would ruin the villa's aesthetics.


The first-floor side window would allow her to climb into Michal's villa directly.


She just needed Michal to open the window in advance!


There were no zombies between the two villas.


As long as she could quietly approach the window, she could enter Michal's villa!


After assessing the route, the girl quickly wrote on the board again.


"Open the first-floor window, I'll come in through there."


Seeing this, Michal stuck his head out to check.


Indeed, the two villas had first-floor windows about 50 meters apart.


There were no zombies between the windows.


If she stayed quiet, she wouldn't alert the zombies at the villa's front door.


This girl was pretty smart and quick to decide, showing she was calm and decisive.


A girl with such judgment was rare.


Michal went to the first floor and stood by the window, waving to her through the glass.


The girl, seeing Michal ready, quickly headed downstairs.


Simona watched Michal standing by the window and asked, puzzled, "Michal, what are you doing?"


"Waiting to welcome a runaway lamb," Michal replied with a smile, not turning around.


He had to admit, this art student's actions intrigued him. A girl making such a decisive move in the apocalypse, rather than waiting to die inside, was commendable. Unlike Simona, who would never do something like this.