Can you read minds

Hearing Michal's words, Simona peeked out the window and saw a girl running toward them. The distance between the two villas was only 50 meters, and in a few seconds, the girl had reached Michal's window. Michal quickly opened it, and the girl climbed in before he closed it again.


Once inside, Michal got a good look at the girl.


She was stunning!


This beauty was even prettier than Simona! Her large eyes were clear and bright, with a high nose bridge, giving her a slightly mixed-race look. She had a tall, curvy figure, a face like an angel, and a body like a goddess—truly a perfect beauty!


Simona recognized her immediately and said in disbelief, "You… aren't you Wendy, the art goddess from Class Two and one of the four school flowers?"


Wendy was an art student and one of the four school flowers. She was the object of pursuit for countless male students at school.


Over a thousand boys had given her love letters and confessed to her!


If Simona had dozens of admirers, Wendy had hundreds at school!


"Thank you both! Yes, I am Wendy. Thank you for recognizing me." Wendy was panting heavily, clutching her ample chest as she tried to catch her breath.


Although the distance wasn't far, just a few dozen meters, the tension and fear had pushed her to use all her strength, running as fast as she could. The short distance had exhausted her completely.


After a while, she said, "I'm so tired and thirsty. I need to drink some water."


She went straight to the kitchen, drinking from the tap, completely disregarding her goddess image.


Michal found her behavior amusing.


He had heard of Wendy and the other three school flowers back in school. However, being poor and insecure at the time, he didn't dare to think much about it and never paid much attention to these school flowers. He might have glanced at them from afar.


Michal had also heard that Wendy was very aloof and had high standards. No one had succeeded in winning her over, not even the top rich heirs. She was revered among the male students, almost like a goddess, someone to be admired from a distance but never approached. Talking to Wendy was considered a great honor.


But now, Michal thought those rumors were false. This Wendy seemed carefree, didn't care much about her image, and was very decisive in her actions. Unlike other girls, she wasn't overly cautious or timid. Her tone and demeanor seemed friendly and approachable, not the untouchable goddess people had made her out to be.


After finishing her water, Wendy approached Michal and Simona. She tidied her hair, took a deep breath, and extended her smooth, white hand towards Michal.


"Hello, security guard. I'm Wendy, nice to meet you. I remember you. Your name is Michal, right? There's a rumor going around school that you took a shortcut in life by becoming a security guard while still studying, living the retired life early. You're quite the celebrity."


Seeing her mischievous and smiling expression, Michal knew she was joking to break the ice.


He extended his hand to shake hers but held onto it after the shake. "I'm honored that even Wendy, one of the four campus beauties, has heard of me."


Feeling the smoothness of her skin, Michal couldn't help but think to himself how soft and flawless it was.


Before the zombie outbreak, just shaking hands with a goddess like her would have been something to boast about from freshman year to graduation.


Whoever shook Wendy's hand might not want to wash it for a year!


Wendy felt a bit embarrassed as Michal held onto her hand. She quickly pulled it back, her face slightly red, then smiled and said,


"Since we're both schoolmates and have heard of each other, can we consider ourselves friends? Friends share food, right?"


Michal's expression showed understanding.


This beautiful campus queen got friendly right away, finally revealing her true intention-She wanted food.


But Michal's food wasn't easy to get.


He shook his head.


"No way. In a post-apocalyptic world with food shortages, every bit of food is lifesaving. I can't just give it away, not even to a campus queen."


"Oh, please, big brother, have a heart. I'm really hungry. If I don't eat soon, I might starve to death. You wouldn't want to see me starve, would you?" Wendy said in a coquettish tone.


Her coquettish act had never failed before!


Even the coldest of men couldn't resist when she called them "big brother."


But Michal remained unfazed. "No, this is a matter of life and death. Your coquetry won't work on me."


"Then what would it take for you to give me some food?" Wendy asked pitifully.


"It's simple. Take a shower and come to my room, and I'll tell you," Michal said with a wicked smile, scanning Wendy from head to toe.


She had the face of a mixed-race goddess and a devilishly perfect figure, with long, straight legs, a slender waist, and an extraordinary waist-to-hip ratio.


Such a perfect figure.


Before the apocalypse, anyone who could get close to Wendy ,There will be a feeling of honor.


Hearing Michal's words, Wendy looked incredulous.


He said it so naturally...


He was so shameless...


"Ah, this... doesn't seem right. We've only just met, and didn't you share food with her?" Wendy pointed at Simona.


"Because she became my woman yesterday," Michal said calmly.


"Ah..." Wendy looked shocked.


Simona was the class monitor and a class beauty, and she had quickly given in to this little security guard?


Wendy found it hard to believe.


"I'll be waiting in my room. Think it over." Michal went back upstairs to rest.


Lying on his bed, Michal started to plan for the future.


Half an hour later, Wendy knocked on his door.


"As expected," Michal smiled happily.


The thought of Wendy's goddess-like face and perfect figure excited him.


His heart burned with a fiery passion.


"Come in!" Michal calmed his breath and suppressed his wicked thoughts, calling out to the door.


Wendy gently pushed the door open, looking nervous.


She had clearly just showered, her long black hair still damp, cascading over her white shoulders.


She looked very alluring.


"Michal, can we negotiate? We're both from the same university. Can we not go to extremes? How about you give me food, and I draw a portrait for you? I'm really good at drawing! I can make you look very handsome!" Wendy said hesitantly.


Her stomach growled in hunger.


But Wendy felt it was not worth it to comply with Michal just for some food.


In the past, she was considered a goddess, with many excellent men wanting to date her, and she never agreed.


Among them were top scholars, extremely handsome guys, and top-tier rich second generations.


Wendy rejected them all.


Now, she had to give in to a security guard? This was unacceptable.


"No way. You're one of the school's four beauties, admired by everyone. Any normal guy would want to have you. If I didn't have such thoughts, would I even be a man? Unless I'm a eunuch, I'd definitely have those thoughts!" Michal laughed.


"But... without feelings, it's just soulless!" Wendy said seriously.


Michal rubbed his chin. "You have a point."


"Right? So, how about accepting my offer to draw your portrait instead?" Wendy's eyes lit up, thinking she had convinced him.


But Michal continued, "Then why don't you quickly develop some feelings for me?"


Wendy was speechless.


She couldn't believe how thick-skinned Michal was, twisting logic like that.


Feelings can't be developed instantly.


Besides, developing feelings for a security guard was tough for her.


It felt like a cruel joke.


Wendy was about to break down.


Seeing her expression, Michal mimicked her voice, "But developing feelings for a security guard is so hard."


"Huh?" Wendy's eyes widened.


Michal exaggeratedly continued, "So many rich kids, handsome guys, and top scholars chased me before, but I didn't agree. How can I agree to a security guard?"


"Huh?" Wendy was dumbfounded. She asked Michal, "Can you read minds? How do you know what I'm thinking?"