She wants to make love with me

As Michal's gaze swept over them, Falcon and the others felt like they were being watched by a demon, their entire bodies trembling, their hairs standing on end.


Immediately, their legs went weak, and with a "thud," they knelt on the ground.


Only White Fox remained standing.


Michal looked at her.


Upon getting a clear look at the woman's appearance, he was somewhat surprised.


At first, he had focused all his attention on the greasy man, Black Tiger, and had overlooked the presence of such a beautiful woman beside him.


This woman had a stylish short white haircut, exuding a heroic and spirited demeanor. Her delicate facial features radiated confidence, and she was dressed in a black tight-fitting outfit, reminiscent of the Black Widow from the movies.


Moreover, she had a tall, slender figure, flawless white skin, and a hint of a cold and proud demeanor on her face. However, it was a bit unfortunate that, although she was perfect in many ways, she lacked some fullness.


"Who are you?" Michal asked the white-haired woman.


White Fox's alluring red lips curved slightly as she replied, "I am White Fox. I used to be a superpowered individual and the second-in-command at this survivor base. But now, I am your woman."


Michal was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Oh? I agreed that you're my woman?"


He hadn't expected this woman to be so straightforward and proactive. She claimed herself to be his woman?


This left Michal a bit confused.


"You will agree. Because you've never met a woman as unique as I am," White Fox said. In a flash, she moved to stand in front of Falcon and the others. At some point, she had drawn a gleaming knife, and her figure moved like a phantom among the group. Wherever she passed, blood gushed.


Before anyone could react, White Fox had already slit their throats in an instant!


Falcon clutched his neck, which was spewing blood, and looked at White Fox in disbelief. With a trembling finger pointed at her, he said, "White... White Fox... you...!!!"


They couldn't understand why they died at the hands of their companion, White Fox, instead of Michal.


Michal, somewhat astonished by White Fox's actions, asked, "What are you doing? I didn't say to kill them."


"Black Tiger is their leader. If their leader orders them to attack, but they don't, it means they are disloyal fence-sitters. Keeping them alive is useless, so I took care of them for you," White Fox said, licking her red lips.


"But didn't you also disobey Black Tiger?" Michal asked with a playful smile.


White Fox blurted out, "I am different."


Michal continued, "How are you different?"


White Fox smiled confidently and said, "I can become your woman, but this bunch of trash cannot. You can't possibly be into men, right? A leader can be betrayed, but my man cannot betray me. So, you don't need to worry."


Michal was taken aback.


Wow, what she said makes so much sense that I have no rebuttal, he thought.


However, still puzzled, Michal asked, "I'm just curious. Are you always this open? Saying you want to be my woman the first time we meet?"


White Fox walked up to Michal, her white fingers touching his chest, and said seductively, "Handsome, has no woman ever told you that you're very handsome and charming?"


"Uh... no one has ever said that," Michal replied, scratching his head, a bit embarrassed by the compliment.


"Those people were really dishonest! But I'm different. I like handsome guys and strong individuals, and you just happen to be my type! So I'll be straightforward—I want to make love with you!" White Fox said bluntly.


Michal was taken aback by the boldness and openness of this woman, feeling somewhat unaccustomed to it.


It used to be that he would hint at others to come to his room for some in-depth communication.


He never expected this woman to be so direct, not even bothering with hints.


She wants to make love with me?


Oh my!


Who's afraid of whom!


Michal immediately showed a defiant expression and said:


"Alright then, why don't we find a room right now and spar a bit? Let me show you my ' Sausage King.'"


However, White Fox said:


"Don't spar with me just yet. Black Tiger, that idiot, has been chopped into a human stick by you and is about to die. Shouldn't you first take the time to care for his daughter in front of him?"


Upon hearing this, Black Tiger became even more enraged: "White Fox, you piece of shit! You bitch, you slut, you'll die a horrible death!"


"Hahaha! Still dare to curse at me? I'll bring your daughter over right now!" White Fox sneered and left for Black Tiger's daughter's place.


Watching White Fox leave, Black Tiger's heart tightened, and he quickly shouted:


"No! No, no, no! Don't! White Fox! If you dare touch my daughter, I'll make sure you die a horrible death! Even as a ghost, I won't let you go!!"


Not long after White Fox left.


Scar Mouse also came rushing out of a ground tunnel, arriving here.


The moment he arrived, Scar Mouse was stunned.


The ground was covered in blood, with more than a dozen corpses lying around. Their once high-and-mighty leader, Black Tiger, had been reduced to a human stick, lying on the ground and barely alive!


Scar Mouse looked at Michal in disbelief and couldn't help but exclaim:


"My god, what happened here! Is this a hell on earth? I got here as fast as I could, but I still missed the battle! You... you're way too strong!"


He then walked to Falcon's corpse and spat on it:


"Bah! You idiot, always showing off in front of me. Now what? Can't pretend anymore, can you? Dead as a doornail, huh? Serves you right for looking down on me!"


Black Tiger, seeing Scar Mouse's arrival, immediately realized that it was because of Scar Mouse's betrayal that Michal found this place and that this tragedy happened.


Gritting his teeth, he shouted at Scar Mouse:


"Scar Mouse! You traitor! It's all because you were the first to betray the base that this happened! If I had known you were a traitor, I should have killed you long ago!!!"


Scar Mouse, however, showed a smug expression and said indifferently:


"No one in this base ever respected me. I'm happy you're all dead. What's this about betrayal or not?


You talk as if you ever considered me one of your own?


And besides, look at whom you provoked! Even if I hadn't ratted you out, you would have gone looking for trouble with him and ended up dead anyway."


Black Tiger spat at Scar Mouse:


"Bah! You worthless scum, still trying to justify yourself! A spineless turncoat like you will always be despised, no matter where you go! You think you've found a backer? People like you will never be trusted!"


"That's not something you need to worry about. You should be more concerned about how long you can survive!" Scar Mouse finished, no longer paying attention to Black Tiger.


He instead surveyed the others lying on the ground.


But soon Scar Mouse realized someone was missing. His face changed, and he hurriedly said to Michal:


"Boss! One is missing! The second-in-command of this base, White Fox, that crazy woman is very strong and extremely erratic! If we don't get rid of her, she might retaliate!"