Have you also betrayed the base

In this base, although Black Tiger was the strongest, White Fox wasn't far behind!


Moreover, that woman's thinking was bizarre; she did things without considering the consequences, without any plan, just acting on whims.


One moment she might be laughing with you, and the next she could be drawing a knife to kill.


As a result, Scar Mouse was extremely fearful of White Fox.


Even more so than Black Tiger.


"Who's speaking ill of me behind my back?" A woman's voice sounded.


Hearing this voice, Scar Mouse's face changed dramatically, showing a look of fear, and he immediately hid behind Michal. He whispered:


"It's White Fox, that's her voice!"


Then, White Fox entered, bringing Black Tiger's daughter with her.


Seeing this, Black Tiger's eyes widened with rage, and he shouted at White Fox:


"White Fox! You won't die a good death! You vile woman! I'll make sure you die with no burial place!"


Scar Mouse looked at Black Tiger, then at White Fox, utterly confused.


What's going on?


Is Black Tiger out of his mind? Why is he even cursing White Fox, the second-in-command?


Doesn't he know that White Fox is the only one still alive? Shouldn't she be his last hope?


Why is he randomly cursing people?


White Fox ignored Black Tiger's cursing and instead smiled at Michal:


"Handsome, I've brought you your spoils of war. Black Tiger's biological daughter, just turned 18, fresh and tender!"


Michal looked up and down at Black Tiger's daughter.


This girl had a delicate face with a bit of baby fat, skin as white as snow, soft and smooth, looking extremely tender and almost dripping with youth.


Obviously, Black Tiger was quite powerful, so even in the apocalypse, he didn't let his daughter suffer.


His daughter lived a life of luxury, not much different from pre-apocalypse times. Based on her appearance alone, she was definitely a top-tier beauty, comparable to a campus queen like Wendy.


Now, seeing the corpses all over the ground, Black Tiger's daughter was trembling with fear.


Her face showed terror, but strangely, when she saw Black Tiger turned into a human stick, she didn't show a hint of sadness.


Looking at this beautiful girl, Michal nodded:


"Not bad. A good seedling. Take her to the next room!"


Such a beautiful girl was a good seed for expanding his lineage. Even if she wasn't Black Tiger's daughter, Michal wouldn't let her go if he met her on the road. He would have taken her without hesitation.


After all, with the system's support, every woman was a stepping stone for him to become stronger.


For Michal, he'd rather kill wrongly than miss a chance to grow stronger.


Upon hearing Michal's words, Black Tiger screamed:


"No! No! Kill me, just kill me! Spare my daughter!"


White Fox stabbed a knife into Black Tiger's mouth, stirring it forcefully, instantly shredding his tongue to pieces. Then she said coldly:


"Shut up! Don't ruin the handsome man's mood! Just listen to your daughter's screams from outside!"


In the room.


Michal looked at the girl and asked, "You should know what's going to happen next, right? Are you scared?"


"Yes," the girl replied honestly.


Michal continued, "Blame your dad. He shouldn't have coveted my woman! You're the price he's paying!"


The girl said, "I don't want to be his price. Because he's not my dad. If I can, I want this price to be for myself. I'll work hard to please you, just spare my life."


Hearing the girl's words, Michal was a bit surprised and said, "Oh? You don't recognize him? But when you were brought in, he was screaming so miserably, it seemed he had deep feelings for you. And seeing his current miserable state, aren't you sad at all?"


The girl shook her head, "Why should I have feelings for a scumbag?


When he pushed my mom towards the zombies to buy himself time to escape, he stopped being my father. The only reason he was good to me was out of guilt.


I've fantasized countless times about him dying in front of me. Now my wish has finally come true!"


Hearing the girl's words, Michal was shocked.


He didn't expect Black Tiger to have pushed his own wife towards the zombies to escape?


What a ruthless man!


Michal was also ruthless, but only towards enemies, not his own wife.


Michal found Black Tiger's actions extremely shocking.


Now Michal was hesitating.


Originally, he wanted to force himself on Black Tiger's daughter to get back at Black Tiger for coveting his woman.


But now, Black Tiger's daughter had no feelings for Black Tiger at all.


She had long since disowned him as her father.


So, wasn't she just an innocent woman?


Seeing the hesitation on Michal's face, the girl took the initiative and said:


"Come on. I'm ready."


Michal replied, "Uh... since you no longer see Black Tiger as your father, I don't need to punish you as his daughter. I'll be gentle."


But the girl firmly said, "No, you need to! Punish me harshly, and I'll scream as loud as I can! I want him to feel worse than death! I want him to die filled with guilt!"


Soon, the girl's sex voice came from the room.


Outside, Black Tiger heard his daughter's voice and his eyes filled with rage.


"Blurgh! Blurgh! Blurgh!!" Black Tiger tried to speak, but his tongue had been shredded. When he opened his mouth, he could only spew large amounts of blood, making unclear blurgh sounds.


He stared at White Fox with a face full of anger.


As if to etch this face into his memory forever, vowing not to let her go even as a ghost.


Scar Mouse was on the side, not daring to make a sound.


White Fox, this crazy woman, was powerful.


Now, Scar Mouse couldn't figure out White Fox's stance. He was the first to betray the base, and if he got killed, he wouldn't even know why. So, he was very cautious.


Always ready to dig a hole and escape.


Meanwhile, White Fox was fully focused on listening to the sounds coming from the room with Michal and the girl.


A happy expression appeared on her face. She murmured to herself:


"As expected of the man I chose! So strong! I can feel his power just by listening to the sounds! I can't wait to try it myself!"


Scar Mouse, feeling extremely uneasy, couldn't help but ask White Fox, "Big... Big Sis, what's the situation now? Have you also betrayed the base?"


White Fox rolled her eyes at Scar Mouse.


That single glance scared Scar Mouse into a cold sweat. He almost couldn't hold back from digging a hole and escaping right then.


White Fox said:


"Betrayed? You little rat, watch your mouth! And haven't you already accepted that handsome guy as your new boss?"


"Yes!" Scar Mouse said proudly.


Scar Mouse felt that the best decision he had ever made in his life was to pledge loyalty to Michal.


With such a powerful backer, his future was incredibly bright!


White Fox smiled and said, "Then it's settled. From now on, don't call me Big Sis, call me Big Sister-in-law!"


"Huh?" Scar Mouse was dumbfounded.


Big Sister-in-law?


Michal had only been here for about ten or twenty minutes. Not only did he defeat Black Tiger and kill the other elites, but he also managed to win over this crazy woman White Fox?


My god!


This is too strong!


It's no exaggeration to say that winning over White Fox is much harder than defeating Black Tiger!


Black Tiger's strength has its limits.


But White Fox's crazy mind has no pattern.


Knowing that White Fox willingly became Michal's woman, Scar Mouse's admiration for Michal grew even deeper.


Now, his fear had completely vanished. Since White Fox had been tamed by Michal, as Michal's new subordinate, how could he be in any danger?


We're all family now!

