I’ll go deal with them

Michal's villa had four floors, each with ten rooms. The first floor also had a living room, kitchen, and dining room.


The second floor had a gym and study.


The third floor had a swimming pool and sauna.


The fourth floor had a private cinema and private KTV.


In short, the villa was fully equipped, with a total of 40 rooms, enough to accommodate at least 40 people!


At present, it housed only Simona, Wendy, Vera, Tina, Eileen, White Fox, Phyllis, Nancy, Nelly, Penelope, Judy, and now the doctor Emily and nurse Shirley, totaling 13 people, far from full capacity!


The 15 girls brought back from the survivor base were living in the villa next door.


Michal had given them plenty of food.


As the doctor Emily and nurse Shirley went upstairs, the others gathered around Michal and asked, "Michal, where did you go exploring today?"


Simona asked, "Did you get a lot of supplies again?"


Tina said, "Meeting a doctor and a nurse means you went to the hospital, right?"


Michal smiled, pinched Tina's smooth cheek, and said, "Smart school belle. Yes, I went to the hospital, collected a lot of medicines, and then went to the wholesale market, collecting a lot of food, and even some baby formula. After all, we need to prepare for the continuation of human civilization!"


Tina blushed and lightly punched Michal's chest with her fist: "What? Even baby formula? How Amazing~"


The others chimed in:


"Yes, Michal, you're so Amazing~"


"So embarrassing~!"




Michal indeed thought far ahead.


When collecting baby formula, he had already considered this.


With the system's support, his genetic inheritance was enhanced, ensuring successful procreation every time. It was like hitting the mark with every shot.


This meant Michal's children would be born in rapid succession.


So, he went to the hospital for medicines.


After all, pregnant women and children get sick easily.


Finding a doctor or nurse during this search was even better.


Because doctors or nurses could help with childbirth.


Michal hadn't expected to find both a doctor and a nurse at once!


That was perfect.


Now he didn't have to worry about childbirth issues anymore.


This was also why Michal hadn't hinted for Emily and Shirley to come to his room.


He didn't want the doctor and nurse to be about to give birth themselves when they were needed to deliver babies.


The timing had to be staggered!


The girls knew Michal was busy, so after chatting with him for a while, they didn't cling to him. Michal went back to his room to rest while the girls started busying themselves in the kitchen, preparing lunch.


After returning to his room, Michal took a shower and lay on the bed to rest.


He recalled today's gains.


He had not only looted a wholesale market but also several convenience stores, three large supermarkets, and collected all the medicines from a large hospital.


He even brought back a stunning surgeon and a beautiful nurse.


It could be said to be a fruitful day!


Meanwhile, Michal had also discovered Level 3 zombies in the hospital.


He was a bit shocked at the speed of zombie evolution.


He hadn't expected Level 3 zombies to appear so quickly. They were very powerful, far beyond the capability of ordinary Level 1 superhumans, requiring at least Level 2 superhumans to deal with!


With the system's support, Michal's superhuman level was different from ordinary people.


His highest superpower, ice control, had already reached Level 6, but his lowest level of zombie control was only Level 2.


Michal wasn't sure whether to call himself a Level 6 superhuman or a Level 2 superhuman.


But based on his basic attributes, being 20 times that of an ordinary person, he should be considered a Level 10 superhuman...


But so far, Michal hadn't encountered any other superhumans who had reached Level 2.


Of course, that didn't mean there weren't any, just that there weren't any as strong in his immediate vicinity.


However, Level 3 zombies had already appeared around him.


This meant that zombie evolution was outpacing that of superhumans.


Ordinary survivors were in grave danger, and even regular superhumans were at risk!


For example, at the survivor base where Scar Mouse was.


If a Level 3 zombie led an attack, with Scar Mouse being the only superhuman there, it would be impossible to fend them off.


The entire base might be wiped out!


It seemed more superhumans needed to be brought into the base...


Michal made up his mind.


Tomorrow, when he goes further afield to scavenge for food, if he finds any superhumans, he will try to recruit them into his base.


Only then can his base grow stronger and more resilient against zombie attacks!


While Michal was pondering this, he suddenly received a system notification.


"Congratulations, host, for killing 2000 zombies, gaining 200 attribute points!"


Michal was stunned.


Then he realized.


He had set the hospital on fire; it seemed the blaze had incinerated all the zombies inside.


However, the number was a bit off.


That hospital was the largest in the city, with three inpatient buildings and at least 5000 zombies inside.


Now, he had only received a notification for 2000.


Could it mean that the remaining zombies, led by Level 2 or 3 zombies, had escaped the hospital and were not burned to death?


As zombies' intelligence increased, simply setting a fire was no longer enough to kill them all...


He evenly distributed the 200 attribute points.


His basic attributes all reached 1050 points!




Meanwhile, 20 kilometers away at the survivor base.


Scar Mouse was out scavenging for food with a team of strong men from the base.


With only himself as the remaining superhuman, they now chose to search small convenience stores and supermarkets for supplies.


Unlike before, when a team of superhumans could freely search large supermarkets.


Now, with an ordinary team, they had to survive carefully, squeezed into narrow gaps.


Scar Mouse hadn't expected that, once the weakest among superhumans, he would now become the strongest in the base.


This sense of bearing the weight of responsibility was overwhelming.


After all, the entire base now depended on him alone.


The potatoes Michal had lent to the survivors were already planted.


But in the months before they grew, they still relied on scavenging for food.


So Scar Mouse had to lead strong men out to find food while leaving the women to tend the crops in the base.


At this moment, a survivor said to Scar Mouse, "Boss Mouse, there are four zombies on the road ahead, wandering in front of the convenience store. We can't get through!"


Although Scar Mouse was small, less than 1.6 meters tall, and very young, in his early twenties, the strong male survivors still showed him absolute respect.


After all, Scar Mouse was the only superhuman among them, and although small, his basic attributes were twice that of an ordinary person!


No one here could beat him.


Moreover, Scar Mouse was a favorite of "God Michal."


How could these ordinary survivors not respect Scar Mouse?


Therefore, everyone called him Boss Mouse, and the first thing they did upon spotting zombies was report to him.


Hearing this, Scar Mouse stood on tiptoe to look ahead and indeed saw four zombies wandering in the distance.


Just four zombies—if it were before, when the base was full of strong survivors, they would have charged in and hacked them up.


But now things were different.


Scar Mouse was the pillar of support, the only superhuman in the entire base.


Faced with the survivor's report, Scar Mouse began to think.


That convenience store was their target for the day.


If they were deterred by these four zombies, they would have to return empty-handed.


Returning empty-handed was not an option, as the base had very little food left!


Scar Mouse gritted his teeth and said, "Wait here. I'll go deal with them."


"Boss Mouse, those are four zombies. You alone…"


"Boss Mouse, we know you're a superhuman, but facing four zombies alone might be tough. Should we help?"


"Yes, Boss Mouse, the entire survivor base depends on you now. If anything happens to you, we're all doomed!"


"Even though we're just ordinary people, it's only four zombies. We can still help!"


The others expressed their concerns to Scar Mouse, knowing that his awakened ability was tunneling, not combat.


Moreover, Scar Mouse wasn't immune to the zombie virus.


Even a small injury could lead to infection.


If things went wrong, the base's only superhuman would be lost!


"No need. If too many of us go, the noise might attract more zombies. Don't worry; even though my ability isn't for combat, I'm not useless!"


Scar Mouse said seriously, then immediately burrowed underground.

