super powerful mutant zombie

In the distance, under everyone's watchful eyes, a zombie suddenly sank into the ground! It got stuck, with only its head exposed!


The other three zombies, seeing their companion trapped, stood there cluelessly.


Soon after, the second, third, and fourth zombies were similarly trapped.


In less than ten seconds, all four zombies were immobilized.


Scar Mouse then emerged from another hole.


He pulled out a large machete and swiftly chopped at each exposed zombie head.


He took out all four zombies in an instant!


The zombies didn't even realize what had happened; they couldn't even see their enemy before dying.


Seeing this, the group rushed forward, giving Scar Mouse a thumbs up:


"Wow, Boss Mouse, you're awesome! Who knew you had this mole-whacking trick up your sleeve!"


"As expected of Boss Mouse!"


Scar Mouse showed a smug expression.


His skill wasn't for combat but for tunneling, and his small stature meant that if he didn't want anyone entering his tunnels, they couldn't.


The same applied to zombies!


By digging a hole beneath a zombie's feet that a normal person couldn't enter and pulling the zombie down, he could trap it firmly!


A stuck zombie was an easy target!


Scar Mouse had come up with this strategy after much thought. It could work against both zombies and human superhumans.


Even a superhuman would be helpless if dragged underground and confined in a narrow tunnel.


Scar Mouse told the group, "Be careful. Enter the convenience store and load up on supplies. Once everyone's backpack is full, we'll head back to the base immediately!"


After witnessing Scar Mouse swiftly take down four zombies, everyone admired him greatly and quickly agreed:


"Got it, Boss Mouse!"


"We'll be careful!"


"It's reassuring to search for food with Boss Mouse!"


"Yeah! If we were on our own and saw zombies, we wouldn't dare approach!"


With that, the group cautiously opened the door and entered the convenience store.


However, the sight inside shocked them!


There were three zombies in the store. Two lay on the floor, mostly eaten but still snarling with open eyes.


The third zombie was much stronger and bulkier than the others!


This zombie's muscles were so overgrown they had burst through its skin, exposed and covered in sticky fluids.


Its veins were large and numerous, snaking across its muscles like wriggling serpents, looking extremely grotesque.


As the survivors entered the store, this muscular zombie was eating the flesh of the other two zombies!


Zombies eating zombies?


This discovery stunned everyone.


Normally, zombies don't eat their kind; they only eat humans or unmutated animals!


But what was this muscle-bound zombie?


Could it be a super mutant zombie, not sparing even its own kind?


Scar Mouse was stunned and immediately sensed danger. He quickly alerted the group: "Run!"


The other survivors quickly reacted and retreated from the store, but it was too late. The zombie had already noticed them and charged at high speed.


"Damn, that's fast!" Scar Mouse was startled.


Two slower men were struck by the zombie, sent flying into the wall, knocked unconscious.


Seeing this, Scar Mouse gritted his teeth and stopped running. If this continued, the other survivors wouldn't make it out alive!


He had to stay behind and cover their retreat!


Turning around, he launched a flying kick at the zombie.


However, his kick didn't even budge the zombie, and Scar Mouse was sent flying several meters back.


"Damn! This zombie's strength and speed are at least double mine! This mutant zombie is far stronger than a regular Level 2 zombie!"


Lying on the ground, Scar Mouse's face was filled with a serious expression.


The zombie, though unharmed by Scar Mouse's kick, was enraged and immediately lunged at him.


But Scar Mouse quickly burrowed underground, leaving only a dark hole that the mutant zombie couldn't enter.


"Roar!" The mutant zombie growled, clawing at the hole, trying to dig Scar Mouse out.


While the zombie was furiously digging at the hole, it suddenly sank, getting pulled into another hole below.


Scar Mouse had used the same trick, digging a hole under the zombie to trap it.


However, the mutant zombie was too strong. It forcefully pulled Scar Mouse out of the hole!


"Shit!" Scar Mouse exclaimed. He immediately let go of the zombie's legs and, as soon as he hit the ground, burrowed into another hole, disappearing from the surface.


By this time, the other survivors had escaped beyond the mutant zombie's line of sight. Knowing he wasn't a match for the zombie, Scar Mouse stopped engaging and tunneled away.


The mutant zombie, still furious, kept attacking the hole Scar Mouse had left.


A short distance away, Scar Mouse poked his head out, observing the zombie.


He was panting heavily.


The recent fight had spiked his adrenaline, leaving him feeling exhilarated and his heart pounding in his chest.


This was his first battle against such a powerful zombie. A single mistake could have cost him his life.


Watching the zombie still attacking the hole, Scar Mouse concluded:


"This mutant zombie has incredible strength and speed but lacks the intelligence of a Level 2 zombie. Its body is just physically enhanced.


"Even without intelligence, its power is overwhelming. If it finds our survivor base, it would be like a wolf among sheep—unstoppable. This one zombie could decimate the entire base!"


"No, I must report this to Michal immediately. If this zombie locates the base, we're finished!"


With this resolve, Scar Mouse burrowed underground again.


This trip, which he had personally led to gather supplies, had yielded nothing and cost them two strong survivors.


Scar Mouse felt a deep sense of guilt.


He had to inform Michal about this mutant zombie and eliminate it!




Scar Mouse tunneled underground, reuniting with the fleeing survivors and quickly leading them back to the base.


Once inside the base's gates, Scar Mouse collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily, feeling a sense of relief.


The danger they had just faced was still fresh in his mind.


The others also showed relief on their faces but were saddened when they thought of their fallen companions.


Those who went out to find resources together were familiar faces.


Seeing familiar comrades killed by zombies filled them with a sense of dread.


One survivor couldn't help but complain:


"That zombie was terrifying! I've never seen such a scary one before!"


"Yeah, scarier than Level 2 zombies. It even eats its kind!"


"Maybe that's why it became so strong and terrifying!"


"How are we supposed to go out for food after this?"


"If zombies outside are all this strong, we'll die the moment we step out of the base!"


Scar Mouse also felt a lingering fear.


He said to the group, "Go back to your quarters and rest. I'll contact Michal and have him deal with this zombie."


Upon hearing Michal's name, everyone's eyes lit up, and they quickly said:


"That's great! If Michal takes action, he can definitely handle it!"


The survivors then returned to their quarters.


After a moment of calm, Scar Mouse spoke to the zombie guard at the gate:


"Michal, we have a big problem. There's a super powerful mutant zombie, extremely strong. I'm no match for it. It even eats its kind! It's definitely an anomaly among zombies!"