Chapter 18: Recounting the Loot, Time to Leave!

The long sword that Blackbeard took out from the arsenal was not actually a normal sword. 

It is an O Wazamono, named Yufu, and it is actually of the same quality and fame level as the famous swords Shisui and Wado Ichimonji, meaning there are only 21 known swords in the world of such quality and fame! 

There are only twenty-one famous Meito swords of this classification in the world, second only to the Supreme Grade or Saijo O Wazamono! 

It can definitely be called one of the best. Besides physical fighters who use their ability and the physicality of fighters, in the sea there are hundreds and thousands who use swords called swordsmen. 

Not to mention Saijo O Wazamono, that is, the O Wazamono is the dream that countless swordsmen pursue and seek a high level in kendo throughout their lives! 

For them, it is equivalent to the allure of the top devil fruit for those physical warriors, and it is the same feeling of attraction as the Advanced Armament Haki, comparable to poison! 

Of course, Blackbeard is not a swordsman, he knows nothing about how to use a knife... 

Taking this knife was simply for the purpose of pretending to be a swordsman, and it was just a decoration on the waist. 

What true pirate doesn't carry a sword? 

This behavior is simply stupid in Karl's opinion, it's a total waste to give such a high-quality sword to a man who knows nothing about swords! 

However, obviously it is an even greater stupidity to leave it in the tenryubito's treasure, it is better to have in hands than this thing is in a chamber gathering dust... 

Overall, this trip to Sabaody, Karl and Blackbeard really went well! 

They made a fortune, four superior devil fruits, two high-quality tools, and Karl's strength directly achieved a qualitative improvement! 

An absolutely excellent harvest! 

"It seems it's time to leave..." 

Putting the glove back on his waist, Karl looked at the sky that was already a little bright outside, then looked back at the clock hanging on the wall and muttered to himself. 

It's now four in the morning and in an hour or two, the whole archipelago will become too lively for comfort. 

At that time, the disappearance of San Leschar will inevitably be discovered. 

If you want to leave at that time, it will be too late! 

As you can imagine, the whole Sabaody archipelago will be completely blocked, so now is the perfect time to leave! 

Anyway, all the rich things have been taken. If you don't leave now, aren't you just waiting to be caught? 

As he thought about it, Karl got up, opened the door of his room, and went out. 

"Teach, we should... um." 

As Karl opened Blackbeard's door, he was about to call him to leave, but the scene in front of him left Karl speechless for a moment. 

(T/N: What scene???) 

When he was improving his strength in his room, the bored Blackbeard started torturing Saint Leschar again! 

At that moment, Blackbeard brandished the famous knife he had just obtained, placing it between Saint Leschar's neck and lecturing him... 

And the scene where Karl threatened to crucify the World Nobles not long ago, as a retreat! 

Blackbeard was very good at learning, and he became addicted to his hands here. Karl said he was truly speechless! 

"Zehahahaha..., Karl, you're here. I want to see if I can get something out of this pig World Noble." 

"It's a pity, this guy's tone is too strict, he's not saying anything, zehahaha, why don't you come here?" 

Seeing Karl enter, a look of shame crossed Blackbeard's face, then he greeted him with a big laugh. 

"I believe you, bullshit!" 

Karl rolled his eyes. It wouldn't surprise Blackbeard if he wasn't enjoying himself! 

Are you still asking? Even the family treasure has been looted, and a Der has been forced! 

If you want something more than going to Mary Geoise! 

Didn't you see that Saint Leschar was already tormented and foaming at the mouth? Even in the face of the fiercest Karl, even this technically saved his life. 

One can imagine how much Blackbeard tortured him... 

However, Karl didn't pay attention to this idiot. For him, this kind of thing deserved death! 

"It's time to go, Teach, if it's later, we probably won't be able to leave if we want to." 

Seriously, Karl urged Blackbeard, now is the best time to get out of here! 

When things are done, get out and don't brag about what you've done! 

Isn't that what I'm talking about now? Mmmm, very appropriate! 

"Yes, it's time to go, but what about this idiot, kill or let go?" 

Blackbeard nodded and then asked, frowning. 

The World Noble, for him, was a nuisance and easy to rob, but Blackbeard felt a little pain in the ass dealing with it. 

Letting him go means that the two of them will be directly discovered and face endless pursuit in the future! 

But killing him on the spot? Some suspicious clues cannot be avoided... 

One must be aware that the World Government's espionage organization has a lot of investigative experience. If there are some clues, why can't they discover them? 

So, for a while, Blackbeard, who was ruthless and unrelenting, was also a bit tangled. 

"Don't worry, I've already thought about this." 

Karl took over the conversation, not at all embarrassed by this trivial matter, he had already thought of a countermeasure. 

As he spoke, Karl looked at the World Noble lying on the ground, and at the same time, Saint Leschar also cast him a hopeful glance... 

"Just kidnap this idiot and take him to the ship, all the problems are solved!" 

In one sentence, all hope of Saint Leschar was cut off. He was extremely angry but dared not say anything, his eyes were black, and he almost fainted. 

"It makes sense, Zehahahahaaha, as expected of my first officer!" 

"Kidnap this pig, the clues will disappear, and no one will know we did it!" Blackbeard's eyes lit up as he gave Saint Leschar a sinister look. 

"Not only that, but keeping him temporarily can also be used as a bargaining chip." 

"In case of an accidental discovery in the future, this idiot is the biggest negotiating condition. Even the World Government will be cautious and dare not take any action!" 

Karl smiled and looked coldly at Saint Leschar. 

Joke, do you rely on him, Karl, to save your life? 

That's not just wishful thinking! There is no such nonsense, don't get your hopes up! 

"T-t-two... two lords..." 

"I've done what I promised you... c-can you... can you let me go?" 

At that moment, Saint Leschar stuttered, unable to speak clearly, lowered his posture to the lowest level, and begged for his life. 

"Let you go?" 

Upon hearing this, Karl raised an eyebrow, no nonsense, he cut his throat with a knife. 

Immediately, the World Noble rolled his eyes and fainted completely! 

"It's easier to shut him up." 

Karl reached out, grabbed Saint Leschar directly from the ground, and then told Blackbeard, "It's time to go!" 

"Friend, do it!" 

"Come on, the journey from Sabaody to land is complete, very complete, Zehahahahaha!"