Chapter 19: The World Government Boils with Anger

"Uh... this one isn't very good, it looks too ugly, doesn't fit my style!" 

"This one is alright, but it's a bit small and doesn't match my status!" 


At 4:40 in the morning, the sky was already a bit clear. In the port of island number 8 in the Sabaody Archipelago, Karl and Blackbeard carried a wooden box and wandered around. Inside one of the boxes was the idiot Saint Leschar. 

To avoid encountering any residents or pirates who were awake early and might notice something was amiss, the two of them disguised themselves a bit and pretended to be pirates delivering supplies to a ship. Likewise, to avoid leaving any clues behind, they went directly to the port of Island No. 8 from Island No. 1, planning to depart from there. 

They first avoided the most heavily guarded areas of Islands 1 and 3! One must know that the World Government's spies have quite a keen sense of smell. They can discover what happened over 20 years ago! 

As for the large raft they traveled on before arriving, at Karl's insistence, the two simply decided to abandon it. This time, it's not due to a lack of resources, but it's really inconvenient to bring a World Noble with you! Is it foolish to tie a pig to a raft where passing ships could easily spot it? 

Seeing this, the pirates fled in a hurry, almost shouting and alerting the remaining companions. Their speed is slow! 

The current Karl has been reborn, and the ultimate improvement in his physical condition has given him quite a fast speed. He almost instantly appeared in front of the pirate! 

As soon as the other party's words came out, Karl struck him, breaking his chest and knocking him down on the spot. It was the first time Blackbeard had seen Karl make a move after walking with him for half a month. His strength made Blackbeard's eyes light up! 

Although he only killed a soldier, but just in terms of speed, his deputy captain's strength is definitely not weak! 

"Zehahahahahaha, that's right, how could someone with Conqueror's Haki be so weak?" 

Blackbeard was excited, laughing out loud and following Karl. 

In less than a minute, the two cleared out all the pirates left on the ship. According to Blackbeard's sight, no one on the entire ship could escape. They were all killed and thrown into the sea to feed the fish! 

With such efficiency, it's no wonder. After all, this is just a pirate group in the first half of the Grand Line. No matter how big it is, how big can it be? 

Facing Karl at this moment, and Blackbeard who returned from the New World, not to mention the abandoned fish, even if the strength of the entire pirate group is there, they can't avoid the fate of being destroyed! 

"Karl, you can do it, Zehahahaha, is it hard to imagine how you, with so much strength, were so inactive when we first met?" 

After everything was settled, the two got to work. While hoisting the sail and controlling the course, they raised the anchor. Blackbeard couldn't keep his mouth shut and teased Karl as they worked. 

With Karl's temperament, can you endure this anger? 

He immediately replied, "At first, you don't seem very good, using a raft to wander around the New World, man, you're the best!" 

Saying that, Karl raised his thumb, and the sense of ridicule in his words was evident. 

"Cough... cough, Karl, just stop with that bad joke and mentioning this again..." 

Jokes aside, the current situation is relatively comfortable for Karl. 

Precisely because after joining Blackbeard's Pirates, they almost never fired, which would form a good smokescreen for him. 

It's just that Blackbeard doesn't know how strong Karl is, so he can perform the tasks of the system without scruples and continuously improve his strength! 

"I just don't know what this guy will be, Teach, after he gets the Baku Baku no Mi..." 

"Secretly, if this combination is the same as I expected, it's nothing less than a potential Logia!" 

This question, in Karl's opinion, is also unknown. 

After all, in the original Pirates, Blackbeard let the idiot Wapol escape and did not complete this final plan. 

That's why Karl is also very curious about this. 

"Teach, all set, let's go!" 

After raising the anchor, Karl waved to Blackbeard above. 

Subsequently, the two drove the large sailboat, left the port of Island No. 8, and headed into the depths of the sea. 


"No... it's not okay, Saint Leschar is missing!" 

In the morning, shortly after eight o'clock, a terrified scream echoed in the Celestial Dragons' palace! 

At that moment, Leschild's subordinates finally realized that their master had disappeared out of nowhere! 

This incident almost instantly swept across the entire Island No. 3! 

As reported, in just five minutes, the entire Sabaody Archipelago was directly blocked off! 

No one is allowed entry, no matter the reason, except those sent by the Marines and the World Government! 

And Island No. 3 is the top priority to be locked down! 

On this island, even ordinary residents are monitored at home, waiting to be registered from house to house. 

As for the pirates, let alone that they were all arrested almost immediately, including some other outsiders like traders... 

Complaining about grievances is futile. Where does the Sabaody Archipelago garrison handle this? 

The World Government has issued a death order and would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go! 

"Dare to attack the sons of God, no matter what your background, what you trust in, or what strength you have, you will have to be judged!" 

These are the instructions and statements given by the World Government from Mary Geoise, the world hegemonic entity is angry. 

@DragoCoffee, thank you so much for donating another three power stones. You are simply a sublime reader. 

@ZaP_Tempest, thank you very much for donating a power stone. 

@Ilyas21, thank you so much, my dear reader, for donating 2 power stones.