Chapter 20: Absolute Turbulence in the Sabaody Archipelago

"Oh my God, who is it that dared to challenge a tenryūbito?" 

"A lunatic, definitely a lunatic!" 

"Will it affect us, won't it? Damn it, why did we choose to set sail at this hour today?" 

"Who says it won't? I hope the Marines and the World Government won't get too angry and involve the innocent..." 

"Innocent, you say? You and I are pirates. In the eyes of those people, there's no such thing as innocent among us!" 

"The Marines are using this as an excuse to clean out all the pirates from the Sabaody Archipelago. What kind of luck do we have?" 

"God... God, an Admiral... a Marine Admiral is here too!" 

For a while, the entire Sabaody Archipelago, with its dozens of islands, fell into panic. 

The residents were a bit better off since the World Government wouldn't kill ordinary citizens in one of the most prosperous cities of the Grand Line. But the pirates are suffering; everyone is in danger and regrets their bad luck. Why did they have to arrive at such a time? 

Among them, a considerable number of unwilling pirates were about to set sail today and leave this place. 

Among these people is the group of pirates from whom Karl and Blackbeard stole the ship... 

It's a pity that they are not only blocked from the inside but also their ship has been raided without their knowledge. 

What bad luck! The injustice that hurts the most at the worst time! 

However, these discussions fell silent upon the arrival of the Marine Admiral. 

Kizaru, with such a Devil Fruit user, no one can escape. 

Marine Admiral Kizaru, who possesses the ability of the Pika Pika no Mi, is extremely fast. It only took a few minutes from when he received the news, accepted the order, and appeared on the third island of Sabaody. 

And behind him are hundreds of Marine warships that have just left the Naval Headquarters and will arrive in half an hour at most! 

At this scale, it is appropriate to completely block the rhythm of the Sabaody Archipelago! 

As for the World Government, all members of the CP0 organization have been sent to the Sabaody Archipelago to investigate. 

There is even participation from scientific troops under the World Government! 

You can imagine how great the commotion was this time! 

This is just the beginning. In less than ten minutes, the Marine Admiral, the strongest CIPHER-POL of the World Government, and all the scientific troops were sent! 

"Oh~ how scary~" 

"Even the surveillance Den Den Mushi has been fooled, now it's harder to handle~" 

Kizaru, with his voice full of irony, commented, with the expression of a man in his 50s tired of the job, lazily sitting on the sofa in Saint Leschar's "Holy Palace." 

Kizaru, being such a Devil Fruit user, no one can escape. 

Marine Admiral Kizaru, who possesses the Pika Pika no Mi ability, is extremely fast. It only took a few minutes from when he received the news, accepted the order, and appeared on the third island of Sabaody. 

And behind him are hundreds of Marine warships that have just left the Naval Headquarters and will arrive in half an hour at most! 

At this scale, it is appropriate to completely block the rhythm of the Sabaody Archipelago! 

As for the World Government, all members of the CP0 organization have been sent to the Sabaody Archipelago to investigate. 

There is even participation from scientific troops under the World Government! 

You can imagine how great the commotion was this time! 

This is just the beginning. In less than ten minutes, the Marine Admiral, the strongest CIPHER-POL of the World Government, and all the scientific troops were sent! 

"Oh~ how scary~" 

"Even the surveillance Den Den Mushi has been fooled, now it's harder to handle~" 

Kizaru, with his voice full of irony, commented with the expression of a man in his 50s tired of the job, lazily sitting on the sofa in Saint Leschar's "Holy Palace." 

"I can't do anything about it, such laziness, let the CP0 guys investigate. This kind of thing is not my specialty~" 

Kizaru is a slacker, and the people below him don't dare to say anything, not only because of his status but because of his strength, one of the greatest powers in the world and in the Marines.... 

Seeing Kizaru lounging back on the sofa as if nothing had happened, everyone didn't dare say anything and hurried out of the palace to cooperate with the interrogation and investigation. 

It wasn't until a few minutes later, with one phone call after another, that Kizaru was bombarded to the point that he was forced to set off to hunt down some powerful pirates. 

"How dare you attack my son...!" 

"Look, you must find these lunatics and tear them to pieces!" 

This sentence, also from Mary Geoise, was an order issued under the anger of Saint Hosdor. 

Saint Hosdor, father of Saint Leschar, is the head of the family. As the head of the generation of the twenty kings, his words are quite important. 

With such a seedling under his knees, how could Saint Hosdor be willing to give up? 

After learning that the interrogation of the servants, monitors, and guards in the palace had ended, he immediately ordered their execution on the spot, which was quite tyrannical! 

This day is a dark day for the Sabaody Islands, and it is a dark day for the pirates here. 

After some investigations, neither the Marines nor the CP0 organization found any clues. 

The only conclusion they reached was nonsense, and Saint Leschar really disappeared out of nowhere... 

Although countless pirates have been captured and killed here, they have not been able to find any clues related to the disappearance of Saint Leschar. 

It's as if this guy has ascended to heaven! 

The CP0 members, who have always been good at tracking and spying, are a bit confused... 

After killing so many pirates, they didn't find any useful clues? This is not logical at all! 

Subsequently, they finally turned their attention to the ships in the harbor and searched them one by one, but the result was the same. 

It's impossible to find all the ships that left the port before that. After all, it's unrealistic to organize surveillance Den Den Mushi in such a port in every part of all the ports. 

Moreover, the owner of the pirate ship that Karl and Blackbeard took was also killed by the World Government's scientific troops. 

Such a potentially useful clue has also come to nothing. This time, both the Marines and the World Government have failed! 

As for Saint Hosdor's underground treasure, they have no right to check it... 

Not to mention they don't have the rights, CP0 and the Marines didn't even know such a place existed! 

After all, it's the exclusive treasure of one of the royal families representing the Celestial Dragons, and it's impossible for the Celestial Dragons of other families to know about it. 

As for Saint Hosdor, with even his son lost, where can he still think about these treasures? 

As for the idea of searching the treasure chamber, Saint Hosdor, who can give birth to such a stupid son, obviously doesn't have this IQ. 

And he wouldn't think that anyone would dare to rob a Celestial Dragon for money! 

After all, in the current era, the Great Pirate Era, pirates are frequent, and looting incidents at sea are not uncommon. 

How could something like this happen to a Celestial Dragon? 

With so many treasures everywhere, why specifically target a Celestial Dragon? 

Not even the great pirates, nor the Yonko of the New World, would dare to do something like this! 

So, there must be another reason! 

Saint Hosdor was already blinded by anger, and the treasure chamber, the only clue that might have had a breakthrough point, directly avoided everyone's investigation... 

To put it badly, Saint Hosdor's treasure chamber was actually one of the safest places in the Sabaody Archipelago at that time! 

The irony simply makes one cry! 

After a day and a night, the turmoil in the Sabaody Archipelago finally came to a temporary end. 

Without any results, the Marines and the World Government can only take a tougher attitude and begin investigating along the Sabaody Archipelago! 

Of course, the blockade of Sabaody is not over... 

The blockade here will not be lifted for a long period. 

How could they reconcile without thoroughly investigating? 

As the external investigation of the Marines and the World Government became more serious, the news of the disappearance of a Celestial Dragon could not be concealed. 

It was only on the second day that what happened here flowed to the outside world... 

By the third day, almost the entire world, including the four seas and the seas of the New World, knew about this explosive news! 

@DragoCoffee, with your other three power stones, that makes a total of 9. You're too good a reader for this king. 

@Guy_Slade, magnificent, three stones with a single blow. This king is very grateful for your support.