Chapter 28- The Last Big News.

The square below the high platform was silent at that moment... 

Many unconscious and dense pirates have fallen to the ground, and the remaining hundreds of pirates are still in shock and confusion! 

Karl has restricted the Conqueror's Haki and will no longer release it. Those who support it are all eligible to participate in the selection of their recruitment conference. 

"Too much, too scary..." 

"Not only are these two people powerful, but the captain also has a terrifying devil fruit skill. Now, does the vice captain really have the Conqueror's Haki?!" 

"How can such a person come to a place like ours and choose his followers among us?" 

"That's the Conqueror's Haki!" 

"It's impossible for those people to be unknown at sea, so why don't I have any idea of their names or reward?" 

"Just a pirate team consisting of two people is already so terrible, I hope... Wouldn't it be so bad to join a group of such monsters right?!" 

After a while, everyone came to their senses one after another and muttered in disbelief. 

All the pirates widened their eyes and looked at the two smiling people above. 

This time, no one pays as much attention to the Devil Fruit in Karl's hands. 

In the face of the strength and talent displayed by the two, the influence of the Devil Fruit is completely secondary! 

Even quite a few pirates doubt their first objectives. 

From the beginning with disdain, they only wanted to possess the devil fruit, and now they doubt if they are worthy of being their subordinates... 

It's a 180-degree change in attitude! 

"Wiiihahahaha, only a team like this deserves to be followed, yes, I'm not in the wrong place this time!" 

When everyone was still immersed in the inner world of doubt, a harsh laugh erupted from the crowd. 

Without a doubt, it's Burgess again! 

The big arrogant tone, and those who don't know are stunned by this guy, thinking that he is very strong, and he actually speaks wildly in front of the two people on the high platform! 

But in fact, when Karl threw out the Conqueror's Haki earlier, this guy was also shocked and dumbfounded! 

It's just that not many people noticed. Now that the pressure has eased, he took the opportunity to run out and call the attention, and I just wanted Blackbeard and Karl to have a lasting, positive impression of him... 

This Burgess thinks he's a big deal! 

In this sense, Karl simply said something to himself in secret and showed nothing on the surface. 

Others don't know their final result, Karl doesn't know yet? 

Burgess, if it weren't for the inextricable relationship between him and Blackbeard in the original trajectory, Karl would have taught him how to behave! 

At least now, it's still just a big junk fish that doesn't weigh much. 

Of course, he was stronger than most of the people present. 

"Well, just for those present!" 

"Since they chose to stay here to compete for the spot on our team, they also passed my first test and didn't fall like that garbage." 

"Then let me remind you in advance that from now until the end of the selection, no one can choose to quit halfway!" 

"If they dare to quit, we will take action in person and end the game. I don't need to say more." 

Looking at the pirates below, they all came to their senses. 

On the high platform, Karl spoke directly and announced to them the recruitment and selection rules for this conference! 

"Resign? Don't worry, gentlemen, they have persisted until now, who will choose to resign!" 

"Yes, I will definitely succeed and become a follower of the two captains!" 

"Hahaha, it's an honor for us to be able to follow the two bosses, whoever decides to resign, I'm afraid it's not because their mind was in shock just now!" 


Hearing the rules announced by Karl, one of the pirates present commented and echoing more and more commented, did everyone laugh and express their withdrawal? That's impossible! 

And this time, no one was talking about the devil fruit, let alone the discordant voice at first! 

Even some of the small thoughts in some people's hearts disappeared at this moment. 

For example, after getting the Devil Fruit, flee or counterattack decisively. After all, most people's goal at first is just the devil fruit, that's all. 

But now, after witnessing Blackbeard's fruity ability and Karl's Conqueror Haki, the group's first target has changed from Devil Fruit by getting a spot in the crew! 

By comparison, Devil Fruit has moved down the priority list.... 

To be able to join such a powerful team, let alone Devil Fruit, will there be a shortage of good Devil Fruits, or special, powerful weapons in the future? 

Perhaps they will also have the opportunity to make a name for themselves at sea. 

This is the original intention of most people to go to sea as pirates! 

Even many pirates who already have masters in this field have this idea! 

Because in his opinion, the pirate group they formed or joined, compared to the team of the two in front of them, was completely a child playing with mud... 

They could only stand aside and show their power in front of ordinary people and garbage pirates, and they didn't even have the courage to be completely hostile to the Navy. 

There is no chance in life! 

"Is that so?" 

Hearing the answers of many pirates, Karl raised his eyebrows, his mouth showed a hint of joy, and smiled: "That's good, I'm very satisfied..." 

"I think you should have heard that there was a big uproar at sea recently, right?" 

Hearing Karl's question, Blackbeard, who was next to him, was stunned. 

But he immediately reacted. 

I saw Blackbeard's mouth smiling and a strange smile appeared on his face. 

As Karl gradually revealed themselves, he was clear about what his first mate would do... 

However, he did not intervene or object. Karl acting like this, in his eyes, is the best, it's in line with his mind! 

"Big event?" 

"Recently... Hey, what happened?" 

"At present, in the pirates, the most important thing that happened recently seems to be the murder of one of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates on the New World side?" 

"Yes, this matter has been passed from the New World, but I don't know who it is, they dare to attack the Whitebeard Pirates!" 

"Yes, it's crazy, it's a model for my generation, but I don't know if it's another one. It's too bold to brandish a knife at Whitebeard's son!" 

"It is said that 'Hiken no Ace' was sent in person. The captain who was killed was his friend. He is going to seek revenge. It seems that the culprit is in trouble." 

"Definitely, that's 'Hiken no Ace', one of the super rookies back then, and now he has a bounty of more than 500 million, and the force is terrifying!" 

When this matter was raised, all the pirates entered into a heated discussion. 

The murder of Thatch, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' fourth division, has gone undisguised and has now spread to the first half of the Grand Line. 

But the person who started it was Blackbeard, and no one knows except the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates. 

After all, this kind of thing is the biggest taboo in Whitebeard Pirates made up of a "family", and it's also a scandal that no one will mention! 

So no one will expose the real insider information. 

"No... Not right!!" 

Just as the pirates were arguing heatedly, a loud shout suddenly attracted everyone's attention. 

I saw a pirate, trembling all over the place at that moment, looking at the two people standing on the high platform with some horror in their eyes, and he said tremblingly: "The most ... the biggest..." 

"It's the disappearance of the tenryūbito!!" 



Thought of the great True Lord Taverius II 

This king sends a big greeting to all the readers. 

I am delighted to see the constant support of this novel that I bring you with my personal touch, although it is not my authorship, really thank you. 

That said, let me bring up this little lament from this king. 

When I started this project I hadn't seen this novel here on Wednovel, but recently I realized that if there was another user also uploading this novel, it wasn't that long ago that he uploaded it, but I still get shocked 

If the other novel I thought of bringing was not enough, then another author is also uploading it. 

This has left me unmotivated as I thought I would bring this great story to wednovel being the first, but I realize that I'm actually not. 

This king will continue uploading the chapters, this will be a simple emotional note.