Chapter 29- Run, don't you remember what I just said?!

When these words came out, the lively square fell into a deathly silence. 

Isn't that true? The most influential event in the ocean recently is the disappearance of a tenryūbito! 

It's just that the tenryūbito accident in Sabaody is a more than welcome event for most people, especially the pirates and the revolutionary army. 

There is no one who does not hate those world nobles! 

Of course, it's one thing if you like to listen to it; It's just because it didn't happen to you and it's nothing more than taking it as a joke after a meal. 

Just now, when Karl asked about this, most people didn't think about tenryūbito at first. 

After all, it has nothing to do with them... 

Even most think that the ones attacking the tenryūbito are most likely the revolutionary army, hostile to them! 

So, another important event that actually happened in the pirate world, the assassination of the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, came up and directed the attention of most of the people present towards this topic... 

Humans are the animals that are most easily guided by issues and public opinion, thus ignoring the heart of the real problem. This is not uncommon in Karl's "former life". 

In any era, in any world, there are no exceptions, and so are pirates. 

"Yes... Yes, the recent big event has no greater influence than this..." 

After a while, someone made a sound, breaking the silence. 

However, after waiting for the pirates, they looked into the terrified eyes of the man who had just screamed and found that Blackbeard and Karl, who were standing on the high platform, were looking at them with a half-smile. 

This kind of strange expression, on the subject at hand... 

The special code, the immediate visual sensation of a horror movie! 

In an instant, everyone felt a chill down their spine and thought of a spooky possibility... 

"That's right, the disappearance of tenryūbito was done by us!" 

"Saint Leschar is in the hands of our crew of the Blackbeard Pirates! 

Without waiting for the pirates to present various conspiracy theories in their hearts, Karl spoke directly and exposed that they are to blame for the kidnapping of the tenryūbito! 

"Oh my God!" 

It really is! 

Downstairs, the pirate who was the first to correct everyone and found the problem, after hearing Karl's personal confirmation, the expression on his face became even more panicked. 

This time, he didn't dare to delay, turned around immediately and moved in the direction of the island off, and fled! 

What a joke, in front of you are two people wanted by the world! 

The Navy and the World Government ordered him to kill, to hunt down the insane who dared to attack the 'descendants of the creator' for the rest of his life until he was tried and executed! 

If you follow them, don't you run the risk of being chased by the World Government like a mad dog? 

Even to find the missing tenryūbito, the World Government has offered a great reward! 

Not to mention finding San Leschar, even if you can provide a little clue, as long as it proves useful, you can get a minimum starting reward of hundreds of millions! 

This is the wealth that ordinary people cannot earn in their entire lives... 

This is much higher than the reward for catching common pirates! 

For this reason, many full-time bounty hunters now choose to change careers and help the World Government find this supposed clue... 

Even if you hate tenryūbito, no one will have a hard time with money; after all, the latter is a real benefit! 

It can be said that once Blackbeard and Karl's identities are exposed, it is really a situation where everyone is an enemy, even if they are "companions", they will come to step on them. 

It's so realistic! 

"Run? It seems that you have forgotten what I said at the beginning!" 

Looking at the pirates running wildly below, Karl's expression turned cold. Although his tone was flat, everyone could hear the obvious killing intent in his voice... 

The next moment, Karl's figure on the high platform instantly disappeared under the eyes of the public, leaving only a secondary image on the spot! 

"Zehaha, I dare to turn a deaf ear to my first mate's words, it seems that I really want to die..." 

Just as Karl disappeared, Blackbeard's mournful laughter also reached everyone's ears. 

Immediately after, Blackbeard jumped off the high platform and flew in the other direction! 

"Please... Let me go... please...!" 

After a while, the many pirates present had digested the hard news they had just heard, when they heard the sound of a "dead duck" intermittently. 

After turning around, the pirates discovered that Karl, who had just disappeared, had returned and was behind them. 

In his hands he carried the pirate who first discovered the problem and escaped! 

"Your reaction is quite quick, but your decision is not very wise..." 

Karl squeezed the pirate's neck with one hand and lifted him up, with both feet off the ground. 

Seeing his face flushed with suffocation and his limbs pounding again and again, Karl showed no mercy on his face, showing indifference, as if he was pinching a chicken, pinching it! 

"I... I was wrong, great... Lord, let me go!" 

With all his might, the pinched pirate took a long time to spit out these words. 

He never imagined that Karl's speed would be so fast! 

After such a long distance, I could easily catch up! 

This guy's brain is really brilliant. 

Just as everyone went astray, thinking that Karl was talking about the murder of Whitebeard's pirate team leader, he reacted, and the other party was obviously not talking about this. 

After seeing the "strange" smiles on Karl and Blackbeard's faces, he became more and more confident... 

It's just that he didn't control his legs after all, and he was so scared that he shouted the truth. After all, it's nothing, Karl himself later confirmed. 

BUT... Under extreme panic, he decided to run away and pushed himself into the fire pit! 

"I've reminded you, but unfortunately, you take the initiative to run and turn a deaf ear to my words, so suffer the consequences..." 


@NordicRazor, thank you so much for your powerstone. 

@ DragoCoffee, this king thanks from the bottom of his heart for your continued support, there are already 24 power stones.